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Media Begins Setting the Stage for Ghislaine Maxwell's Suicide (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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The Justice Department is beefing up security inside a New York City jail where pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell is being held amid concerns that she might commit suicide. Maxwell also has a roommate in her cell and is being closely monitored, ensuring that someone is with her at all times while she is behind bars, the official added.

The concern comes in part because Epstein, 66, killed himself in a federal jail in Manhattan last summer while in custody on sex trafficking charges, spawning conspiracy theories over his death despite a medical examiner ruling it a suicide.

Ghislaine Maxwell forced to don paper attire at NY prison amid suicide concerns: report | Fox News

Official: Feds feared Epstein confidant might kill herself

I don't know why anyone would kill themselves after only being in jail for 7 days, but then again, Epstein was only in jail for 35 days before his 'suicide'. The Clinton's and a whole slough of rich pedos are counting down the days until Americans become distracted by some frivolous b.s., which has more than likely occurred by now.

Polls have found that over 70% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered, as opposed to 49% who believed Epstein's death was murder in 2019.
One good thing about Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest, is that if she doesn't die in jail, it completely refutes the whole "Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide" thing.
~..........................Polls have found that over 70% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered....................~
no doubt you can link to any such poll?

While it's clear that you have to comfort yourself by praying that you're not lonely in your deep state conspiracy beliefs, finding the like-minded on 4-chan really doesn't do it.
One good thing about Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest, is that if she doesn't die in jail, it completely refutes the whole "Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide" thing.

Anyone who believes Epstein killed himself is either A) stupid, or B) naive.
no doubt you can link to any such poll?

While it's clear that you have to comfort yourself by praying that you're not lonely in your deep state conspiracy beliefs, finding the like-minded on 4-chan really doesn't do it.

You're about as useless as she is. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you and those two have more in common than you'd ever admit.
I don't know why anyone would kill themselves after only being in jail for 7 days, but then again, Epstein was only in jail for 35 days before his 'suicide'. The Clinton's and a whole slough of rich pedos are counting down the days until Americans become distracted by some frivolous b.s., which has more than likely occurred by now.

Polls have found that over 70% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered, as opposed to 49% who believed Epstein's death was murder in 2019.

To play devil's advocate here it sounds like another conspiracy theory to me. And just because people believe it doesn't make it true.

The whole Clinton conspiracy about them knocking off people has been proven to be pure BS.

And it's entirely possible knowing the lifestyle Epstein had, he was despondent that that lifestyle was effectively over. He may have realized his chips had been cashed in and he wasn't sliding this time.
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I don't know why anyone would kill themselves after only being in jail for 7 days, but then again, Epstein was only in jail for 35 days before his 'suicide'. The Clinton's and a whole slough of rich pedos are counting down the days until Americans become distracted by some frivolous b.s., which has more than likely occurred by now.

Polls have found that over 70% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered, as opposed to 49% who believed Epstein's death was murder in 2019.

I so enjoy all the conspiracy theories the right forwards about democrats.
You're about as useless as she is. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you and those two have more in common than you'd ever admit.

One can always tell when one loses a debate when said person goes on the attack personally.
I don't know why anyone would kill themselves after only being in jail for 7 days,

They might when they realize their lavish lifestyle is over and this will be the status quo for the rest of their lives.

Can you imagine how Trump would feel if he was thrown in the slammer?
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High dollar/high profile people on both political sides would love to shut this woman up. Just like Epstein.
Anyone who believes Epstein killed himself is either A) stupid, or B) naive.
Anybody who doesn't at least wonder about why Epstein claimed he'd been attacked in his cell, why he was taken off of suicide watch, why his cellmate was transferred out the day before he died, why he was left observed for several hours (contrary to all protocols), why numerous experts have testified that the types of neck injuries he sustained are inconsistent with suicide (or even physically impossible), why he had injuries on his wrists and arms, why the footage from the cameras outside his cell was unusable, and why his lawyers were confident he wouldn't commit suicide has got to be pretty dense.

Also factor in that in 21 years only one other inmate at the facility successfully ever managed to commit suicide, and that guards and ex-inmates alike have claimed suicide (or more specifically, "creating an instrument of death") at the facility was/is impossible.

Not that any of this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that foul play was involved, but to suggest the theory is "stupid" or "naive"? I've seen cult members who were more open-minded.

Don't confuse wanton ignorance for reasonable skepticism.
How could any reasonable person think that Epstein committed suicide? Anyone who looks at life realistically has to realize he was dead as soon as he was put into a jailcell.
I think people need to settle the **** down.
Anyone who believes Epstein killed himself is either A) stupid, or B) naive.

TAAC's seen it all. He was here first.


I don't know why anyone would kill themselves after only being in jail for 7 days, but then again, Epstein was only in jail for 35 days before his 'suicide'. The Clinton's and a whole slough of rich pedos are counting down the days until Americans become distracted by some frivolous b.s., which has more than likely occurred by now.

Polls have found that over 70% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered, as opposed to 49% who believed Epstein's death was murder in 2019.

Oh, "the media" is now conspiring with the Clintons and other shadowy forces - betcha just barely stopped yourself from going DA JOOS! - to arrange another murder, are they? The Hated Librulz are pulling off intricate plots in full public view, and the right cannot do anything to stop it? All they can do is post loony CTs on the internet?

