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Meet the Press, Sunday Feb. 19 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Did anyone watch this past Sunday's Meet the Press? Tim Russert had Mary Matalin, David Gregory, Maureen Dowd, and some Wall Street Journal journalist. Mary Matalin could not take any criticism of the Vice President so she started making her insults personal. Seeing her so defensive and behaving like a combative child was the highlight of the show. Her defensiveness spoke volumes as to the Cheney shooting. Matalin showed no class whatsoever. There there, Mary.....here's some valium.
aps said:
Did anyone watch this past Sunday's Meet the Press? Tim Russert had Mary Matalin, David Gregory, Maureen Dowd, and some Wall Street Journal journalist. Mary Matalin could not take any criticism of the Vice President so she started making her insults personal. Seeing her so defensive and behaving like a combative child was the highlight of the show. Her defensiveness spoke volumes as to the Cheney shooting. Matalin showed no class whatsoever. There there, Mary.....here's some valium.

***Just the opposite as you project. Mary was squeezed in between some of the most partisan jerks imaginable. Talk about not having a balanced political debate. Meet the Depressed is another in a long line of liberal media outlets. Mary kicked butt!
ptsdkid said:
***Just the opposite as you project. Mary was squeezed in between some of the most partisan jerks imaginable. Talk about not having a balanced political debate. Meet the Depressed is another in a long line of liberal media outlets. Mary kicked butt!

Interesting. What bugged me was that they didn't have a democrat strategist there; rather, they had three journalists. Maureen Dowd is unquestionably harsh when it comes to Bush, but she was also harsh when it came to Clinton when he was the president.

People could not stand the sighing that Gore did in one of the presidential debates before the 2000 election, including myself. It made him look like an a$$. I am embarrassed when a democrat behaves that way. That is exactly what Mary was doing on Sudnay. She was sighing and shaking her head when anyone had anything negative to say about Cheney. She couldn't show a classy demeanor to save her life. If she really thought that Cheney hadn't done anything wrong, she wouldn't be so up in arms about any criticism of him. I felt sorry for her because she looked like a fool.
aps said:
Did anyone watch this past Sunday's Meet the Press? Tim Russert had Mary Matalin, David Gregory, Maureen Dowd, and some Wall Street Journal journalist. Mary Matalin could not take any criticism of the Vice President so she started making her insults personal. Seeing her so defensive and behaving like a combative child was the highlight of the show. Her defensiveness spoke volumes as to the Cheney shooting. Matalin showed no class whatsoever. There there, Mary.....here's some valium.
I just read throught the WHOLE TRANSCIPT...Here it is...

Please tell me where this "combative child" is that you claim?...

I DO see things like this...you know...from Maureen Dowd...someone whose supposed to be an intelligent member of the media...

transcript said:
MS. DOWD: Mary, it isn’t only the press. He blows off the FISA courts, he blows off the Geneva Conventions, he blows off the U.N. to go to Iraq. He wants to blow off everything. He’s got a fever of about presidential erosion just the way he had a fever about going into Iraq.

MR. GIGOT: A hunting incident—the vice president can defend himself, but a hunting incident is a little different than the FISA court issue and the NSA.

MS. DOWD: But it’s part of same pattern.

MR. GIGOT: It is not—it’s—how about a little human empathy? I mean, he shot his friend. He’s—it’s really one of these incidents where I think we can all stand back and say, “Let’s have a debate about the FISA Courts. Let’s have a big debate about the NSA wiretaps. Those are important issues.” This is a very different kind of circumstance.

MS. DOWD: But then he shot his friend and blames his friend.

This is AFTER Cheney came out publicly and took full responsibility...Dowd says Cheney blamed Whittington...

David Gregory summed it up well...

transcript said:
MR. GREGORY: Tim, can I just speak up on a point that Paul made that I think is a good one, which is I think for the moment I’m the only one here representing the White House press corps. I think one of the things we may have missed this week is a little bit more empathy for the vice president, given what he went through. This is a terrible incident for two people, one of whom happened to be the vice president. I think we missed that a little bit in all of this questioning. I do think the vice president gave voice to that personal pain extremely well this week, which is why, I for one, was so pleased to see him speak publicly about it and, you know, why I think it would have been useful to speak about it more quickly.

Now watch how Gigot responds...and then watch how Dowd responds...

Figure out who the idiot is for yourself...

transcript said:
MR. GIGOT: This is—I think this whole issue is an illustration of so many of our debates—every debate for that matter in Washington goes immediately to DEFCON 1, where both sides square off and it’s bad faith on this side, bad faith on that side. You know, sometimes people make mistakes, human mistakes. And this is one of those cases where I think we ought to treat it in human terms.

MS. DOWD: But I think reporters would have had a lot of empathy for the vice president if he hadn’t sent people out for four days to blame the victim. I mean, you know, I went hunting with Reagan and Bush Sr. and I’ve been on all these Republican hunting trips, and—but I’ve learned a lot about hunting this week. And the thing I’ve learned is that the shooter bears total responsibility for where everyone in the party is before he shoots, and they shoot abreast, not while someone’s fetching a duck. So for him to send all these people out to blame this guy for so many days was not appropriate.

And here's the ending...Check out Dowd's continuing attack and "combative child"like behavior...

transcript said:
MS. DOWD: Well, I do think, you know, I appreciate the vice president’s attempts to put on a sweet pink tie and, you know, to tell Wyoming about, you know, his lust as a newlywed. But I think Mary had a very difficult job humanizing Dick Cheney, because I don’t think he has given us much chance to see him as a human being.

