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military tribunal (1 Viewer)

john patriot

Apr 19, 2020
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the military tribunals going on at Camp 7 Gitmo have been going on since January 2, has any one heared the outcomes! Q 2024
This stuff comes out of 4chan

Part of the QANON religion is something called the storm, where there will be a military coup to install Trump as a dictator and arrest all the pedophile satanists in government.

It's wild stuff!
Part of the QANON religion is something called the storm, where there will be a military coup to install Trump as a dictator and arrest all the pedophile satanists in government.

It's wild stuff!

how ****ing stupid does one have to be??
how ****ing stupid does one have to be??

If Biden wins, expect them to triple down on the stupid.

Remember when we thought birthers were stupid? We are well past that point these days.
If Biden wins, expect them to triple down on the stupid.

Remember when we thought birthers were stupid? We are well past that point these days.

Can a country sustain, during pandemic, where 40% of population is stark raving mad?
If Biden wins, expect them to triple down on the stupid.

Remember when we thought birthers were stupid? We are well past that point these days.

i really need the demographics of these Q nut jobs. is this something that goes away in 20 years of is this around forever?
Can a country sustain, during pandemic, where 40% of population is stark raving mad?

I have no idea, but its a fascinating and scary phenomenon with just how many people are rejecting reality.
i really need the demographics of these Q nut jobs. is this something that goes away in 20 years of is this around forever?

This is one of the drawbacks of the internet. These marginalized losers have been able to find each others and convince themselves and each other that they're correct and know all these things the rest of us don't.
This is one of the drawbacks of the internet. These marginalized losers have been able to find each others and convince themselves and each other that they're correct and know all these things the rest of us don't.

they really do have this need to believe that they're special.

i think you know what that's a big ole red flag for.
they really do have this need to believe that they're special.

i think you know what that's a big ole red flag for.

It's either that or accept to reality that they were rejected by society because they were kooks and losers.
It's either that or accept to reality that they were rejected by society because they were kooks and losers.

...whose houses our parents told us to not go near as kids.
Part of the QANON religion is something called the storm, where there will be a military coup to install Trump as a dictator and arrest all the pedophile satanists in government.

It's wild stuff!

Yes Trump is an arc angel sent by God to save us...but not before he kills 200,000 Americans by mishandling the Covid 19 response..:lol: That is part of God's plan too apparently.


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