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Maria Butina pleads guilty to US charges of conspiring to act as foreign agent (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Maria Butina, the Russian woman arrested and accused of acting as a foreign agent within the United States has pleaded guilty to her charges.

Butina was accused of acting as a Russian agent to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) lobby group which is closely linked to Republican politicians close to US President Donald Trump and to sway US foreign policy toward Moscow.
When asked by the judge if the charges announced by the prosecutors were correct, she replied in the affirmative,

Maria Butina, the Russian woman arrested and accused of acting as a foreign agent within the United States has pleaded guilty to her charges.

Butina was accused of acting as a Russian agent to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) lobby group which is closely linked to Republican politicians close to US President Donald Trump and to sway US foreign policy toward Moscow.
When asked by the judge if the charges announced by the prosecutors were correct, she replied in the affirmative,

No. Russia and the democrats are on the same page regarding personal ownweship of firearms, albeit for different reasons.
No. Russia and the democrats are on the same page regarding personal ownweship of firearms, albeit for different reasons.

The FSB successfully infiltrated the NRA and you're going to say that Democrats and Russians are on the same page?
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The FSB successfully infiltrated the NRA and you're going to say that Democrats and Russians are on the same page?

To be fair its not that hard to infiltrate the NRA. Just act like you like guns. :shrug:

But in a way chuckiechan is correct when it comes to guns. Both Democrats and Russian's don't like it when people have a Right to bear arms.

Disclaimer: As with anything else in the world, there are of course caveats. Not all Dems are against guns. Not all Russians are against guns. But there is enough of a majority in both groups to draw similarities on the issue of guns.
The FSB successfully infiltrated the NRA and you're going to say that Democrats and Russians are on the same page?

the fsb successfully infiltrated hillary clinton but that didnt stop you from voting for her and campaignin for her constantly
To be fair its not that hard to infiltrate the NRA. Just act like you like guns. :shrug:

But in a way chuckiechan is correct when it comes to guns. Both Democrats and Russian's don't like it when people have a Right to bear arms.

Disclaimer: As with anything else in the world, there are of course caveats. Not all Dems are against guns. Not all Russians are against guns. But there is enough of a majority in both groups to draw similarities on the issue of guns.

Apparently it's not that hard for the FSB to infiltrate Republican institutions in general. If, 30 years ago, I had asked which political party would be most likely to be completely infiltrated by Russian agents, which answer do you suppose I might have been most likely to get?
To be fair its not that hard to infiltrate the NRA. Just act like you like guns. :shrug:

But in a way chuckiechan is correct when it comes to guns. Both Democrats and Russian's don't like it when people have a Right to bear arms.

Disclaimer: As with anything else in the world, there are of course caveats. Not all Dems are against guns. Not all Russians are against guns. But there is enough of a majority in both groups to draw similarities on the issue of guns.



“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida ... to go to court would have taken a long time, take the guns first, go through due process second"

So is Trump a russian or a democrat ? '

To be fair its not that hard to infiltrate the NRA.

Or donate a lot of money. They like that. Gets you invited to their conventions & such. Great way to meet & influence people.
Or donate a lot of money. They like that. Gets you invited to their conventions & such. Great way to meet & influence people.

that's true with most organizations. I responded to a poll that the Losing Bill Nelson put on FB. I blasted his stance on Gun Control and suddenly I started getting dozens of campaign messages and was told I was now part of the reelect Bill Nelson movement. I suspect if I showed up at just about any group-NARAL, NORML, Young marxists for Spartacus, PETA etc and said I supported their goals and offered money, I'd be a member in good standing. When I joined the NRA as a teenager, I am pretty sure they never had FBI agents do a background check on me, the same way the OPM had done when I was appointed to the DOJ
that's true with most organizations. I responded to a poll that the Losing Bill Nelson put on FB. I blasted his stance on Gun Control and suddenly I started getting dozens of campaign messages and was told I was now part of the reelect Bill Nelson movement. I suspect if I showed up at just about any group-NARAL, NORML, Young marxists for Spartacus, PETA etc and said I supported their goals and offered money, I'd be a member in good standing. When I joined the NRA as a teenager, I am pretty sure they never had FBI agents do a background check on me, the same way the OPM had done when I was appointed to the DOJ

Watch out contacting NAMBLA. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association
I have noticed that certain formerly vehemently anti-Trump pols have changed their tune about DJT. I wonder if they are compromised in this.

Listened to Rush Limbaugh today until my gag reflex set in and he was yammering on and on about his watch, nary a word about this. Wouldn't that be great?
Or donate a lot of money. They like that. Gets you invited to their conventions & such. Great way to meet & influence people.

It's not even that difficult. They actually have a website. All you have to do is go to that page, click on 'join' at the top of the screen, fill out a form, and you're in (for a 'little money'! Under the events tab, you can even find out about, and register for, their meetings. There's also a button where they'll add it to your calendar. Shocking.
That's an odd thing for an admitted lifelong Marxist like you to claim, comrade.

let me ask you somethin...did you alt lefties get off the forum when hillary lost? or did yall just have to make excuses like always lol (laugh out loud).

yall marxist hillarybots love makin excuses lol (laugh out loud)
let me ask you somethin...did you alt lefties get off the forum when hillary lost? or did yall just have to make excuses like always lol (laugh out loud).

yall marxist hillarybots love makin excuses lol (laugh out loud)

That's an odd thing for an admitted lifelong Marxist like you to ask, comrade.
That's an odd thing for an admitted lifelong Marxist like you to ask, comrade.

when yall marxists lost to trump, that musta been like a huge loss for you. i mean, yall spent years campaigning for hillary (for the second time since she made up the birther conspiracy in 08)... all that energy and yall are gonna have trump until 2024 lol (laugh out loud)
when yall marxists lost to trump, that musta been like a huge loss for you. i mean, yall spent years campaigning for hillary (for the second time since she made up the birther conspiracy in 08)... all that energy and yall are gonna have trump until 2024 lol (laugh out loud)

That's an odd thing for an admitted lifelong Marxist like you to claim, comrade.

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