Now I've sourced the WHOLE TRANSCRIPT...It starts on page 4 and goes through to page 8...

Show me where Mary Matalin personally attacked any member on this panel...Show me where she was acting like a "combative child."....

Show the whole forum...:roll:
cnredd said:
I just read throught the WHOLE TRANSCIPT...Here it is...

Please tell me where this "combative child" is that you claim?...

I DO see things like this...you know...from Maureen Dowd...someone whose supposed to be an intelligent member of the media...

This is AFTER Cheney came out publicly and took full responsibility...Dowd says Cheney blamed Whittington...

David Gregory summed it up well...

Now watch how Gigot responds...and then watch how Dowd responds...

Figure out who the idiot is for yourself...

And here's the ending...Check out Dowd's continuing attack and "combative child"like behavior...

Now I've sourced the WHOLE TRANSCRIPT...It starts on page 4 and goes through to page 8...

Show me where Mary Matalin personally attacked any member on this panel...Show me where she was acting like a "combative child."....

Show the whole forum...:roll:

I will try to get to this today, but I am swamped, so I am not sure I can do that today. Regardless, you can now watch the entire episode from your computer. Reading a transcript and actually watching the show are two, different things. You don't see her rolling her eyes from the transcript.
Here is a perfect example of her making it personal against David Gregory:

MS. MATALIN: Let me pose a question here. What if I called David, instead of Katherine calling the Corpus Christi Caller-Times and said, “I’m just going to talk to you.” I suppose David’s first reaction, or any of his colleagues would be, “No, let’s go through the process. Let’s call the pool. Let’s get everybody involved here.” No, I know that’s not true because I’ve done this with Cheney feeding frenzies before when he’s had to go in for routine heart checks. There’s no such thing as you just put out a statement. And if I ever did want to just give it to one guy—on occasion which I did so I had the time to walk through it—they would take it. They didn’t say, “Stop! Let’s go through the process and get the whole pool there.” So it’s disingenuous. I’m not starting a false debate. We’re not undermining the hallmarks of the democratic institution, the freedom of the presss. But its much ado about nothing, or in the words of Harry Whittington, “What’s all the hoopla about?”

MR. GREGORY: OK, but Mary, if that’s the case, first of all, you know, the vice president of the United States accidentally shot a man for the first time since Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton. Much different circumstance, admittedly. And the vice president’s office doesn’t feel an obligation to disclose that to the American people directly. You do it through a ranch owner in Texas? It just—it just strikes me as odd.

MS. MATALIN: It strikes you as odd because you live in a parallel universe. It did not strike Americans as odd. Press were calling me saying, “The president—the vice president needs to apologize.” He did profusely and repeatedly to the victim of his accident, who was Harry Whittington.

MR. GREGORY: If you thought he did everything right, why is it that you ultimately—if the vice president said, “I did everything right,” by disclosing it the way he did, why did you do a big national interview this week?

MS. MATALIN: Because you went on a jihad, David. For four days you went on a Jihad.

MR. GREGORY: And that’s an unfortunate use of that word, by the way. This is not what that was.

MS. MATALIN: Oh, OK. All right. How—were you saving up for that line?

First of all, whether Matalin was combative is a matter of opinion. She is someone of your party, so you are willing to overlook certain things that she says. Regardless, what I perceive as combative may not be what you perceive as combative. When I have seen her in interviews, she comes across like a pompous jerk. I saw her on Meet the Press with her husband a guy who co-wrote a book with her husband. She behaved the same way.

Maureen Dowd is totally unemotional when she speaks, and if you watch the show, you will see her making her statements without raising her voice, rolling her eyes, or talking with a condescending tone. Now, of course, you may think she does all these things, but I don't. I put in italics when she made it personal, in my personal opinion, although I think it's a pretty accurate opinion.

It's not a big deal if we come out with different perceptions from the show. I was expressing my opinion.

Your use of the eye rolling similie has gotten old, cnredd.
aps said:
Did anyone watch this past Sunday's Meet the Press? Tim Russert had Mary Matalin, David Gregory, Maureen Dowd, and some Wall Street Journal journalist. Mary Matalin could not take any criticism of the Vice President so she started making her insults personal. Seeing her so defensive and behaving like a combative child was the highlight of the show. Her defensiveness spoke volumes as to the Cheney shooting. Matalin showed no class whatsoever. There there, Mary.....here's some valium.

What was that brooch she was wearing? Yoi!
She is the Cruella Deville of the GOP ;)


FYI - I just finished the audio version of Begala's & Carville's "Take It Back : Our Party, Our Country, Our Future" It's a nice read. Begala reads the audio book. I like Carville a lot more in print then on TV. He's got a lot of great ideas, but always seems so flustered and hyper on the boob tube.

He are what some of the blog's had to say about Matalin's performance:

Update: Mary Matalin's performance was universally panned in the blogosphere. Check out:

firedoglake: Crazy Mary Does Timmeh
"Quite the bravura performance, complete with wacky foil flower badge and everything."

The Left Coaster: Matalin Trots Out The J-Word All Too Easily
"If you watched Meet the Press this morning, you got to see a prime example of how this administration's defenders manage to equate criticism and dissent with terrorism."

Think Progress: Cheney Advisor Won't Say If "A Beer" Is "Literally One Beer"
"What's puzzling is that Matalin insists its a 'literal fact' that Cheney doesn't 'drink and hunt' even though he has admitted to drinking before hunting."

AMERICAblog: Matalin is crankier and nastier than usual on MTP
"Matalin had to spin extra hard today trying to defend Cheney."

