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MLB changes the name of the 'Disabled List' at the request of disability advocates (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning

Major League Baseball confirmed to ESPN on Thursday that it’s changing the name of the “Disabled List” to the “Injury List.” The genesis of the rule? Disability advocates asked Major League Baseball to change the name because so people wouldn’t confuse “disabilities” and “injuries” and further the thinking that a disability means someone can’t play a sport.

I really find it hard to wrap my head around how absolutely crazy this PC movement has become.

I can't even comment on this. I've written and erased 4 different responses.
Don’t see much to get upset over. Injury list is more appropriate terminology. If they wanted to change it to something like Alternative Athletic Ability list or Temporarily Handycapable List I may think it’s going too far but this just doesn’t get me excited in the least
Could be worse...
i'll forget about this pressing issue by my next pee break.
No harm at all in changing the name. Not one whit. As Chillfolks noted, it's more accurate.

Thats true and had MLB changed it on their own it wouldnt be a problem but a bunch of cripples started whining because we are in a era that if you cry loud enough and get enough sympathy you can get your way. Thats how he have the cheeto in chief
Thats true and had MLB changed it on their own it wouldnt be a problem but a bunch of cripples started whining because we are in a era that if you cry loud enough and get enough sympathy you can get your way. Thats how he have the cheeto in chief

Thanks for advertising that you are not worth the time it would take me to read another one of your posts. I love it when people make it so obvious. Saves a whole lot of grief.
Thanks for advertising that you are not worth the time it would take me to read another one of your posts. I love it when people make it so obvious. Saves a whole lot of grief.

Noted that you are unable to come up with a response to my post. Guess you are on the DP "injury" list
Be interesting to know exactly how this change in policy came about. My first thought is that, yeah, it is a little ridiculous.

Can picture a percentage of those persons actually qualifying as disabled just rolling their eyes thinking: "Hope nobody thinks this was my idea."
The MLB is capitulating to the pansies. Sad.

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