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Media blackout on Bilderberg meeting in Spain (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 25, 2008
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There has been zero coverage from major media outlets on the annual Bilderberg Group meeting that is taking place this year in Barcelona, Spain. The only media talking about are independent news websites.

http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/26951/20100604/secretive-bilderberg-meeting-taking-place-in-spain.htm said:
Some of the Western world's top business and political leaders are holding their annual secret Bilderberg conference about global issues this weekend in Spain. The meeting of around 130 selected elites, taking place from June 3-6 in the luxury Hotel Dolce in Sitges, a resort town close to Barcelona, is under a tight security lock-down.

A small army of private security and hundreds of policemen, complete with helicopter and patrol boats, are reported to be shielding the high-profile forum of the elite, which is closed to the public and to the press.

A small group of reporters, mainly representing the alternative media, is providing some footage of arriving participants and the massive security - even though the police is arresting some and forcing others to delete any photos made in the vicinity of the event.

The Guardian UK is the only recognizeable newspaper who has reported on this event:
Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins | World news | guardian.co.uk

A list of past participants, which include the world's richest business people, royalty from all over the world, and government leaders:
List of Bilderberg participants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This group is essentially a meeting of the world's elite and they are discussing policy behind closed doors. Past U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton, have been in attendance.

The fact that the media isn't talking about it at all and never does should be a clear sign that democracy is in danger. Many people in attendance are media moguls from their respective countries who control the corporate news networks. It should be no surprised that we are kept in the dark, despite millions of dollars in public funds being allocated to their security.

Similar groups to the Bilderberg group are the Trilateral Commission (founded by the Rockafellers), the Bohemian Groove (attended by every Republican President since 1923), and The Council on Foreign Relations. These are all undemocratic organizations where our leaders, barons of industry, royalty, and media moguls meet in secret to discuss world policy.

We should all be aware at all times of what meetings our leaders are attending because they work for us, the people.
There has been zero coverage from major media outlets on the annual Bilderberg Group meeting that is taking place this year in Barcelona, Spain. The only media talking about are independent news websites.

The Guardian UK is the only recognizeable newspaper who has reported on this event:
Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins | World news | guardian.co.uk

A list of past participants, which include the world's richest business people, royalty from all over the world, and government leaders:
List of Bilderberg participants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This group is essentially a meeting of the world's elite and they are discussing policy behind closed doors. Past U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton, have been in attendance.

The fact that the media isn't talking about it at all and never does should be a clear sign that democracy is in danger. Many people in attendance are media moguls from their respective countries who control the corporate news networks. It should be no surprised that we are kept in the dark, despite millions of dollars in public funds being allocated to their security.

Similar groups to the Bilderberg group are the Trilateral Commission (founded by the Rockafellers), the Bohemian Groove (attended by every Republican President since 1923), and The Council on Foreign Relations. These are all undemocratic organizations where our leaders, barons of industry, royalty, and media moguls meet in secret to discuss world policy.

We should all be aware at all times of what meetings our leaders are attending because they work for us, the people.

I note that you say 'Leaders' but your piece indicates that a significant number of these personages are not our Leaders in the accepted definition of that word, but are in fact our Masters?

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