Sirotablog: After DUIs, Should We Really "Presume" Cheney "Doesn't Drink?"
"Cheney advisor Mary Matalin claimed that the public should be 'presuming what we all know, that [Cheney] doesn't drink.' I don't think we should presume that about anyone who has already admitted to drinking before the hunting accident in question."

Hullabaloo: The Beltway's Madwoman of Chaillot*
"You really have to wonder who is ever going to be dumb enough to ever hire Mary Matalin again? This shooting mess was clearly her deal and she couldn't have f-ed it up worse than she did."

Talking Points Memo: On Meet the...
"Matalin claimed that Vice President Cheney never sent surrogates out to blame Harry Whittington for last weekend's hunting accident... How can she be serious when she was one of the lead surrogates sent out to do just that?"

Eschaton: Liars
"When people lie to you that obviously and blatantly you stop having them on. Matalin doesn't even have an official position in the Bush administration so there's literally no excuse."

Oliver Willis: Meet The Press? Nah, Just Matalin
"Man, they just let Mary Matalin - an official flack for the Bushies - yammer on unopposed forever today, didn't they? Must be that liberal media I keep hearing about."
hipsterdufus said:
What was that brooch she was wearing? Yoi!
She is the Cruella Deville of the GOP ;)


FYI - I just finished the audio version of Begala's & Carville's "Take It Back : Our Party, Our Country, Our Future" It's a nice read. Begala reads the audio book. I like Carville a lot more in print then on TV. He's got a lot of great ideas, but always seems so flustered and hyper on the boob tube.

OMG, I totally agree. That brooch was butt ugly. I thought the red nail polish didn't look too good either.

Yes, her husband does not come off like an articulate person when he's interviewed on TV. I cannot picture the 2 of them together.
hipsterdufus said:
What was that brooch she was wearing? Yoi!
She is the Cruella Deville of the GOP ;)

aps said:
OMG, I totally agree. That brooch was butt ugly. I thought the red nail polish didn't look too good either.

I wrote this just in the last few days...

cnredd said:
Linda Tripp was "fat & ugly"...Monica Lewinski was a "cow"...Katherine Harris was "Cruella Deville"...Ann Coulter is a man...One member on this very forum even mentioned "Buck tooth Condolezza"...

This is from those who claim to have a "higher moral ground" and "care about people"...

What else did you expect?...:shrug:
It's so nice to see that some on the Left are more than willing to back up my statement...:(
cnredd said:
Show me where Mary Matalin personally attacked any member on this panel...Show me where she was acting like a "combative child."....

Show the whole forum...:roll:

I provided a response to your request. At a minimum, you could respond to my post about what I believed was indicative of Matalin personally attacking David Gregory. If you disagree with my assessment, that's fine. I would love for you to watch the entire show because reading words is very different than watching facial expressions, eye contact, and all that stuff.
aps said:
Did anyone watch this past Sunday's Meet the Press? Tim Russert had Mary Matalin, David Gregory, Maureen Dowd, and some Wall Street Journal journalist. Mary Matalin could not take any criticism of the Vice President so she started making her insults personal. Seeing her so defensive and behaving like a combative child was the highlight of the show. Her defensiveness spoke volumes as to the Cheney shooting. Matalin showed no class whatsoever. There there, Mary.....here's some valium.

And this is worthy of debate why?

Unless Mary Matalin became a liberal overnight, this description of her allegedly hysterical behavior (which is a liberal trademark) sounds nothing like her and is highly suspect, especially considering the source. :roll:

If you want anyone here to beleive that she lost an argument (for whatever purpose that may supposedly serve), you might consider posting a link to it.

And she was probably just disgusted with the lame, biased drivel that usually flows from the guests on Tim Russert's show (who worked for Jimmy Carter as a liberal operative before being trusted with legitimate news coverage).
aquapub said:
And this is worthy of debate why?

It was worthy enough for you to comment in this thread. ;) I rest my case.

Unless Mary Matalin became a liberal overnight, this description of her allegedly hysterical behavior (which is a liberal trademark) sounds nothing like her and is highly suspect, especially considering the source. :roll:

I did not describe her behavior as "hysterical." Nice spin there, Mr. Happy.

If you want anyone here to beleive that she lost an argument (for whatever purpose that may supposedly serve), you might consider posting a link to it.

And she was probably just disgusted with the lame, biased drivel that usually flows from Tim Russert (who worked for Jimmy Carter as a liberal operative before being trusted with legitimate news coverage).

cnredd posted the link to the transcript for that show. You can also watch the episode from your computer, if you're at all interested.

aps said:
It was worthy enough for you to comment in this thread. ;) I rest my case.

I did not describe her behavior as "hysterical." Nice spin there, Mr. Happy.

cnredd posted the link to the transcript for that show. You can also watch the episode from your computer, if you're at all interested.


I note that not one point she made, not one statement she made has been rebutted. She explained the situation quite clearly and shot down the hysterics of Ms. Dowd. I will give David Gregory for issuing his appology for his behavior which was indicitive of the WH press corp's.
cnredd said:
I wrote this just in the last few days...

