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maybe we can reach al-qaeda through my speach (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
let the president answer the words of higher anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

strap him with an AK f**k him let him go

Let him impress daddy that way

do you hear us?

Do you honestly think that trying to "reach" Al Qaeda is the right way of going about things. They would not save you from death simply because you hate Bush. They hate America, the sooner you understand that, the better off we'll all be.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
let the president answer the words of higher anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

strap him with an AK f**k him let him go

Let him impress daddy that way

do you hear us?

Al Qeada declared war on America long before Bush took office.
VTA said:
Al Qeada declared war on America long before Bush took office.

yeppers..When daddy Bush was picked over bin laden to save Saudi....
May have not been the start but it did really **** bin laden off.

But when they stop killing, we will stop.
Until then target them all....
farm-boy Bush wouldn't last a day in Iraq. He successfully weasled his way out of other Military Confrontations.

I believe the commander in arms should be on horse-back infront of the invasion force.. If we had that rule, then our leaders would think twice about throwing out soldiers in harm's way!
Arch Enemy said:
farm-boy Bush wouldn't last a day in Iraq. He successfully weasled his way out of other Military Confrontations.

I believe the commander in arms should be on horse-back infront of the invasion force.. If we had that rule, then our leaders would think twice about throwing out soldiers in harm's way!

You liberals really crack me up..........I would like to see you qualify in and F102 Jet Fighter plane...........
cherokee said:
yeppers..When daddy Bush was picked over bin laden to save Saudi....
May have not been the start but it did really **** bin laden off.

But when they stop killing, we will stop.
Until then target them all....

I just widh Clinton would have taken UBL on a silver platter in 1996 when Sudan offered him to us..........There would not have been a 09/11/01........Sadly "Slick Willie" was to busy getting BJs in the oval office with and intern young enough to be his granddaughter to do that..........
Arch Enemy said:
farm-boy Bush wouldn't last a day in Iraq. He successfully weasled his way out of other Military Confrontations.
Who told you that....Former CBS "newsguy" Dan Rather! LMAO

Arch Enemy said:
I believe the commander in arms should be on horse-back infront of the invasion force.. If we had that rule, then our leaders would think twice about throwing out soldiers in harm's way!
Here's an example of intellectual genious!
Shame Saddam never did this as the 90-91 Gulf War would have been over before it started and he wouldn't have had to dig that rat hole we found him in this time around. :rofl

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