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Marxist crimes against humanity . Kolyma. Land of Gold and Gulags (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Marxist crimes against humanity . Kolyma. Land of Gold and Gulags. USA vice president visited Kolyma death camps in 1944 , the dirty Muscovite commies wanted to sell him Kolyma´s death camps as a great business idea ....according Marxists the GULAG´s death camps is not a big deal , just a business ...

Marxist crimes against humanity . Kolyma. Land of Gold and Gulags. USA vice president visited Kolyma death camps in 1944 , the dirty Muscovite commies wanted to sell him Kolyma´s death camps as a great business idea ....according Marxists the GULAG´s death camps is not a big deal , just a business ...

Muscovite commies is historically ignorant.

Who can take you seriously when you can't even get the nation's name correct?

Kolyma - Exposé of the Marxist Soviet Union's Most Brutal Siberian Concentration Camps

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