It's so nice to see that some on the Left are more than willing to back up my statement...:(

I'm more than happy to oblige. :2wave:

FYI - Here's a list of Rush's nicknames, sorted alphabetically for your reading pleasure. Part 1

Sex-change operation. The name is pronounced "add-a-dick-to-me".
adopted home town, my
Sacramento, California where Limbaugh lived from 1984 to 1988 while broadcasting on KFBK.
adult beverage
Alcoholic beverages, stated as such to avoid offending parents while on-air.
Former Vice President Al Gore. This nickname was originally used in a parody of Count Dracula involving "Count Taxula" (voiced so as to sound like Bill Clinton) and his loyal servant "Algore" (as in Igor). The nickname "Algore" was used extensively on the show during the U.S. presidential campaign in 2000.
All-Schumer Service (***)
Limbaugh's proposed new news network containing nothing but Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) voicing his opinion(s).
Al Jazeera.
Ashley Wilkes
2004 presidential candidate and former general, Wesley Clark. Ashley Wilkes was a male character on "Gone with the Wind," described by Limbaugh as being somewhat of a "candy-***."
assume room temperature
To die, pass on.
Atlanta Urinal-Constipation
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, an Atlanta newspaper.
Baghdad Jim
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA).
Barbara Streisand
Bullshit (BS)
Big Ketchup
H. J. Heinz Company. Limbaugh uses this term in discussions of Senator John Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, whose fortune comes from that company. The term plays on the way that liberal activists refer to large corporations; e.g., "Big Oil" or "Big Tobacco".
Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States.
Black Helicopter Crowd, the
Conspiracy theorists
Breck Girl, the
2004 vice presidential candidate and former Senator John Edwards (D-NC).
George H. W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States.
George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (and ACLU member). The nickname references Ginsburg's alleged resemblance to comedienne Ruth Buzzi.
Calypso Louie
Louis Farrakhan. This nickname was coined on the show in the context of his involvement in the Million Man March and refers to Farrakhan's career as a calypso singer before his religious conversion.
CBS (emphasis on BS)
CBS News. This nickname was coined during Rathergate when CBS ran a story on Bush's National Guard experience based on forged documents.
Chris Dodd, of waitress sandwich fame
Derived from an accusation that Senator Dodd (D-CT) sexually assualted a waitress with Senator Kennedy (D-MA) in a Washington, D.C. restaurant.
Clinton Library and Massage Parlor
The Clinton Library.
Clinton News Network
Club Gitmo
The U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba that holds suspected terrorists. Limbaugh believes that the terrorists are treated better than they deserve and that they live in better conditions than many servicemen in Iraq. Limbaugh has started selling a line of "Club Gitmo" clothing through his website.
congressional windbags
Loquacious congressmen who call for investigations and hearings when they are partly to blame.
Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana
Congressman William Jefferson (D-LA). Limbaugh always referred to Jefferson in this manner after Hurricane Katrina to make it a point that he did not amplify the fact that Congressman Jefferson is African-American. He did this to separate himself from the remainder of the media, which he claimed was making entirely too big of an issue of the fact that the population of New Orleans is predominantly black, and thereby blaming a delayed federal response time to the disaster on racism.

The "Democrat, Louisiana" portion was also a dig at the mainstream media that rarely identified Jefferson by party. At the time, Tom Delay (R-Texas) was under investigation and the mainstream media identified him as a Republican in almost every story.

Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton's presidential campaign had emphasized that Hillary would be active in setting policy, saying "get two for the price of one".
crumb crunchers
Deficit. Limbaugh would say this in parody of its pronunciation by then-Senator James Sasser of Tennessee in 1993.
Dan Blather
Dan Rather.
Deface the Nation
Face the Nation.
demonstrating absurdity by being absurd
Rush's way to parody, poke fun at, and debunk notable liberal figures. Limbaugh uses exaggerated responses to "point out the utter fatuousness of the liberal philosophy".
Dingy Harry
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). This nickname is a parody of "Dirty Harry", the nickname of a character portrayed by Clint Eastwood.
Faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show.
drive-by caller
A caller with an excellent point who does not have time enough to engage in on air discourse.
DNC Times
The New York Times. Limbaugh is alleging that the Times is effectively an organ of the Democratic National Committee.
Dung Heap Harkin
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA). Limbaugh gave him the name during the Clinton impeachment after Harkin called the charges against President Clinton a "dung heap". Recently Harkin has attacked Limbaugh on the floor of the Senate over Limbaugh's presence on AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio). (See Armed Forces Radio controversy below.)
Excellence in Broadcasting Network
EIB Northern Command
Limbaugh's studio/broadcast complex in New York City.
EIB Southern Command
Limbaugh's studio/broadcast complex in West Palm Beach, Florida.
El Freebo
El Loco Poco Dicko
Representative Dick Gephardt (D-MO).
emotional punditry
Advocacy for a particular objective using purely emotional pleas with little regard for logical arguments for/against the objective.
environmentalist wacko
A militant environmental activist, usually a Democrat, but sometimes a Green Party member, who is usually a member of PETA and/or other environmentally sensitive organizations.
Militantly pro-choice feminists.
Ferret-like Columnist, the
Paul Krugman, a columnist for The New York Times.
Forehead, the
Paul Begala, former Clinton counselor and co-host of CNN's Crossfire.
For those of you in Rio Linda or Palm Beach County…
This phrase is often used by Limbaugh as an introduction to an explanation of somewhat complicated subjects (and sometimes even simple subjects), insinuating that the listenership in Rio Linda, California is not very bright. This practice began after Limbaugh drove through Rio Linda and saw trash and cars on cinder blocks in front yards and he sarcastically stereotyped the residents as ignorant hillbillies needing extra help to understand concepts. Since the Florida butterfly ballot controversy during the 2000 Presidential Election, Limbaugh has also used West Palm Beach instead of or in addition to Rio Linda.
formerly nicotine-stained fingers
Limbaugh's fingers, referring to his former cigarette-smoking habit. (Limbaugh still smokes cigars.)
Frenchurian Candidate, the
2004 Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). See also "Jean Francois Kerry". The nickname parodies the title of the 1962 movie The Manchurian Candidate; a remake was released during the 2004 election campaign.
fringe kooks of the Democratic Party
The ultra-left wing elements inside the Democratic party.
Fruited Plain, the
The United States of America.
General Dinkins
Former Mayor of New York City David Dinkins.
Governor Coomo
Former Governor of New York Mario Cuomo. Limbaugh uses this nickname in parody of the way Rev. Jesse Jackson pronounces Cuomo's name.
golden EIB microphone
Limbaugh's microphone, which guest hosts have confirmed is actually made of gold
A now dated reference to the mainstream media's perceived fawning obsession with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, often preceded with Darth Vaders theme music from Star Wars.
Hand Grenade with the Bad Haircut, the
Ross Perot
The show Hardball with Chris Matthews.
Helmet Head
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND).
Hillary Rodham Rodham
Former US First Lady and current US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY). This name coined when Clinton demanded that the press use her maiden name in all references to her after her husband Bill Clinton was elected to the US Presidency in 1992. Limbaugh has since used this to imply that Clinton has been politically campaigning for US Presidency ever since 1992, at the expense of nominally estranging her from her husband. Limbaugh claims (tongue-in-cheek) that he uses the double Rodham to help publicize Ms. Clinton's maiden name to the press.
Hillary Rotten Clinton
Former US First Lady and current US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Hurricane Katrina vanden Heuvel
Hurricane Katrina, the August 2005 hurricane that devastated the Gulf Coast of the United States. The name is a reference to Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of the liberal magazine The Nation.
Hurricane X vanden Heuvel
Hurricane X. After referring to Hurricane Katrina as "Hurricane Katrina vanden Heuvel", Limbaugh began attaching "vanden Heuvel" to the names of other hurricanes; e.g., Hurricane Ophelia vanden Heuvel.
Part 2

