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Matt Gaetz on RvW protests: "How many.." of the women are "over-educated..." (1 Viewer)

What the heck does that mean, "over-educated"?

What a pathetic little man
What the heck does that mean, "over-educated"?

What a pathetic little man
To Mat and many other republicans I suspect it means anything beyond grade school home ec.
To Mat and many other republicans I suspect it means anything beyond grade school home ec.
Bet Matt dreams of the time when a "woman" place was in the kitchen, being bare foot and pregnant :LOL:

Those days are long gone.
Hey Matt, there are many 16 year old girls without a degree out there....

What a freaking pig.

Ladies...he's single..:D
What the heck does that mean, "over-educated"?

What a pathetic little man

An uneducated base loves to villify education and bray at those who are more highly educated.

Plus, it ties in with their vile smears of gay and trans people in the school setting (I don't know what else to call the proposition that letting kids know that sometimes two boys like each other is "grooming" for "pedophilia").
Sounds like Mr. Gaetz is jealous of the press his colleagues Ms. Greene and Mr. Cawthorn have been getting lately and is trying to out-dumb them.

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