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Mississippi man faces sixth capital murder trial in 1996 shootings (1 Viewer)


Jun 4, 2010
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Mississippi man faces sixth capital murder trial in 1996 shootings - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Curtis Flowers has stood before five juries in the past 13 years on capital murder charges, accused of killing four people in a Mississippi furniture store.

This week, prosecutors are hoping his sixth trial will be the last.

Flowers, 40, is believed to be the only person in recent U.S. history to be tried six times on the same capital murder charges.


"Any time that we feel there is evidence to prove a case, we're going to pursue it," said [Montgomery County District Attorney] Evans, who tried the five previous cases and will lead the prosecution this time.

Evans declined to elaborate on lessons learned from the previous trials or to say if his strategy will be different this time around, but he said the two hung juries did not affect his decision to try Flowers again.

"Any case that's on the docket I want to try and dispose of it," he said.

So he heads to trial for the sixth time. Isn't there some law against being tried twice for the same crime?
Oh a black American.. in Mississippi.. go figure! Yes I played the race card, because it is highly relevant.
Oh a black American.. in Mississippi.. go figure! Yes I played the race card, because it is highly relevant.

Would you prefer that prosecutors not continue to seek justice in cases of mistrial?
Oh a black American.. in Mississippi.. go figure! Yes I played the race card, because it is highly relevant.

Plz tell me how playing the race card is relevant?
Would you prefer that prosecutors not continue to seek justice in cases of mistrial?

I find this part problematic:

CNN said:
Flowers has been convicted three times and sentenced to death twice, but the Mississippi Supreme Court reversed those verdicts and ordered a new trial each time. His two most recent trials ended in hung juries, leading his supporters to question why the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office continues to seek a conviction.

They put out a $30,000 reward and suddenly half the townsfolk reported having seen Flowers acting suspicious. He's already spent 13 years in jail and now they want to try him again. It certainly tests the limits of justice.
Oh a black American.. in Mississippi.. go figure! Yes I played the race card, because it is highly relevant.

No it is not highly relevant, but as you are from EU we need to let you know that attitudes over here change over the years whereas with the EU attitudes seem to be locked in.
This is a legendary case, since this will be his sixth trail with the same evidence. Basically the three of the trails were thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct, and the last three were hung juries. This man killed 4 workers in a furniture store, and should be punished for his crimes.

The finest young man that ever put on a pair of pants

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