Illustrating absurdity by being absurd
A tactic Limbaugh uses to lampoon many of the tenets of liberalism. Limbaugh takes a liberal tenet and pretends to believe either the tenet itself or some analogous belief, trying to demonstrate the ridiculous nature of the belief.
"It's not the nature of the evidence; it's the seriousness of the charge."
A quote that Limbaugh often uses to illustrate a tactic that he says is commonly used by liberals. Republicans or prominent conservatives are accused of grave crimes or scandals with little or no evidence of wrongdoing, and the magnitude of the accusation is used to deflect criticism of investigating unsubstantiated charges. The subject is politically damaged by the fact of an investigation without necessarily having done anything wrong. This quote dates back to the accusation made by opponents of the nomination of Clarence Thomas to be Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1991. He was accused of sexual harassment of Anita Hill.
Jean Francois Kerry
2004 Democratic US presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Limbaugh uses the French analog of his first and middle name to mock Kerry's alleged elitist views and ancestral ties to French royalty.[1]
John Effing Kerry
2004 Democratic US presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Limbaugh uses the nickname to mock Kerry's use of the word "****" in a Rolling Stone interview. It also serves to mock Kerry's use of his middle initial "F." to emphasize a nominal similarity between "John F. Kerry" and "John F. Kennedy".
WASHINGTON (AP) December 7, 2003 ...John Kerry used profane language to assess President Bush's Iraq policy, and Bush's chief of staff said Sunday the Democratic presidential candidate was out of line. The Massachusetts senator uttered a profanity in an interview in the latest Rolling Stone magazine to express his dismay over Bush's handling of Iraq. When asked in the interview about the success of rival candidate Howard Dean, whose anti-war message has resounded with supporters, Kerry responded: "When I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, `I'm against everything?' Sure. Did I expect George Bush to f--- it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."...
John Filibuster Kerry
2004 Democratic US presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Limbaugh adopted this nickname once the New York Times called the Democratic Party on the carpet to filibuster the vote on Judge Samuel Alito. Kerry, obviously responding to the Times editorial, made an appearance the same day and boldly promised a filibuster.
John Kerry, who by the way served in Vietnam
2004 Democratic US presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Limbaugh used this phrase to make parody of Kerry's apparent zeal to mention as often as possible that he served in the Vietnam War. This phrase is also commonly used by James Taranto in his Best of the Web Today column on OpinionJournal.
John Squid Kerry
2004 Democratic US presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). The nickname started being used after it was learned that Kerry was eating squid with his back turned away from the TV at a Washington D.C. restaurant during President George W. Bush's speech after Hurricane Katrina. Kerry's camp criticized the speech, but he was purportedly still at the restaurant after the speech ended and the criticism came out.
Jumpin' Jim Jeffords
Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT). Jeffords, elected as a Republican in 2000, left the Republican party in 2001 to become an independent and announced his intention to caucus with the Democratic Party. This effectively passed control of the Senate to the Democratic party, which they retained until the next Congress was inaugurated on January 3, 2003.
"Keepers Of Odd Knowledge Society". This is Limbaugh's moniker for conspiracy theorists.
"Keep Our Own Kids Safe". This is a (fictional) organization created to stop childhood soccer.
Lakoff (Rhymes With...)
Professor George Lakoff, a linguistics expert at UC Berkeley.
Larry King Alive
The show Larry King Live.
Laut, the
Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ).
Leaky Leahy
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The name is derived from Leahy's intentional leaking of classified material during his tenure on the intelligence committee. See also "Senator Depends" below.
Le Tour de Sheets
A series of photographs of public works named after Senator Robert Byrd that was posted on www.rushlimbaugh.com. It was submitted by several fans as a means to poke fun at this Senator's legacy of pork-barrel projects in his home state of West Virginia.
an act of oral sex.
Little General, the
Ross Perot.
Loser, the
Michael Dukakis.
2004 Democratic US presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Limbaugh noticed a similarity in appearance between Kerry and the Addams Family character.
Mary Cute Little Baby Fat Landrieu
Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA). Limbaugh noted on the air that he thought she was cute, that her facial features still had baby fat. The support staff has not let him live it down.
Meet the Depressed
The show Meet the Press.
Milwaukee Urinal Sentinel
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper.
Miss America
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People)
