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Michael Cohen Delays House Testimony, Citing Threats From Trump, Giuliani (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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I'm not surprised that Michaen Cohen and his family are being threatened. Trump threatened Cohen's father already so what's stopping him from threatening Michael Cohen's wife and kids? Nothing is stopping him. Trump becomes more and more like Vladimir Putin every day. Witness intimidation is a criminal offense.


Michael Cohen Delays House Testimony, Citing Threats From Trump, Giuliani

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, has postponed his testimony to Congress citing concerns for his family’s safety.

Cohen’s family, including his wife, children and in-laws, encouraged him to postpone the appearance after calls by Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to investigate Cohen’s father-in-law, according to Cohen’s lawyer and spokesman Lanny Davis.

“The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress,” Davis said.
So he's a rat and a liar AND a coward? Geez. He fancied himself Trump's "fixer." He loved the idea. Now he's a rat. How fast and hard we fall.
So he's a rat and a liar AND a coward? Geez. He fancied himself Trump's "fixer." He loved the idea. Now he's a rat. How fast and hard we fall.

You guys are too predictable. The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress
So he's a rat and a liar AND a coward? Geez. He fancied himself Trump's "fixer." He loved the idea. Now he's a rat. How fast and hard we fall.

He is not a rat, rats eat their own young. He is fessing up to crimes committed while being employed by the trump crime family.

To be honest I am very surprised he is still breathing.

Kinda sad how many people associated with trump had to invest in Kevlar jackets, Geiger counters and gas masks.

I will not live long enough to read all of the books that will be written about the unprecedented level of espionage and corruption we are experiencing with this administration...
I'm not surprised that Michaen Cohen and his family are being threatened. Trump threatened Cohen's father already so what's stopping him from threatening Michael Cohen's wife and kids? Nothing is stopping him. Trump becomes more and more like Vladimir Putin every day. Witness intimidation is a criminal offense.


Michael Cohen Delays House Testimony, Citing Threats From Trump, Giuliani

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, has postponed his testimony to Congress citing concerns for his family’s safety.

Cohen’s family, including his wife, children and in-laws, encouraged him to postpone the appearance after calls by Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to investigate Cohen’s father-in-law, according to Cohen’s lawyer and spokesman Lanny Davis.

“The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress,” Davis said.

It's safe to say that the threats are more than twitter smack talk.

wife scared about physically showing up to the hearing, thought she could get hurt.
It's safe to say that the threats are more than twitter smack talk.

Truthfully, I've been absolutely astonished that nobody has been knocked off yet. That's how the 'goodfella's' from NY ordinarily do things. I guess there's just too many eyes watching.
Truthfully, I've been absolutely astonished that nobody has been knocked off yet. That's how the 'goodfella's' from NY ordinarily do things. I guess there's just too many eyes watching.

Cohen recently was seen pretty beaten up coming out of a hospital. They claim he had shoulder surgery, this was a couple of days ago, and now he delays his testimony...
I'm not surprised that Michaen Cohen and his family are being threatened. Trump threatened Cohen's father already so what's stopping him from threatening Michael Cohen's wife and kids? Nothing is stopping him. Trump becomes more and more like Vladimir Putin every day. Witness intimidation is a criminal offense.


Michael Cohen Delays House Testimony, Citing Threats From Trump, Giuliani

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, has postponed his testimony to Congress citing concerns for his family’s safety.

Cohen’s family, including his wife, children and in-laws, encouraged him to postpone the appearance after calls by Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to investigate Cohen’s father-in-law, according to Cohen’s lawyer and spokesman Lanny Davis.

“The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress,” Davis said.

Impeach the Great Orange Fool. Obstruction of justice is illegal.
Truthfully, I've been absolutely astonished that nobody has been knocked off yet. That's how the 'goodfella's' from NY ordinarily do things. I guess there's just too many eyes watching.

Not just New York, remember Putin and the Russian mafia are involved.

Hasn't at leas one witness, a professor disappeared in Europe?
You guys are too predictable. The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress

...which is obstruction of justice, played out for all of us to see. Interesting move by Cohen.

So he's a rat and a liar AND a coward? Geez. He fancied himself Trump's "fixer." He loved the idea. Now he's a rat. How fast and hard we fall.

"Rat" is a term used by mob bosses to describe people that have flipped. Interesting that you would freely use that particular term. Do I take it that you see the organized crime element in the Trump family?
...which is obstruction of justice, played out for all of us to see. Interesting move by Cohen.

Very. Maybe he got wind of the PR campaign Trump would use against him, and decided instead of going out in public. Prove Witness intimidation. Not sure where this goes from here. Does he speak to Mueller? Or does Mueller come out with something new?
Cohen recently was seen pretty beaten up coming out of a hospital. They claim he had shoulder surgery, this was a couple of days ago, and now he delays his testimony...

