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Martin/Zimmerman reveals EXTREME Racism/Bigotry on the LEFT (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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Whether it be the millionaire old talking heads on MSNBC (white or black) or many liberals on this forum, the Martin/Zimmerman case reveals their deep rooted extreme and destructive racism and bigotry against African-Americans - and how much they look down on African-Americans, particularly young African-Americans. And how much they now trash and trivialize the great civil rights movement of Martin Luther King Jr and all the true African-American heros and martyrs of that era.

The leftist talking heads on the media - and many of the OLD liberals on this forum - portray Trayvon Martin as heroic, and a civil rights hero and martyr, and as a good kid of a bright future. In THEIR opinion, Trayvon Martin not only was the typical African-American young man, but heroic.

So we know how they see portray (and profile) African-Americans by who Travyon Martin was:

1. On his next school suspension
2. On drugs
3. Photos of drug plants
4. Vandal and of school/government property
5. Child porn pictures on his cell phone
6. Violent and glorified violence
7. Thief

To the OLD million talking heads on MSNBC - and to many OLD (white) liberals on this forum, that is EXACTLY how they personally see and generically profile African-Americans. As irresponsible, violence, disturbed, failed criminals. BUT then they make excuses for them as being oppressed. Hopefully the OLD bigoted dinosaur media talking heads will retire and time will ultimately have racist "liberals" die off.

And that is who they continue to tell all Americans that is who the typical young African-American teen is. Like Travyon Martin. They have been doing so for decades poisoning two generations with THEIR OWN CONDESENDING AND DEGRADING - at best - bigotry and racism against African-Americans. While at the same time raging that some people believe them and raging about people profiling African-Americans exactly how those old rich liberals profile African-Americans on the media and in their messages on this forum.
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Whether it be the millionaire old talking heads on MSNBC (white or black) or many liberals on this forum, the Martin/Zimmerman case reveals their deep rooted extreme and destructive racism and bigotry against African-Americans - and how much they look down on African-Americans, particularly young African-Americans. And how much they now trash and trivialize the great civil rights movement of Martin Luther King Jr and all the true African-American heros and martyrs of that era.

The leftist talking heads on the media - and many of the OLD liberals on this forum - portray Trayvon Martin as heroic, and a civil rights hero and martyr, and as a good kid of a bright future. In THEIR opinion, Trayvon Martin not only was the typical African-American young man, but heroic.

So we know how they see portray (and profile) African-Americans by who Travyon Martin was:

1. On his next school suspension
2. On drugs
3. Photos of drug plants
4. Vandal and of school/government property
5. Child porn pictures on his cell phone
6. Violent and glorified violence
7. Thief

To the OLD million talking heads on MSNBC - and to many OLD (white) liberals on this forum, that is EXACTLY how they personally see and generically profile African-Americans. As irresponsible, violence, disturbed, failed criminals. BUT then they make excuses for them as being oppressed. Hopefully the OLD bigoted dinosaur media talking heads will retire and time will ultimately have racist "liberals" die off.

And that is who they continue to tell all Americans that is who the typical young African-American teen is. Like Travyon Martin. Tthey have been doing so for decades poisoning two generations with THEIR OWN CONDESENDING AND DEGRADING - at best - bigotry and racism against African-Americans. While at the same time raging that some people believe them and raging about people profiling African-Americans exactly old rich liberals profile them on the media and in their messages on this forum.
A very interesting post. In my opinion the automatic labeling of "racist" to describe every white on black incident is ludicrous. The whole concept of racism in the Martin/Zimmerman case was the media, all of the media, and nothing but the media.

My daughter in law, my oldest son's wife (a black woman) expressed it so well when she said, "he's white, the dead boy was black, therefore the media is obligated to make as much over the "racist" angle as possible. The more worked up people are about an issue, the better the media likes it."

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