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Millennials have lost their grip (1 Viewer)

This millennial bashing **** needs to stop. It's getting ridiculous.
This millennial bashing **** needs to stop. It's getting ridiculous.

most of the folks who i work with are millennials, and they are top notch professionals.
This millennial bashing **** needs to stop. It's getting ridiculous.

Maybe, we just don't think the custom of checking for hidden weapons, one which exposes us to whatever germs you have, is relevant anymore and thus don't do it with our peers. And find it awkward when forced to do it with you out of some social necessity.

Just because we don't do stuff like you, doesn't mean we are inferior or stupid. It just means we adapted to stimuli and turned out different. Plus, you can never tell which hand someone wipes with. What exactly is the advantage of shaking hands?

crap i quoted the wrong person.
Maybe, we just don't think the custom of checking for hidden weapons, one which exposes us to whatever germs you have, is relevant anymore and thus don't do it with our peers. And find it awkward when forced to do it with you out of some social necessity.

Just because we don't do stuff like you, doesn't mean we are inferior or stupid. It just means we adapted to stimuli and turned out different. Plus, you can never tell which hand someone wipes with. What exactly is the advantage of shaking hands?

crap i quoted the wrong person.

Was about to say, I'm 25. :lol:
This millennial bashing **** needs to stop. It's getting ridiculous.


Us gen-xers had to put up with it for 20 years, it's your turn and it's just get started
This millennial bashing **** needs to stop. It's getting ridiculous.

My intention was not to "Millennials-bash." I'm actually interested in handshakes, especially the "salesman's handshake," and have studied them because these are often the critical first impression in an interview. Like many women, I had to be taught how to shake someone's hand. If some Millennials need to practice too, as the 2008 study referenced in my link suggests, then that's simply an issue to address.

Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar, you guys.

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