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Mark O’Mara chastise the media (1 Viewer)


Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Mark O’Mara, the lead defense attorney for George Zimmerman, took the opportunity during the final moments of his post-verdict press conference to chastise the media for its handling of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case.

“He was like a patient in an operating table where a mad scientist [was] committing experiments on him and he he had no anasthesia,” an agitated O’Mara said. “He didn’t know why he was turned into this monster, but quite frankly you guys had a lot to do with it.”


It does the heart good when someone grows enough balls and tells the media shame on you and dresses them down. It made race baiter Sharpton have a fit so you know he did something right
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Maybe we should reply by simply posting links and then none of us will have to type anything. :roll:
“He didn’t know why he was turned into this monster, but quite frankly you guys had a lot to do with it.” << This guy has some balls.
That was putting lightly... He could have been a hell of a lot more harsh than that, but I suppose that will do.
Maybe we should reply by simply posting links and then none of us will have to type anything. :roll:

sorry was trying to edit the post to embed the vid
That was putting lightly... He could have been a hell of a lot more harsh than that, but I suppose that will do.
he was hard but civil
O'Mara did a fine job at the presser.

He also stated his opinion regarding Trayvon very well. He called the kid out for acting the fool without actually using those words. He's a total professional.
Blame on the corporate media, they don't care about the truth, they worry about the ratings and the bottom line.
Blame on the corporate media, they don't care about the truth, they worry about the ratings and the bottom line.

have i actually created a thread that the right and the left can agree on is that a first
have i actually created a thread that the right and the left can agree on is that a first
Well maybe you and I agree, but I don't represent the "left" nor do you represent the "right"
have i actually created a thread that the right and the left can agree on is that a first

Almost... Except Pete had to trot the "corporate media" line of bull out... The reason this was exploited by the media was because of their liberal bias. They saw an opportunity to exploit what they thought was a case of a white man murdering a black kid and getting away with it, and they ran with it without checking their facts first. Just like they did with the Tucson shooting, the Colorado shooting and the Boston bombing when they tried to blame conservatives. They went out of their way to paint Zimmerman as a racist, because that supports their political beliefs.

Why do you think MSNBC is still going on and on and on about race, even though this trial had nothing to do with racism?
Almost... Except Pete had to trot the "corporate media" line of bull out... The reason this was exploited by the media was because of their liberal bias. They saw an opportunity to exploit what they thought was a case of a white man murdering a black kid and getting away with it, and they ran with it without checking their facts first. Just like they did with the Tucson shooting, the Colorado shooting and the Boston bombing when they tried to blame conservatives. They went out of their way to paint Zimmerman as a racist, because that supports their political beliefs.

Why do you think MSNBC is still going on and on and on about race, even though this trial had nothing to do with racism?
It's all about the bottom line whether you believe it or not Grim. Look at yourself, you were thoroughly entertained by whole deal. Thats what CORPOATE MEDIA does.
That was putting lightly... He could have been a hell of a lot more harsh than that, but I suppose that will do.

If he really wanted to see them squirm, he should have said that the process server will be busy all next week. ;)


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