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Limbaugh says that "liberal" refers to the NAACP's support for left-wing African Americans, while denigrating African Americans on the right side of the political spectrum, such as Condoleezza Rice and Clarence Thomas.
NAG (National Association of Gals)
National Organization for Women (NOW).
New Fallujah
Auburn Hills, Michigan, home of the Detroit Pistons. Limbaugh gave the city this nickname after the press related sports-related riots that took place there to the United States War on Terrorism.
Nikita Dean
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. Limbaugh assigned this nickname to Dean in the 2004 election cycle as a reference to Nikita Khrushchev. Limbaugh said Dean had positioned himself so far to the political left that Vladimir Putin was to his right.
Ninth Circus
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Cajones, intestinal fortitude.
Anti-war protestors and activists.
Perky One, the
NBC media representative Katie Couric.
Enthusiastic supporters of Ross Perot during the 1992 election.
Puff Daschle
Former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD).
Punk, the
Former DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe.
Ray "School Bus" Nagin
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. The name was coined after Nagin told the federal government to send as many buses as possible after Hurricane Katrina. It was later learned that hundreds of city- and school-district-owned buses had been available for use, but were now sitting in flooded parking lots.
Ronaldus Magnus
President Ronald Reagan. The name is Latin for "Ronald the Great" and is a play on the way Europeans referred to great monarchs.
Sandy Burglar
Sandy Berger, National Security Advisor to President Clinton. The nickname was coined after Berger admitted to stealing (and destroying) classified documents from the National Archives.
Using hearsay or third party rhetoric against somebody.
School. This is a portmanteau of "screw" and "school", reflecting Limbaugh's belief that many schools often fail to do their job and end up screwing students out of a meaningful education.
seminar caller
Someone who telephones his show for the purpose of astroturfing. Limbaugh is often immediately suspicious of those callers who introduce themselves with the equivalent of "I love your show, I always agree with you, and I voted for Bush, but…."
Senator Depends
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The name is derived from Leahy's intentional leaking of classified material during his tenure on the intelligence committee. Depend is the name of a popular brand of adult undergarment used by adults with bladder control problems. See also "Leaky Leahy" above.
part 3
Senator Sheets
Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), known to be a former member of the Ku Klux Klan. (Limbaugh claimed in his April 2005 newsletter that Senator Byrd was originally nicknamed "Sheets" by Democratic former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill (D-MA).)
Senator Turban
Senator Richard Durbin, (D-IL). Limbaugh began using this moniker after opining that liberal Democrats in the U.S. Congress seemed to politically support Islamic terrorists rather than the United States Military fighting them in the Iraq War.
Slay the Nation
The show Face the Nation.
Smartest Woman in the World
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-NY). This nickname alludes to media lionization of Clinton.
Stack of Stuff
The pile of magazine and news clippings, faxes, and printed e-mail messages accumulated during show prep, background material generally related to the show's daily agenda. Also, a number of relevant web links offered to subscribers of his website, culled from a variety of current on-line news organizations, highlighting various issues of the day.
Star Wars Bar Scene
The United Nations.
Swimmer, the
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA). The nickname alludes to both Senator Kennedy's heavy drinking and to the Chappaquiddick scandal.
"talent on loan from God"
Limbaugh's acknowledgement that all gifts are, in fact, temporary and a loan by the grace of God. Alternatively, an insinuation that Limbaugh's talent is divine in nature.
Tinfoil Hat People, the
Conspiracy theorists.
"the uhh Reverennnnnd Jacks-hnnnnn"
Rev. Jesse Jackson. When Limbaugh refers to Jackson, he does an impression of how William F. Buckley, Jr. says Jackson's name.
"The views on this program are right…." "the views presented by the host of this program make more sense than anything anyone else is saying out there"
Limbaugh often makes this statement at the beginning of his program in response to disclaimers some stations air before his program that his views do not represent those of the station in question.
Vice President Graham
Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), the theoretical choice of running mate for Senator John McCain, on the extreme outside chance he would ever win the nomination for President from the Republican Party. Limbaugh opines that it is extremely unlikely that a moderate can win Republican primaries for President.
Women-Influenced Male Person.
Wolf Blitzed
CNN reporter and newscaster Wolf Blitzer.
young skulls full of mush
Students or people of school age. This phrase alludes to the ease of shaping the opinions of people at a young age.
Nicknames for Limbaugh
Throughout the years on The Rush Limbaugh Show, Limbaugh has established several nicknames with which he describes himself on the air.