No wonder you're always so victimized . . .
How could any reasonable person think that Epstein committed suicide? Anyone who looks at life realistically has to realize he was dead as soon as he was put into a jailcell.

A reasonable person who understands just how absurd it is to speculate that the Clintons sent a blackout team (no doubt from Pizzagate) to infiltrate a federal prison and murder someone?

A reasonable person who understands just how likely Epstein's sentence would amount to life if he were convicted, and thus how likely he is to kill himself to avoid life in prison, and that prison guards might not put any effort into stopping him because **** him, that's why?

A reasonable person who understands strategy?

That is,

Situation A: A guilty party is afraid Epstein will spill the beans. But Epstein is a pedo trafficker desperate to save his own skin, thus whose word is not trustworthy. Guilty party takes chance Epstein will name them and the public favor will be turned against them.

Situation B: A guilty party is afraid Epstein will spill the beans. The guilty party infiltrates a federal prison, convincing guards to look the other way, sneakily murders Epstein so nobody in any other cell hears or sees it, makes his way back out, then has the guards destroy all the video evidence of the party's presence and replace it with 'fake' video, thereby saving themselves from having to worry about someone believing Epstein when he names them to exposing themselves to a first degree conspiracy to murder charge and life in prison themselves if any participant has second thoughts at any point.

Picking Situation B would be beyond moronic for anyone Epstein might name. A ruined public image is far preferable to a ruined public image plus life in prison for joint venture murder.

Some people have watched too many movies, or perhaps are rather prone to conspiracy theorizing. The simple fact of the matter is that life is far more mundane than many imagine it to be. There aren't shadowy conspiracies lurking in every corner.
"Medical officials have predetermined Ghislaine Maxwell's impending death a suicide."
I don't know why anyone would kill themselves after only being in jail for 7 days, but then again, Epstein was only in jail for 35 days before his 'suicide'. The Clinton's and a whole slough of rich pedos are counting down the days until Americans become distracted by some frivolous b.s., which has more than likely occurred by now.

Polls have found that over 70% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered, as opposed to 49% who believed Epstein's death was murder in 2019.

What do polls find about the idiocy rate in the US? Might it be 70%?
A reasonable person who understands just how absurd it is to speculate that the Clintons sent a blackout team (no doubt from Pizzagate) to infiltrate a federal prison and murder someone?

A reasonable person who understands just how likely Epstein's sentence would amount to life if he were convicted, and thus how likely he is to kill himself to avoid life in prison, and that prison guards might not put any effort into stopping him because **** him, that's why?

A reasonable person who understands strategy?

That is,

Situation A: A guilty party is afraid Epstein will spill the beans. But Epstein is a pedo trafficker desperate to save his own skin, thus whose word is not trustworthy. Guilty party takes chance Epstein will name them and the public favor will be turned against them.

Situation B: A guilty party is afraid Epstein will spill the beans. The guilty party infiltrates a federal prison, convincing guards to look the other way, sneakily murders Epstein so nobody in any other cell hears or sees it, makes his way back out, then has the guards destroy all the video evidence of the party's presence and replace it with 'fake' video, thereby saving themselves from having to worry about someone believing Epstein when he names them to exposing themselves to a first degree conspiracy to murder charge and life in prison themselves if any participant has second thoughts at any point.

Picking Situation B would be beyond moronic for anyone Epstein might name. A ruined public image is far preferable to a ruined public image plus life in prison for joint venture murder.

Some people have watched too many movies, or perhaps are rather prone to conspiracy theorizing. The simple fact of the matter is that life is far more mundane than many imagine it to be. There aren't shadowy conspiracies lurking in every corner.
Yeah, but if you accept that, how are you going to reconcile it with the belief of being of the chosen few that are privy to special information? In that process having become special themselves?

Can't have mundane, cuz that would make 'em all sub-mediocre.
What do polls find about the idiocy rate in the US? Might it be 70%?

Jokes aside, take a look at the photos from Epstein's autopsy and then ask yourself if he was murdered or committed suicide. Hint: the ligature mark on a hanging victim should be found at the top of the throat, above the Adam's apple, not at the base of the neck.
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Anybody who doesn't at least wonder about why Epstein claimed he'd been attacked in his cell, why he was taken off of suicide watch, why his cellmate was transferred out the day before he died, why he was left observed for several hours (contrary to all protocols), why numerous experts have testified that the types of neck injuries he sustained are inconsistent with suicide (or even physically impossible), why he had injuries on his wrists and arms, why the footage from the cameras outside his cell was unusable, and why his lawyers were confident he wouldn't commit suicide has got to be pretty dense.

Also factor in that in 21 years only one other inmate at the facility successfully ever managed to commit suicide, and that guards and ex-inmates alike have claimed suicide (or more specifically, "creating an instrument of death") at the facility was/is impossible.

Not that any of this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that foul play was involved, but to suggest the theory is "stupid" or "naive"? I've seen cult members who were more open-minded.

Don't confuse wanton ignorance for reasonable skepticism.

One camera was reported to have been working on the day of Epstein's death, but the footage was conveniently lost, or destroyed. The guards on duty that night were all sound asleep when Epstein was offed. There's dozens of clues that point to murder. I don't believe that people who defend the suicide angle necessarily believe Epstein committed suicide, or that they care one way or another. Protecting the government's fairytales is their true motive, which maybe be due to their psychological need to place faith in a higher power which is infallible. Gov is their substitute for God, iow.

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