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Mark Lanegan has passed. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 6, 2019
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Mark Lanegan, singer of the 90s grunge band the Screaming Trees and an incredibly talented solo artist and collaborator as well, has passed away at the age of 57.

I've been a big fan of his since I first bought Rated R by Queens of the Stone Age and heard his verses on "In the Fade." Rest in Peace.
57? That is far, far too young. I couldn't find the cause of death. Rest in peace.
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Man, that really sucks. Rest in peace, Mark Lanegan.
I attended a Screaming Trees concert back in the day and it was totally rad. Sad news. RIP.
I have been meaning to post this video, as I was thinking about Mark Lanegan recently. I might have already posted it in the big thread, but here it is again anyway. This one is from 2002 with QOTSA.

RIP, Mark Lanegan. You're remembered.
I have been meaning to post this video, as I was thinking about Mark Lanegan recently. I might have already posted it in the big thread, but here it is again anyway. This one is from 2002 with QOTSA.

RIP, Mark Lanegan. You're remembered.

Don't get me started on the 2002 Queens of the Stone Age lineup - there's a video of "Regular John" from the 2002 Glastonbury Festival that's one of my favorite live videos of all time.

But to bring the topic back to Mark, this song has been in my playlist a lot recently - Mark Lanegan and Soulsavers, "Revival."

My wife at least partially attributes our now 15-year relationship to a day shortly after we started dating, when she borrowed my iPod and spent a few hours walking around Brooklyn listening to "I'll Take Care of You" on repeat.
Don't get me started on the 2002 Queens of the Stone Age lineup - there's a video of "Regular John" from the 2002 Glastonbury Festival that's one of my favorite live videos of all time.

But to bring the topic back to Mark, this song has been in my playlist a lot recently - Mark Lanegan and Soulsavers, "Revival."

That's wonderful. I hadn't heard it before.
Now that you've got me all riled up about Mark Lanegan, I think I need to post this video, too:

Rest in Peace, Mark and Tony Bourdain.
Now that you've got me all riled up about Mark Lanegan, I think I need to post this video, too:

Rest in Peace, Mark and Tony Bourdain.

Yeah, he is missed, too. Losing cool people is one of the shit parts of aging. Those of us who are still here can celebrate them, though.

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