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Memo by Trump's attorney general pick raises alarms on Russia probe's future (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the U.S. Senate are sounding alarms about the special counsel’s investigation into possible Russia election meddling, saying President Donald Trump’s pick for the next attorney general, William Barr, could derail the probe.

They are also concerned by reports that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker does not have to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation, even though he repeatedly criticized it.
Trump picked Barr out of all the lawyers in the U.S. because of his written opinions criticizing the Mueller probe. This is transparent treachery to obstruct justice by decree.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the U.S. Senate are sounding alarms about the special counsel’s investigation into possible Russia election meddling, saying President Donald Trump’s pick for the next attorney general, William Barr, could derail the probe.

They are also concerned by reports that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker does not have to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation, even though he repeatedly criticized it.
Trump picked Barr out of all the lawyers in the U.S. because of his written opinions criticizing the Mueller probe. This is transparent treachery to obstruct justice by decree.

I hope no one thought Trump would pick the best qualified individual for a permanent Attorney General.

Trump always places personal loyalty above all other considerations.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the U.S. Senate are sounding alarms about the special counsel’s investigation into possible Russia election meddling, saying President Donald Trump’s pick for the next attorney general, William Barr, could derail the probe.

They are also concerned by reports that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker does not have to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation, even though he repeatedly criticized it.
Trump picked Barr out of all the lawyers in the U.S. because of his written opinions criticizing the Mueller probe. This is transparent treachery to obstruct justice by decree.


Let the screaming into the night sky commence!!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the U.S. Senate are sounding alarms about the special counsel’s investigation into possible Russia election meddling, saying President Donald Trump’s pick for the next attorney general, William Barr, could derail the probe.

They are also concerned by reports that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker does not have to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation, even though he repeatedly criticized it.
Trump picked Barr out of all the lawyers in the U.S. because of his written opinions criticizing the Mueller probe. This is transparent treachery to obstruct justice by decree.

The below effectively refutes the concerns. Its a good pick.

I hope no one thought Trump would pick the best qualified individual for a permanent Attorney General.

Trump always places personal loyalty above all other considerations.

The Trump “loyalty” question is a strange phenomenon. Do people think it comes from Trump’s lack of knowledge about how government is supposed to work, a more “gangsterish” paranoia about possible betrayal, or a family-like thing, which would explain Jarred and Ivanka? Asking Comey if he was loyal or grumbling about Sessions’ recusal would be obviously weird for anyone with a fundamental grasp of government, ethics, etc. I have to assume that RFK would have recused himself from any (public, at least) participation into investigation of JFK.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the U.S. Senate are sounding alarms about the special counsel’s investigation into possible Russia election meddling, saying President Donald Trump’s pick for the next attorney general, William Barr, could derail the probe.

They are also concerned by reports that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker does not have to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation, even though he repeatedly criticized it.
Trump picked Barr out of all the lawyers in the U.S. because of his written opinions criticizing the Mueller probe. This is transparent treachery to obstruct justice by decree.
Known animosity being shown by the people investigating trump is not grounds for recusals but criticism of their investigation is?

Lol you cant make this stuff up

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I hope no one thought Trump would pick the best qualified individual for a permanent Attorney General.

Trump always places personal loyalty above all other considerations.
Democrats always scream doomsday about every pick a Republican makes. This isnt novel.

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