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Media is business (1 Viewer)

May 5, 2005
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Its a business, its bias comes from making money. They sell a product, thus they have a target for that product. If they want to target rich conservitve types they have Rush Limbaugh on. If they want to sell to greenpeace types they put on Al Franken. If they want to sell to the exterme pyscho right wing they put on Savage. Its far more entertainment then information.
nefarious_plot said:
Its a business, its bias comes from making money. They sell a product, thus they have a target for that product. If they want to target rich conservitve types they have Rush Limbaugh on. If they want to sell to greenpeace types they put on Al Franken. If they want to sell to the exterme pyscho right wing they put on Savage. Its far more entertainment then information.

Savage isn't a psycho, but he is very entertaining.

If they wanted to put a psycho on the radio, they could invite the fat stupid white guy "Michael Moore."
What exactly about Michael Savage makes him Psycho? The fact that he cares about the welfare of this country. He attacks the media complex because it is constantly shoving homosexuality, bisexuality, and celebrity bimbo's down our throats as if we cared about who's screwing who in hollywad. To be perfectly honest, I could care less. Does it really matter what political platform the media is catering to? There is no real difference between Democrats & Republicans anyway. There are no true conservatives left, and the liberals are slowly selling this country out. By the way, President Bush isn't much further right, in my opinion, than Hillary Clinton.
Savage is a racists insane maniac. I have listen to his show many times and its pathetic. He caters to the exterme right. The ones with paranoid delusions that some tree hugging panzy is going to Beg Kim Il jong to take over or something. :rofl None of these clowns have any concern for the welfare of anything but there own pocket book. They are entertainers and its a real shame that people allow these court jesters of politics to influence them in any way.
nefarious_plot said:
Savage is a racists insane maniac. I have listen to his show many times and its pathetic. He caters to the exterme right. The ones with paranoid delusions that some tree hugging panzy is going to Beg Kim Il jong to take over or something. :rofl None of these clowns have any concern for the welfare of anything but there own pocket book. They are entertainers and its a real shame that people allow these court jesters of politics to influence them in any way.

Go back to school! :rofl
babbling about spelling? Maybe you should be a secretary or english teacher. Pathetic. If you cant come up with better then dont bother responding.
nefarious_plot said:
babbling about spelling? Maybe you should be a secretary or english teacher. Pathetic. If you cant come up with better then dont bother responding.

I wasn't talking about your spelling; I was talking about your answer. I would expect that from a little kid, whose parents told them that Republican radio hosts are "bad." Grow up, there is nothing wrong with Savage, you’re just the typical hypocritical Democrat who can't stand they other side of the news. :roll:
Whatever. If doesnt make sence to you maybe you should attend school. It quite the facts of the matter. The idea that any O'reiley Franken or any of those buffons are anything but entertianiers is silly. Its childish to make those shows some sort of a Rooting section for. Concervatives vs liberals. The partisan bickering is childish and childlike all the way around. What people should do if they want to be adult like is think for themselves. Media has been made aplayer oin poltics by people that take stock in what they say. When people say a a news channel is bias. What it means is they arent telling you what you want to hear. They are a sell a product to people thats how it works. If you want inforamtion look it up yourself. You get a show from TV.
nefarious_plot said:
Its a business, its bias comes from making money. They sell a product, thus they have a target for that product. If they want to target rich conservitve types they have Rush Limbaugh on. If they want to sell to greenpeace types they put on Al Franken. If they want to sell to the exterme pyscho right wing they put on Savage. Its far more entertainment then information.

So if it's a business then why isn't profit the main motivator? Why wouldn't simple success be a good motivator? You think Air America's bias is because they want to make money? They purposely choose to express their beliefs and political view although they can't sell it. They are driven by idiology and I can respect anyone whether I agree with them or not when they stick to what they believe.

Rush Limbaugh is on over 600 stations. Bill O'Reilly just exceeded 450 stations on his 3rd on air aniversary. Air America has 5 stations. Just what is Air America's target; oblivion? For you to think that the likes of Rush Limbaugh is successful because he targets the rich conservative types is naive. Don't worry though, I used to be that way too.
:duel :cool:
Nebraskaboy said:
Grow up, there is nothing wrong with Savage, you’re just the typical hypocritical Democrat who can't stand they other side of the news. :roll:
I don't see a party affiliation for nefarious_plot listed. Maybe (s)he can let us know theirs.
ITs all about money. They are seeling you a product. they have no poltical aspiratiosn regardless of the "Liberal media" babbling.
shuamort said:
I don't see a party affiliation for nefarious_plot listed. Maybe (s)he can let us know theirs.

I don't know if I listed my political affiliation but if someone ont the board wanted me to disclose it I wouldn't. This is an opinion board.

BUT: nefarious_plot actually says, "ITs all about money. They are seeling you a product. they have no poltical aspiratiosn regardless of the "Liberal media" babbling."

Imagine, Air America, Rush Limbaugh or any of the network anchors have no "poltical aspiratiosn". Actually the word should be "agenda" and maybe the use of aspirations is calculated for the next arguement but I doubt it. I think nefarious_plot actually believes this and how can you debate with someone so ill informed? Maybe ill informed is not the right description for one who sees no politics in politics.

I think it is so evident that people that report, pontificate, blog or comment on politics in television, newspapers and on talk radio have their own political affiliation and in many cases, the information they present will reflect that to a certain degree; if not all the time then enough for you to get the gist. Our nefarious_plot certainly has the right to it's opinion but has no clue.
:duel :cool:

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