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Media censors Kayne West (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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During "A Concert for Hurricane Relief" airing on NBC and other networks, rapper Kanye West blasted President Bush for the slow start to the recovery effort. West alleged, in his words, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." He also claims America is set up to help the poor "as slow as possible." The comments were heard when the program aired on the East Coast, but censored from the taped show played later on the West Coast.

There was a several-second tape delay, but the person in charge "was instructed to listen for a curse word, and didn't realize (West) had gone off-script," said NBC spokeswoman Rebecca Marks.

It was censored out of decency. His "race card" agenda has no place in the situation. The right thing for black leaders to do right now would be to rally for support and tell people like Kayne West to knock the BS out.
GySgt said:
It was censored out of decency. His "race card" agenda has no place in the situation. The right thing for black leaders to do right now would be to rally for support and tell people like Kayne West to knock the BS out.

The guy has a right to say what he pleases, but the stations have a right to not air it. I'm tired of people playing the race card, it is getting old. Bush has one of the most diverse cabinets in history. I have never heard any evidence of him being even remotely racist. As ugly as the 2004 campaign was, I don't believe anybody ever revealed any proof of Bush ever so much as using a racial slur. It would not be tough to take some words out of context, or dig deep enough to find something if it were there. The fact of the matter is that Bush, love him or hate him, is not a racist, and he cares deeply about the people of New Orleans.

Unless you have some evidence of Bush being a racist please refrain from replying to my post and clogging up my inbox.
I don't think Bush is neccesarily racist (or as far as I know) but I do believe that there is something a lot deeper then that even past the Bush administration about why all these black people got stranded in New Orleans. Maybe we'll find out soon, who knows
FinnMacCool said:
I don't think Bush is neccesarily racist (or as far as I know) but I do believe that there is something a lot deeper then that even past the Bush administration about why all these black people got stranded in New Orleans. Maybe we'll find out soon, who knows

I know that Bush is not so evil that he would intentionally leave thousands of people stranded, waiting to die. Right now we need to support NO and all the people going in there to help. I was harsh at first, criticizing healthy citizens for not getting out when they could. The fact of the matter is we can't pick at a group of people who may or may not have had the ability to get out. Nor can we point fingers and criticize right now. We do not have all the facts, but we will get them when the time is right.

When it is all said and done, and we know where to point the blame, we will. Somebody (or bodies) ****ed up bad. It is inexcusable, but let's wait until the people that are still alive are brought to safety before we put heads on the chopping blocks. Then heads will roll.
FinnMacCool said:
I don't think Bush is neccesarily racist (or as far as I know) but I do believe that there is something a lot deeper then that even past the Bush administration about why all these black people got stranded in New Orleans. Maybe we'll find out soon, who knows

They got "stranded" along with people of other color also. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with location. After much more is revealed as to all of the facts, considerations, and obstacles involved with why things didn't happen as quickly as we would have liked to have seen, I hope people remember how dispicable they were during their panic mode of blame and willingness to exploit. This includes politicians, famous commentators, celebrities, and ethnic leaders.
most likly kanye west did it to promote his new rap album which just so happened to come out in the following days. as they say u know any publicity is good publicity
Since Kayne thinks he is so smart and that Bush did such a bad job, I would like to see him do a better one. He hates Bush just like most other Blacks and I think that like any other Democrat he is going to bash the president at any chance available to do so.

I believe that Kayne West is a racist just like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. The only thing that they are doing is creating more division in an already divided country. I think this BS needs to stop now or we are going to end up just like Russia
that was so great i nearly wet myself when i saw that...
lmao black people are so funny.
mistermain said:
The guy has a right to say what he pleases, but the stations have a right to not air it. I'm tired of people playing the race card, it is getting old. Bush has one of the most diverse cabinets in history. I have never heard any evidence of him being even remotely racist. As ugly as the 2004 campaign was, I don't believe anybody ever revealed any proof of Bush ever so much as using a racial slur. It would not be tough to take some words out of context, or dig deep enough to find something if it were there. The fact of the matter is that Bush, love him or hate him, is not a racist, and he cares deeply about the people of New Orleans.

Unless you have some evidence of Bush being a racist please refrain from replying to my post and clogging up my inbox.
Well said. :bravo:
bah, i am still seeing within some of you that bush bush bush reacted slwly. HE didnt get the black people out in time.. blah blah blah!

First off, the state must let the president come in to help in the current crisis BUT the governor did not do such a thing. Secondly, the mayor should have stepped up and helped to but by the time came they knew they were going to be hit hard, both the governor and mayor were in over their heads and decided to start the blame upon Bush! Also the lousianna senator Mary L. Landrieu was able to ON A MOMENTS NOTICE conjure 500 busses to pull in low income 'brothas' to the polls and ultimately win her victory. Where was she on this? Another reason is that most of those black people were low income or poor people which had 'no means' to get out of the area!

Now to say Bush is racist is inconcievable. As Mistermain said, he has one of the most diverse cabinets in history! Is Mary L. Landrieu a racist? What about Gov. Blanco?

But what baffles me is this. The latest conspiracy going on! http://www.usatoday.com/weather/climate/2005-09-20-wacky-weatherman_x.htm
Man, I love rap, and across from Eminem, Kanye West comes next on the list, but this made me laugh for a good five minutes...

At any rate, Kanye West is musically talented, and he is also very right: I really doubt if Bush gives a damn about the poor people. After all, they aren't exactly giving him their vote...

Which is the only thing Democrats and Republicans care about.

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