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Man's property given toIllegal immigrants (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Story breaks today of a man in Texas stopped illegal immigrants coming across the border and through his land/property. The immigrants would not stop, so the man used a little force to stop them and hold them until the cops showed up. The masn was charged with assualt and charged $50,000. when he did not/could not pay, the judge/goverment gave the illegal immigrants the man's home and all of his land! :shock:

this on the tail end of the news about the mexican military has been spotted numerous times lately coming across the border in texas, setting up a perimiter, and assisting illegal and drug smugglers to come inand bring in their drugs. The officials in Texas have been warned and ordered to observe only, not to take any action against the Mexican military. :shock:

WTF is going on?!
easyt65 said:
Story breaks today of a man in Texas stopped illegal immigrants coming across the border and through his land/property. The immigrants would not stop, so the man used a little force to stop them and hold them until the cops showed up. The masn was charged with assualt and charged $50,000. when he did not/could not pay, the judge/goverment gave the illegal immigrants the man's home and all of his land! :shock:

this on the tail end of the news about the mexican military has been spotted numerous times lately coming across the border in texas, setting up a perimiter, and assisting illegal and drug smugglers to come inand bring in their drugs. The officials in Texas have been warned and ordered to observe only, not to take any action against the Mexican military. :shock:

WTF is going on?!

I don't doubt you, but would you have a link to this story?
No link yet - it is just coming across Fox and MSNBC TV now.
easyt65 said:
No link yet - it is just coming across Fox and MSNBC TV now.

I see, I trust your obvious powers of sight and sound.;)

That said, I will still have to have all the facts present, before giving my opinion on this issue, though I am quite certain that I would disagree with taking a man's property, for merely protecting it!:shock:
Deegan said:
I see, I trust your obvious powers of sight and sound.;)

That said, I will still have to have all the facts present, before giving my opinion on this issue, though I am quite certain that I would disagree with taking a man's property, for merely protecting it!:shock:

I can vouch for him. However, they dont know if those providing cover for the drug smugglers are actually with the Mexican Army, or are just civilians who are putting on the Uniform. Either way, it should be seen as an invasion, and we should blow their butts back across the border in pieces.
danarhea said:
I can vouch for him. However, they dont know if those providing cover for the drug smugglers are actually with the Mexican Army, or are just civilians who are putting on the Uniform. Either way, it should be seen as an invasion, and we should blow their butts back across the border in pieces.

Hu-ah! What better practice/training for those Texas guard boys flying those A-10s and other war birds!?!:cool:
easyt65 said:
Hu-ah! What better practice/training for those Texas guard boys flying those A-10s and other war birds!?!:cool:
Not to mention the many militias here in Texas.

Rumor is, if you hit a drug smuggler hard enough with your car so that he flies far enough away, the local sheriff will give whats left of his body a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident. On the other hand, if he flies through your windshield, then whats left of him will get arrested for breaking and entering. :)
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