Ohhhh that's interesting. I saw a picture of him earlier today and he looked 30 years older. I hadn't heard that he was in the hospital. Truthfully, if he's being threatened or coerced in any way, the FBI will pick that up pretty quickly and God help those people or persons that are threatening him.
Not just New York, remember Putin and the Russian mafia are involved.

Hasn't at leas one witness, a professor disappeared in Europe?

This isn't going to end well for anyone, Trump, Russia or this country. And yes, this sort of witness intimidation has the fingerprints of Putin all over it. That's how Vlad rolls.
Ohhhh that's interesting. I saw a picture of him earlier today and he looked 30 years older. I hadn't heard that he was in the hospital. Truthfully, if he's being threatened or coerced in any way, the FBI will pick that up pretty quickly and God help those people or persons that are threatening him.

A couple of theories are floating around. One being that Cohen wasn't ever going to testify, but used the fact that he might to trap trump.
A couple of theories are floating around. One being that Cohen wasn't ever going to testify, but used the fact that he might to trap trump.

Congress can still subpoena him, but the question is will they?

Not saying this is going to happen but now Trump is interfering with the politically charged issues surrounding Venezuela. If Trump thinks he's going to send our army into Venezuela then he's going to have an uprising on his hands. Everyone wants that oil and will do anything to get control of it. The oil reserves of Venezuela are reported to be vaster than that of Saudi Arabia. But, Putin got a jump on Venezuela many months ago. The country is swarming with Russian oil specialists and advisors. My son lives in Colombia which is on the border and he said that even their city is overrun with Russians going in and out of Venezuela.

Last month two Tu-160 strategic nuclear capable Russian bombers landed in Venezuela. They flew right over the Caribbean to get there. None of what's happening in the word is by accident. It's part of Putin's plan, Trump was a big part of it. The wheels have been set in motion and now it's going to be a matter of time to see whether it's too late to stop them or not.

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So he's a rat and a liar AND a coward? Geez. He fancied himself Trump's "fixer." He loved the idea. Now he's a rat. How fast and hard we fall.

Yep, and as we've seen over and over, that's exactly who Trump likes to associate with, rats, liars and cowards. Birds of a feather, and all that.
I'm not surprised that Michaen Cohen and his family are being threatened. Trump threatened Cohen's father already so what's stopping him from threatening Michael Cohen's wife and kids? Nothing is stopping him. Trump becomes more and more like Vladimir Putin every day. Witness intimidation is a criminal offense.


Michael Cohen Delays House Testimony, Citing Threats From Trump, Giuliani

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, has postponed his testimony to Congress citing concerns for his family’s safety.

Cohen’s family, including his wife, children and in-laws, encouraged him to postpone the appearance after calls by Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to investigate Cohen’s father-in-law, according to Cohen’s lawyer and spokesman Lanny Davis.

“The president has terrorized someone who wanted to tell the truth before Congress,” Davis said.

Of course he's postponing his grand show ... :lamo ... his legal adviser "warned" us already in his interview last Thursday ...

"... "He's considering whether to go forward in light of the concerns about his family. My guess is that he won't let a bully silence him but I can tell you that he is still considering whether to do this or not," Davis said in an interview with MSNBC on Thursday. ..."


... and after Mueller inserted himself into the Buzzfeed story, I knew Cohen would not appear any time soon for any "testimony" ... :lamo
A couple of theories are floating around. One being that Cohen wasn't ever going to testify, but used the fact that he might to trap trump.

How about this theory:

Nobody in the dem field has offered Cohen a lucrative enough "book deal" yet ... :lol:
If there's been any threats made other than the obvious one Trump made towards Michael Cohen's father in law, then the FBI is most certainly tracking those threats and there's going to be hell to pay for that person or persons who dared to threaten Cohen or his families life.

"Rat" is a term used by mob bosses to describe people that have flipped. Interesting that you would freely use that particular term. Do I take it that you see the organized crime element in the Trump family?

Exactly. By definition a rat must have something to tell. They need someone to rat out. The usual fail of a pro-trump defence - every time they denounce an associate as a rat or decry their lack of loyalty they're tacitly admitting they know trump is hiding crimes.

But actually we know Cohen is a creep and I think he's making this up to stall for some reason. Trump threatens to sue or spill dirt, which may turn out to be obstruction, but I doubt Giuliani would stoop to kneecapping anyone.
How about this theory:

Nobody in the dem field has offered Cohen a lucrative enough "book deal" yet ... :lol:

Are they in the publishing business?

Also I'd imagine book deals have to wait till after prison don't they?

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