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Media Bias- How we love to hate it! (1 Viewer)


dangerously addictive
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Jul 21, 2005
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I think it's funny how everyone bashes everyone in the media but we still watch it! Going through posts I see many people who hate, say Bill O' Reilly yet they can quote something he has said on his show. I know it. I've done it! Any channel you turn on has some idiot on there spewing out some sort of jackass remark and yet you can't seem to turn the channel. So who do you love to hate?
americanwoman said:
I think it's funny how everyone bashes everyone in the media but we still watch it! Going through posts I see many people who hate, say Bill O' Reilly yet they can quote something he has said on his show. I know it. I've done it! Any channel you turn on has some idiot on there spewing out some sort of jackass remark and yet you can't seem to turn the channel. So who do you love to hate?

Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Fox and Freinds, Ann Coulter etc. these people don't report news without bias, it's all based on their views. Many of which should be embarassingly unfounded. They really don't make conservatives look good in the light of the world.

I can't watch or listen to many of these pundits for more than 2 or 3 minutes before I'm ready to board up my doors and windows and load the shotgun. These people insight hate for their fellow Americans that have different opinions and values. And in doing so they expose their own hate for America and American freedom. But they arn't as bad as the people who feed into them and buy their books and live by the opinions that are spoon fed to them as gospil. Which brings me back to making my house into a fortress in anticipation for the hypothetical angry mob that doesn't even realize that they have been manipulated into giving up their freedom. It's almost exactly what happened in Germany at the beginning of the 1930's.

Of course on the other side of the line there is the same thing going on with Al Frankin and John Stewart though both are comedians and don't really call anyone a name that they don't deserve.

I think anyone that is unwilling to take an opinion at face value and not form their own opinion is dangerous.
I listen and monitor a lot of shows and websites that monitor the media in general.

One example is Newshounds: Their motto is "We watch Fox So You Don't Have To" This sight, along with Media Matters do a great job reporting erroneous info on the right that is put out there.
I don't pay any attention to the mainstream media any more except when I'm interested in figuring out what The Powers That Be want people to think. They ignore the big stories for the stories with flash. I think the purpose of having news reporting is so that individuals can be informed about how to run their lives. Paying attention to the mainstream media, however, takes that several steps beyond and offers a vision of reality that's every bit as constructed as The Matrix.

Various alternative news sources do a far better job of keeping people informed about the events of real importance.
You can't call Hannity, Rush and Coulter news reporters. They are op ed journalists

Hate to burst some of your bubbles here, but FOX NEWS reports REAL news stories just as accurately as CNN and MSNBC would.
Hate to burst some of your bubbles here, but FOX NEWS reports REAL news stories just as accurately as CNN and MSNBC would.

Thats true. They just cover different angles of it to appeal to certain viewers.
americanwoman said:
I think it's funny how everyone bashes everyone in the media but we still watch it! Going through posts I see many people who hate, say Bill O' Reilly yet they can quote something he has said on his show. I know it. I've done it! Any channel you turn on has some idiot on there spewing out some sort of jackass remark and yet you can't seem to turn the channel. So who do you love to hate?
americanwoman you ROCK my world! Stewie is the greatist! Don't you just love how the news organizations think more of "Ratings" than "The Truth." :mrgreen: Me personally I think they are all full of crap!

Rocking my world! :rofl
SixStringHero said:
You can't call Hannity, Rush and Coulter news reporters. They are op ed journalists.

True but they are representitives in the world of 'media'. Media does not mean news, it means news, op ed, political authors etc.

SixStringHero said:
Hate to burst some of your bubbles here, but FOX NEWS reports REAL news stories just as accurately as CNN and MSNBC would.

Funny thing about FOX News and CNN. FOX will just show one side of an argument. CNN will show both sides. Remember when Harry Reid and Bill Frist were duking it out? FOX showed Bill Frist's whining about the audacity the Democrats had in demanding to have a closed session meeting. CNN showed Bill Frists whining and then Harry Reid's rebuttle. A few days later on the same subject FOX and CNN did the same thing. Again FOX showed Bill Frist whining as usual. Then CNN showed Bill Frist whining and then Harry Reid's rebuttle.
americanwoman said:
I think it's funny how everyone bashes everyone in the media but we still watch it! Going through posts I see many people who hate, say Bill O' Reilly yet they can quote something he has said on his show. I know it. I've done it! Any channel you turn on has some idiot on there spewing out some sort of jackass remark and yet you can't seem to turn the channel. So who do you love to hate?

Well, we gotta get our news somehow, right? :mrgreen:

The only reason I'd ever be able to quote one of the Fox pundits would be if I found something relevant to an argument I was making online. Occasionally, I'll have Fox News running as background noise, but I prefer CNN usually.

Saboteur said:
Of course on the other side of the line there is the same thing going on with Al Frankin and John Stewart though both are comedians and don't really call anyone a name that they don't deserve.

I don't listen to Franken, but Jon Stewart is there solely for the comedic value. He opnely calls his show "fake news". While most of what they talk about is stuff that's really going on, they present it in such a funny way, you can't help but laugh at how overly serious everyone else is about some of these issues. :2razz:
americanwoman said:
I think it's funny how everyone bashes everyone in the media but we still watch it! Going through posts I see many people who hate, say Bill O' Reilly yet they can quote something he has said on his show. I know it. I've done it! Any channel you turn on has some idiot on there spewing out some sort of jackass remark and yet you can't seem to turn the channel. So who do you love to hate?

I call it "The Jerry Springer Syndrome."

Everybody poo-poos trailer park trash, but damn, it's fun to watch 'em fight.

Of course, Jerry's end of show soap-box speech is no different that how many of us get the news. Is it any wonder so many of us are misinformed?Very sad.
SixStringHero said:
Hate to burst some of your bubbles here, but FOX NEWS reports REAL news stories just as accurately as CNN and MSNBC would.

Do you have any examples of that? There are many documented cases where Fox does not cover "real" news as accurately as the rest of the corporate media.

What do you consider "real" news?

Fox blurs the lines between op-ed journalists and "straight" journalism.
All of their shows have regular op-ed contributors.
stsburns said:
americanwoman you ROCK my world! Stewie is the greatist! Don't you just love how the news organizations think more of "Ratings" than "The Truth." :mrgreen: Me personally I think they are all full of crap!

Rocking my world! :rofl

I love Bender!:kissy: you rock me right back baby!

yeah I mostly like to watch the local news --where they report last nights shooting with absolutely no bias!
americanwoman said:
I love Bender!:kissy: you rock me right back baby!

yeah I mostly like to watch the local news --where they report last nights shooting with absolutely no bias!
Local tends to be not bias because they don't have the Greedy backing of the major news organizations. Where anybody with money can persuade the news to say anything. :lol:

Though I do find the shootings on my public news to be racist, because they only report when someone black gets shot. Amazingly enough their has only been one time a white person has reported getting shoot in my local news. They robbed a pawnshop and stole guns, and killed the owner and his son (who were both white) that were working that night execution style.

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