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McSally wins Arizona House seat after recount (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2013
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McSally wins Arizona House seat after recount


>" PHOENIX (AP) - Republican Martha McSally has won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives by 167 votes after a recount in the nation's last undecided congressional race from the midterm elections.

The results released by a judge Wednesday mean Republicans will hold their largest House majority in 83 years. House Republicans will control 247 seats to Democrats' 188.

McSally led Democratic incumbent Ron Barber by 161 votes after all ballots were counted last month. But the margin was so slim that it triggered an automatic recount.

McSally is a former Air Force combat pilot who won in her second effort to beat Barber.

Barber took office in 2012 after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords stepped down following a shooting that wounded both her and Barber."<

McSally wins Arizona House seat after recount | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona
McSally wins Arizona House seat after recount


>" PHOENIX (AP) - Republican Martha McSally has won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives ....................McSally wins Arizona House seat after recount | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona[/url]

Great for Az. She has onehelluva resume'

Retired Air Force Colonel Martha McSally is a pioneer, leader, servant, and fighter. She is the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat, and first to command a fighter squadron in combat in United States history. In 2001-2002, Martha McSally earned national recognition for successfully overturning a military policy requiring all U.S. servicewomen to wear a Muslim Abaya and headscarf when off base in Saudi Arabia. She has extensive education and experience in national and international security, public policy, and transformational leadership.

Martha retired from the United States Air Force as a colonel in 2010. She has made her home in Tucson for a number of years, first arriving in the Old Pueblo in 1994, the first of her four assignments to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.

In July 2004, Martha took command of the 354th Fighter Squadron becoming the first woman in U.S. history to command a combat aviation unit. In that role, she led her A-10 team on a combat deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from September 2005 until February 2006. Flying over 225 combat hours during a period of increased combat activity, Martha was awarded a Bronze Star and multiple Air Medals for her combat leadership and performance. Under her command, the 354th Fighter Squadron won the prestigious Air Force Association David C. Schilling Award for the most outstanding contribution in the field of flight in 2006.

PHOTO_0011-300x225Martha’s spent her final military assignment as a hand-picked leader to standup United States Africa Command, formed to address U.S. security threats emanating from Africa. She led planning and oversight of complex and sensitive counter-terrorism missions, counter-piracy operations, and other military operations and engagements on the continent.

She retired as a command pilot with over 2600 flight hours, including over 325 combat hours.


Thom Paine
This is my district we're talking about and I've met McSally. She seems like a very nice person and she will have an (R) next to her name but this is not a Conservative victory. She is a John McCain/Jon Kyl Republican and she's also tied to the same purse strings those guys are. We'll have to wait and see but I suspect that she will be more inclined toward populist votes instead of principled ones.


Almost forgot, she's a vegetarian too and, as far as I'm concerned, that's kind of suspicious.:lamo
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Great for Az. She has onehelluva resume'

Retired Air Force Colonel Martha McSally is a pioneer, leader, servant, and fighter. She is the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat, and first to command a fighter squadron in combat in United States history. In 2001-2002, Martha McSally earned national recognition for successfully overturning a military policy requiring all U.S. servicewomen to wear a Muslim Abaya and headscarf when off base in Saudi Arabia. She has extensive education and experience in national and international security, public policy, and transformational leadership.

Martha retired from the United States Air Force as a colonel in 2010. She has made her home in Tucson for a number of years, first arriving in the Old Pueblo in 1994, the first of her four assignments to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.

In July 2004, Martha took command of the 354th Fighter Squadron becoming the first woman in U.S. history to command a combat aviation unit. In that role, she led her A-10 team on a combat deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from September 2005 until February 2006. Flying over 225 combat hours during a period of increased combat activity, Martha was awarded a Bronze Star and multiple Air Medals for her combat leadership and performance. Under her command, the 354th Fighter Squadron won the prestigious Air Force Association David C. Schilling Award for the most outstanding contribution in the field of flight in 2006.

PHOTO_0011-300x225Martha’s spent her final military assignment as a hand-picked leader to standup United States Africa Command, formed to address U.S. security threats emanating from Africa. She led planning and oversight of complex and sensitive counter-terrorism missions, counter-piracy operations, and other military operations and engagements on the continent.

She retired as a command pilot with over 2600 flight hours, including over 325 combat hours.


Thom Paine

The guy who has the office right across from mine served with her here at DM and flew with her on multiple missions. While I doubt that he'd contradict any of the facts presented in her bio I can damned sure guarantee you that he'd also have some other stuff to add.
hmm Arizona, so does this mean That old fart McCain is out of politics?
The guy who has the office right across from mine served with her here at DM and flew with her on multiple missions. While I doubt that he'd contradict any of the facts presented in her bio I can damned sure guarantee you that he'd also have some other stuff to add.

Yeahhh, I bet so. But let's keep the bloom on the cactus for now; the needles will stick like a Cholla by this time next year..

G'evening Luther

Thom Paine
not yet.

McCain is in the Senate.

McSally was elected to Congress.

It has always been the House of Represenatives who have killed the Senates gun control bills, amnesty for illegal aliens and free stuff to non citizens.
It has always been the House of Represenatives who have killed the Senates gun control bills, amnesty for illegal aliens and free stuff to non citizens.

I agree. The House has stopped Reid and company.

Was responding to a question of with McSally being elected was McCain on his way out.
If McSally could barely win in the 2014 wave, this seat will swing back to the democrats in 2016.

It amazes me she won. Historically that district goes Democratic. I believe the district his largely Hispanic in demographics.
Yeah, 36% national turnout will do stuff like that.

If people don't vote, imo they get the representation they deserve. AZ has a good early ballot procedure. There is really no excuse for not voting.
It amazes me she won. Historically that district goes Democratic. I believe the district his largely Hispanic in demographics.

It's not particularly Hispanic. About half the district is east/central Tucson which tends to be the academic enclaves and urban whites. The rest of the district is far east side Tucson and rural areas of SE Arizona which trend much more Conservative.

Pima County Democrats generally put up an incredibly strong vote harvesting effort which means that they dominate the early ballot process. Republicans have to win heavily at the polls and that's what happened this time around. Barber won the mail in ballot portion of the race 53/47 but when people actually went to the poll to cast their vote he lost 41/59. My guess is that McSally won because she has a compelling story and Barber was more moderate than what the moonbats down here thought they should support. The Democrats just didn't get the turnout they thought they would.
It's not particularly Hispanic. About half the district is east/central Tucson which tends to be the academic enclaves and urban whites. The rest of the district is far east side Tucson and rural areas of SE Arizona which trend much more Conservative.

Pima County Democrats generally put up an incredibly strong vote harvesting effort which means that they dominate the early ballot process. Republicans have to win heavily at the polls and that's what happened this time around. Barber won the mail in ballot portion of the race 53/47 but when people actually went to the poll to cast their vote he lost 41/59. My guess is that McSally won because she has a compelling story and Barber was more moderate than what the moonbats down here thought they should support. The Democrats just didn't get the turnout they thought they would.

Thanks for the analysis, Tucson is near and dear to my heart. I have a lot of relatives there. Though, I doubt many of them vote Republican. :mrgreen:

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