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McCarthy’s Lie Puts G.O.P. Hypocrisy on Trump on Display (1 Viewer)


The 11th Beatle
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Mar 30, 2021
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A Little to the Left of the Planet of the Apes
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The Republican leader’s false claim that he never urged President Donald J. Trump to resign —

Just add another lie to the list. The far right couldn't care less.
They don't care..because nothing of value will happen to them.

Do something and they cry victim. Do nothing and they are emboldened to do more.

What needs to happen won't because we don't have the balls to serve them proper justice
They don't care..because nothing of value will happen to them.

Do something and they cry victim. Do nothing and they are emboldened to do more.

What needs to happen won't because we don't have the balls to serve them proper justice

It's about winning - period. You're right, they don't care. The GOP's just mad because Kevin McCarthy is exposed for the spineless moron that he is, and as has happened multiple times in the past, it's on full display for all to see.

McCarthy can kiss his Speakership hopes goodbye. There's no way he becomes Speaker now, and it wasn't looking great before. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the House GOP seriously starts talking about installing Trump himself as the House Speaker, which is totally legal even without winning an election. The only problem for Trump is that he'd have to divide his time between Mar-a-Lago, the campaign trail, and Washington, and I'm not sure he wants to do that.
It's about winning - period. You're right, they don't care. The GOP's just mad because Kevin McCarthy is exposed for the spineless moron that he is, and as has happened multiple times in the past, it's on full display for all to see.

McCarthy can kiss his Speakership hopes goodbye. There's no way he becomes Speaker now, and it wasn't looking great before. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the House GOP seriously starts talking about installing Trump himself as the House Speaker, which is totally legal even without winning an election. The only problem for Trump is that he'd have to divide his time between Mar-a-Lago, the campaign trail, and Washington, and I'm not sure he wants to do that.
Lol..no..they will plow on like this never happened.
It's like when you debate a con on here and they just stick to their guns regardless of the evidence.
The Republican leader’s false claim that he never urged President Donald J. Trump to resign —

Just add another lie to the list. The far right couldn't care less.
Oh...you can be sure the Republican rank and file cares. They are just not surprised. They already know about GOP Elites like McCarthy and McConnell.
The Republican leader’s false claim that he never urged President Donald J. Trump to resign —

Just add another lie to the list. The far right couldn't care less.
They really don't care, and there will be no consequences, and this nation is screwed.
Oh...you can be sure the Republican rank and file cares. They are just not surprised. They already know about GOP Elites like McCarthy and McConnell.
No, they don't. You don't either. You're just making noise.
The Republican leader’s false claim that he never urged President Donald J. Trump to resign —

Just add another lie to the list. The far right couldn't care less.
Paywall. What does it say?

From the title.... this sure sounds like an op-ed
The Republican leader’s false claim that he never urged President Donald J. Trump to resign —

Just add another lie to the list. The far right couldn't care less.

Only people unfamiliar with Trump's "incursion" into the Republican Party would be surprised by this.

Trump has been an off-again, on-again Republican for years. He has supported candidates of both Parties for years. Hell, according to one report found here:

He donated more money to Democrats than Republicans for decades.

When he threw his hat into the ring in 2016 he was opposed by 17 Republican contenders who invariably attacked him as an outsider.

When he won the election, he had almost NO support from Republican Senators (several resentful at having lost the Primaries), and only the support of the Tea Party Republicans in the House during the first two years of his Administration.

Why else was he unable to get any of his policy objectives except for a tax cut past the Senate, especially when it came to defanging Obamacare, when Republicans still controlled both Houses?

RINOS like McCarthy will say anything to maintain relevance and office. IMO most long-term members of Congress in both parties are beholden to those various special interests who control donations for future campaign efforts. Who also have the ability to provide insider trading info, and subsequent cushy jobs when it's time for a Congress-critter or a member of the Bureaucracy to "retire."

So what's the "big news" about this two-faced politician supposed to mean in reality? Fair weather friends will be friends only when it suits their needs.
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Oh...you can be sure the Republican rank and file cares. They are just not surprised. They already know about GOP Elites like McCarthy and McConnell.

You pick the devil you run with.
The lie that Trump is okay with this because, according to McCarthy, he was just telling Cheney what she wanted to hear is quite a whooper.

However, many Maga folks in congress are very unhappy about it.

Who, among the following, do you think recorded and released this conversation?

1. Elise Stefanik
2. Elise Stefanik
3. Elise Stefanik

This is the sort of thing Hitler delighted in. Let the factions fight over the approval of the fuhrer.
The Republican leader’s false claim that he never urged President Donald J. Trump to resign —

Just add another lie to the list. The far right couldn't care less.

Neither could the Dems care less, or more, or anywhere in-between. They've proved that for yrs.
And will GOP voters hold McCarthy accountable? Probably not, the far right desires to turn the US into their idea of a authoritarian utopia seem willing to overlook any and all criminal activities.
Only people unfamiliar with Trump's "incursion" into the Republican Party would be surprised by this.

Trump has been an off-again, on-again Republican for years. He has supported candidates of both Parties for years. Hell, according to one report found here:

He donated more money to Democrats than Republicans for decades.

When he threw his hat into the ring in 2016 he was opposed by 17 Republican contenders who invariably attacked him as an outsider.

When he won the election, he had almost NO support from Republican Senators (several resentful at having lost the Primaries), and only the support of the Tea Party Republicans in the House during the first two years of his Administration.

Why else was he unable to get any of his policy objectives except for a tax cut past the Senate, especially when it came to defanging Obamacare, when Republicans still controlled both Houses?

RINOS like McCarthy will say anything to maintain relevance and office. IMO most long-term members of Congress in both parties are beholden to those various special interests who control donations for future campaign efforts. Who also have the ability to provide insider trading info, and subsequent cushy jobs when it's time for a Congress-critter or a member of the Bureaucracy to "retire."

So what's the "big news" about this two-faced politician supposed to mean in reality? Fair weather friends will be friends only when it suits their needs.

Trump is famous for taking bankrupt properties, using them to his benefit and then abandoning them in ruin. He found the perfect bankrupt property in the GOP. Will he take it down?

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