America's Anchorman
America's Truth Detector
Chief of the Patriotism Police
This refers to the criticism by Molly Ivins of himself and others in the new media. [2]
Doctor of Democracy
El Rushbo This was a takeoff of "El Nino"
Harmless lovable little fuzzball
Maha Rushie
The most dangerous man in America
On March 3, 1991, Jon Kleinman wrote a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times Magazine stating "Radio is powerful. Limbaugh's views go unchecked. It is my view that he's one of the most dangerous men in America." [3] He kept the title throughout the mid-90s as a badge of honor before ultimately passing the title on to Bill Clinton.
The Epitome of Morality and Virtue
Posterboy for the American Way of Life
Lover of Mankind, Protector of Motherhood, Supporter of Fatherhood (in most cases), and General All Round Good Guy
Limbaugh uses this self-description in response to liberals who say that he is a heartless conservative.
Weapon of Mass Instruction
This is a play on the phrase "Weapons of Mass Destruction
Stinger said:
I note that not one point she made, not one statement she made has been rebutted. She explained the situation quite clearly and shot down the hysterics of Ms. Dowd. I will give David Gregory for issuing his appology for his behavior which was indicitive of the WH press corp's.

Stinger, no one can describe Maureen Dowd as behaving hysterically. Her monotone voice is just that--monotone. I think she backed up her assertions during the program. Matalin thinks that Cheney's behavior was fine--Maureen Dowd does not. It is a matter of opinion. I certainly wouldn't expect Matalin to say anything negative about Cheney. While Americans on the whole did not seem to be bothered by his failure to report the incident more quickly, those who have an understanding of what should be reported to the press have disagreed, including people from the republican party.
aps said:
Stinger, no one can describe Maureen Dowd as behaving hysterically. Her monotone voice is just that--monotone.

Her statements were hysterical and attempts to grab at anything.

I think she backed up her assertions during the program.

She didn't back up anything, they were the same old tired assertions.

Matalin thinks that Cheney's behavior was fine--Maureen Dowd does not.

And Matalin stated her case clearly and convincingly, Dowd was merely using hysterics.

It is a matter of opinion. I certainly wouldn't expect Matalin to say anything negative about Cheney.

In this matter there was nothing negative to say that's why Dowd had to stoop to the hysterics, which is par for the course for her.

While Americans on the whole did not seem to be bothered by his failure to report the incident more quickly,

It wasn't a failure, didn't you even listen to Matalin? It was reported to those who needed to know and to the public in due course.

those who have an understanding of what should be reported to the press have disagreed, including people from the republican party.

Yeah the Washington press corp who got thier elitist panties in a wad because THEY were not told first. It was given to the AP through the local paper. So tell what difference in your world would it have made if you had heard it Saturday night rather than Sunday morning?
Stinger said:
Her statements were hysterical and attempts to grab at anything.

She didn't back up anything, they were the same old tired assertions.

Please provide me the statement she made that were not backed up. Can you honestly say that the Geneva Conventions were applied at Abu Graib and that there wasn't serious dissent as to how the prisoners were being treated?

I would appreciate your backing up your statements.

And Matalin stated her case clearly and convincingly, Dowd was merely using hysterics.

How Matalin and Dowd see this issue is a matter of a difference of opinion. I repeat that when republicans, particularly Ari Fleischer, state that what the VP did was questionable, I think Maureen Dowd has a leg to stand on. Fitzwater also disagreed with the way Cheney handled this (in case you don't know, Fitzwater was both Reagan and Bush I's press secretary). Sorry, but these 2 people know a little bit more about releasing information than you do. I think I'll go with their opinion.

In this matter there was nothing negative to say that's why Dowd had to stoop to the hysterics, which is par for the course for her.

I agree that sometimes her articles are over the top, but I thought she was very effective during the interview.

It wasn't a failure, didn't you even listen to Matalin? It was reported to those who needed to know and to the public in due course.

Yeah the Washington press corp who got thier elitist panties in a wad because THEY were not told first. It was given to the AP through the local paper. So tell what difference in your world would it have made if you had heard it Saturday night rather than Sunday morning?

See answers above. Personally, I think someone can state their opinion without being obnoxious or condescending. I would be embarrassed if Maureen Dowd was rolling her eyes and sighing during the interview, but I hold people to a higher standard than the average person. As I stated above, I thought Al Gore looked like an a$$ when he sighed throughout one of his debates with George Bush. It was a complete turn-off to see him behaving like that. I hold Matalin to the same standard. However, I must remind myself that those who are feeling insecure and/or weak will behave irrationally. LOL

Were you the one that said that Russert used to work for Carter? I believe you are getting Russert and Chris Matthews mixed up. Russert has never worked for Carter. He was, however, chief of staff for Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan from 1977 to 1982.
aps said:
I provided a response to your request. At a minimum, you could respond to my post about what I believed was indicative of Matalin personally attacking David Gregory. If you disagree with my assessment, that's fine. I would love for you to watch the entire show because reading words is very different than watching facial expressions, eye contact, and all that stuff.

Guess cnredd was incapable of defending his initial post in this thread. Cool. :cool:
aps said:
Please provide me the statement she made that were not backed up. Can you honestly say that the Geneva Conventions were applied at Abu Graib and that there wasn't serious dissent as to how the prisoners were being treated?

I would appreciate your backing up your statements.

Dowd: "Well, I think that the reason this story has evoked such fascination is because the vice president is like the phantom. You know, we hear the creak of the door as he passes, but we don’t really know what he’s up to. We don’t know his schedule. We don’t always know where he is. We don’t know what democratic institution he’s blowing off at any given minute, and so this allowed us to see how his behavior and judgement operated pretty much in real time—with the delay, but pretty much in real time."

Pure hysterics. And the Geneva Conventions do not apply to the people being held at Gitmo so that is specious on it's face.

How Matalin and Dowd see this issue is a matter of a difference of opinion.

