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McCain Haunts Shanahan From the Grave (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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Oh look another Trump ally who doesn't know anything about the job he is assigned to do. How the heck does Trump keep finding these guys??? I mean at this point I'm pretty sure this a coordinated effort w/Stephen Miller to purposely pick the wrong people for these jobs. This just happens way too much to be a coincidence.


McCain: “Inexplicably, you responded by saying you have to look at the issue. It’s not satisfactory, Mr. Shanahan. Not a good beginning. Do not do that again, Mr. Shanahan, or I will not take your name up for a vote before this committee. Am I perfectly clear?”

Patrick Shanahan: McCain Raised Ukraine Concerns
Oh look another Trump ally who doesn't know anything about the job he is assigned to do. How the heck does Trump keep finding these guys??? I mean at this point I'm pretty sure this a coordinated effort w/Stephen Miller to purposely pick the wrong people for these jobs. This just happens way too much to be a coincidence.

View attachment 67246566

Patrick Shanahan: McCain Raised Ukraine Concerns

McCain is dead. Screw him. We are better off without him.

If RINO WARHAWK McCain didn't like something, you can be sure it was a good thing for the country.
McCain is dead. Screw him. We are better off without him.

If RINO WARHAWK McCain didn't like something, you can be sure it was a good thing for the country.

There's only one country that thinks not arming the Ukraine is a good thing. That's Russia.
McCain is dead. Screw him.

You and your hero - Commander Chickenspurs - just can't resist pissing on deceased soldiers and Gold Star families.
There's only one country that thinks not arming the Ukraine is a good thing. That's Russia.

ummm...you DO know that Trump is arming Ukraine, right?
You and your hero - Commander Chickenspurs - just can't resist pissing on deceased soldiers and Gold Star families.


Who do you think McCain is...Kerry, or something?

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