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Michael Steele (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters: ‘Yeah, I’m with stupid''' | Fox News

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters

“I’ve talked to enough of them over the last few days. I’m exhausted, I’m exasperated. You know, at this point, it’s like, save who you can save. Because there’s only so much you can do, there’s only so much you can say. The fact that we have to literally beg people to wear a mask to save their own dumb a-- from getting sick, I’m sorry. To me, it is beyond the imagination... I am just so exhausted with this president,”

All good people have had it with Trump's base, DEm, or Republican.
I feel sorry for sane and good hearted Republicans.

The Rush/Falwell Republicans took over.
"The fact that we have to literally beg people to wear a mask to save their own dumb a-- from getting sick, I’m sorry. To me, it is beyond the imagination"

And when you do, they as usual accuse you of two mutually contradictory things: (1) that you are hoping they die from COVID so that Trump looks bad, (2) you are perpetrating a hoax so you can steal their freedoms via mask mandates and the like.

Trumpism: the raging soul-sucking scumbaggery is the point.
Steel said what I have been saying for almost a year, leave them alone. Stop trying to convince them of anything whether its masks or freedom. Just stop.
Save yourself and those you can. Leave the rest alone.

According to them masks are a form of slavery.
Nevermind flu season is coming and masks, social distancing, hand washing/sanitizing this year will probably keep the flu deaths along with covid down significantly.
Fox/rush/fallwell. The dumbing down of the almost brain dead already.

yeah, i know. they're in my extended family (Alabama, South Carolina & Georgia).
Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters: ‘Yeah, I’m with stupid''' | Fox News

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters

“I’ve talked to enough of them over the last few days. I’m exhausted, I’m exasperated. You know, at this point, it’s like, save who you can save. Because there’s only so much you can do, there’s only so much you can say. The fact that we have to literally beg people to wear a mask to save their own dumb a-- from getting sick, I’m sorry. To me, it is beyond the imagination... I am just so exhausted with this president,”

All good people have had it with Trump's base, DEm, or Republican.

This is so good to hear, I wish more sane Repubs and everyone else would stop talking about Trump and start talking about Trump's enablers.

I'm sick of listening to the news endlessly claiming that the disasters over the last four years are all Trump's fault. That Trump should do this, or do that. That Trump has as no honor, that Trump separated hundreds of children from their parents, that Trump's delay to face the pandemic killed tens of thousands of Americans. That Trump believe's blacks will invade the burbs, etc., etc.

No, not in a million years would Trump have gotten away with these outrages without the approval and full support of the, 'dumb a--es' who continue believing Trump is the second coming. I hear so many people claim the Trump is the worst threat America has faced, when in reality, the worst threat America has faced is the current Repub electorate...
I feel sorry for sane and good hearted Republicans.

The Rush/Falwell Republicans took over.
No need to feel sorry for us. We have been sharing the party with the michael steel progressive faction for a long time now.

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I feel sorry for sane and good hearted Republicans.

The Rush/Falwell Republicans took over.
They allowed it to happen because of their lust for political power. Now the monster has taken over the party. **** them.
Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters: ‘Yeah, I’m with stupid''' | Fox News

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters

“I’ve talked to enough of them over the last few days. I’m exhausted, I’m exasperated. You know, at this point, it’s like, save who you can save. Because there’s only so much you can do, there’s only so much you can say. The fact that we have to literally beg people to wear a mask to save their own dumb a-- from getting sick, I’m sorry. To me, it is beyond the imagination... I am just so exhausted with this president,”

All good people have had it with Trump's base, DEm, or Republican.
I saw this when he said it live. I couldn't agree with him more. The Trump supporters all need to be institutionalized. White jackets and all.

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