They may be entitled to thier own opinions but they are not entitled to their own facts. And as noted Dowd's opinion was based on her typical hysterics, the woman comes off as an idiot and has for years.

I repeat that when republicans, particularly Ari Fleischer, state that what the VP did was questionable, I think Maureen Dowd has a leg to stand on.

Ari can question all he wants, he wasn't there and as far as Dowd again

Matalin blew her away with this FACTUAL statement : "What we thought we were doing Sunday morning by having an eyewitness who was there, who was an expert on hunting, going to a paper that understands the culture, who had the capacity to get it up on the wire quickly, was communicating and informing the public in which the vice president took responsibility, apologized, spoke to the reporter, was corroborated by the sheriff and our office, the vice president’s office. I no longer work there. I don’t see how that’s violating the rules of the institution, the hallmarks of our democracy. We just didn’t go through them."

Dowd went on to make this false statement "But then he shot his friend and blames his friend."

Cheney NEVER blamed his friend.


"MS. DOWD: But I think reporters would have had a lot of empathy for the vice president if he hadn’t sent people out for four days to blame the victim. I mean, you know, I went hunting with Reagan and Bush Sr. and I’ve been on all these Republican hunting trips, and—but I’ve learned a lot about hunting this week. And the thing I’ve learned is that the shooter bears total responsibility for where everyone in the party is before he shoots, and they shoot abreast, not while someone’s fetching a duck. So for him to send all these people out to blame this guy for so many days was not appropriate."

Which is a total fabrication and she can't even get it straight what they were hunting.

Fitzwater also disagreed with the way Cheney handled this (in case you don't know, Fitzwater was both Reagan and Bush I's press secretary).

But was he engaged in these hysterics

Dowd "MS. DOWD: Well, I do think, you know, I appreciate the vice president’s attempts to put on a sweet pink tie and, you know, to tell Wyoming about, you know, his lust as a newlywed. But I think Mary had a very difficult job humanizing Dick Cheney, because I don’t think he has given us much chance to see him as a human being.

or this overblown rhetoric?

Dowd "And it covered all the problems of the Bush/Cheney administration: secrecy and stonewalling, then blowing off the rules that are at the heart of our democracy, then using a filter to try and put the truth out in a way that would most suit their political needs, and then bad political judgement in bungling a crisis. I mean, if there’s one thing the Republicans are great at since Reagan, it’s damage control. But he is such a control freak, you know, he doesn’t even care about the damage."

I agree that sometimes her articles are over the top, but I thought she was very effective during the interview.

Effective at what?

See answers above. Personally, I think someone can state their opinion without being obnoxious or condescending. I would be embarrassed if Maureen Dowd was rolling her eyes and sighing during the interview, but I hold people to a higher standard than the average person.

Her demogogory cited above is your "higher standard"?

However, I must remind myself that those who are feeling insecure and/or weak will behave irrationally. LOL

Believe me Mary Matalin is not one who feels insecure or weak, geez she's married to Carville.

Were you the one that said that Russert used to work for Carter?

aps said:
Guess cnredd was incapable of defending his initial post in this thread. Cool. :cool:
YOU started a thread based entirely on your opinion while watching a show...Since YOU supplied no evidence, I, a meek and fragile forum member;) had to do the work myself and look up the transcript...

I did so, and read the whole thing...I then gave my response using evidence that I myself supplied...

Then YOU decide to tell me that my evidence doesn't count...That says to me, "cnredd, I consider all of your efforts to be a waste of time"...

Then YOU say that the reason is discounted is because I didn't see the show and notice the mannerisms...

Which means that the only people who COULD debate this thread are people who HAVE seen the show...How many people on this forum did this?...5?...10 if your lucky?...And what are the chances of getting all of them to debate in this one thread?...

So THEN you provide a link with the show, but you also state that if two people watch it, then they can come up with two different viewpoints...

So I ask you...Then what's the debate?...:confused:

You saw a show and then started a thread bashing a partisan pundit because of what you perceive...BFD...
cnredd said:
YOU started a thread based entirely on your opinion while watching a show...Since YOU supplied no evidence, I, a meek and fragile forum member;) had to do the work myself and look up the transcript...

I did so, and read the whole thing...I then gave my response using evidence that I myself supplied...

Then YOU decide to tell me that my evidence doesn't count...That says to me, "cnredd, I consider all of your efforts to be a waste of time"...

That was not my intention to dismiss your research. I apologize if that is how it came out. I would never intentionally dismiss someone's efforts.

Then YOU say that the reason is discounted is because I didn't see the show and notice the mannerisms...

You have to admit that watching someone and determining whether they are being combative is based upon a person's voice and mannerisms. You cannot assess true credibility unless you see the person. That was my point. To me, you had overlooked the part where Matalin made things personal. I was merely pointing that out and further supporting my assessment that she had made things personal.

Which means that the only people who COULD debate this thread are people who HAVE seen the show...How many people on this forum did this?...5?...10 if your lucky?...And what are the chances of getting all of them to debate in this one thread?...

If no one responded, it would not be a big deal. I was soliciting the opinion of those who had watched it. This is a political message board, and I am assuming that many people watch Meet the Press. I was surprised why you even showed up to dismiss my assessment when you hadn't even seen the show.

So THEN you provide a link with the show, but you also state that if two people watch it, then they can come up with two different viewpoints...

So I ask you...Then what's the debate?...:confused:

You saw a show and then started a thread bashing a partisan pundit because of what you perceive...BFD...

You are always free to ignore my thread, cnredd. If you don't see a debate, and that's what you are looking for, move on.

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