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Managing Assad's Targets (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 21, 2007
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"Citing an unnamed Obama administration official, the newspaper reported that Washington gave the text of the proposed agreement to Moscow “after weeks of negotiations and internal Obama administration deliberations.”Washington reportedly wants Moscow to “agree to pressure the Assad regime to stop bombing certain Syrian rebel groups the United States does not consider terrorists.” The Washington Post reported that under the proposal, the US "would not give Russia the exact locations of these groups but would specify geographic zones that would be safe from the Assad regime’s aerial assaults."
Meanwhile, the head of the Russian General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, said that Washington still hasn't provided a list of groups it considers terrorist, allowing jihadists to regroup and escape Russian-led air raids on their positions."



"Citing an unnamed Obama administration official, the newspaper reported that Washington gave the text of the proposed agreement to Moscow “after weeks of negotiations and internal Obama administration deliberations.”Washington reportedly wants Moscow to “agree to pressure the Assad regime to stop bombing certain Syrian rebel groups the United States does not consider terrorists.” The Washington Post reported that under the proposal, the US "would not give Russia the exact locations of these groups but would specify geographic zones that would be safe from the Assad regime’s aerial assaults."
Meanwhile, the head of the Russian General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, said that Washington still hasn't provided a list of groups it considers terrorist, allowing jihadists to regroup and escape Russian-led air raids on their positions."




I'm not surprised, and no one else should be either.
"Citing an unnamed Obama administration official, the newspaper reported that Washington gave the text of the proposed agreement to Moscow “after weeks of negotiations and internal Obama administration deliberations.”Washington reportedly wants Moscow to “agree to pressure the Assad regime to stop bombing certain Syrian rebel groups the United States does not consider terrorists.” The Washington Post reported that under the proposal, the US "would not give Russia the exact locations of these groups but would specify geographic zones that would be safe from the Assad regime’s aerial assaults."
Meanwhile, the head of the Russian General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, said that Washington still hasn't provided a list of groups it considers terrorist, allowing jihadists to regroup and escape Russian-led air raids on their positions."




I am somewhat surprised that Assad is allowed to fly. He has done more damage to the the population than any dictator should be allowed to do.
I am somewhat surprised that Assad is allowed to fly. He has done more damage to the the population than any dictator should be allowed to do.

There's an option.
There's an option.

There is that. The UN could, for instance, take out the dictator's regime and put him before the courts. But Obama did not want to do it, when it would have been relatively easy.
There is that. The UN could, for instance, take out the dictator's regime and put him before the courts. But Obama did not want to do it, when it would have been relatively easy.

Is there some way to get Syrians to stop shooting at each other?

Assad drove W Bush nuts be giving safe passage to terrorists entering Iraq, during W Bush's war in Iraq.

The Arab Spring. beginning with Obama's speech, has created a number of regime changes under Obama's watch.

I m not convinced that Regime Change is always good.

Maybe just get everyone shooting at ISIS. instead of shooting at each other

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Is there some way to get Syrians to stop shooting at each other?

Assad drove W Bush nuts be giving safe passage to terrorists entering Iraq, during W Bush's war in Iraq.

The Arab Spring. beginning with Obama's speech, has created a number of regime changes under Obama's watch.

I m not convinced that Regime Change is always good.

Maybe just get everyone shooting at ISIS. instead of shooting at each other


Regime change is always good, when the dictator in any way resembles Assad or Saddam. The thing is, that it should not be the US to do it with its closest allies and it must come with believably guaranteed security for the people until the political system they install is functional and stable.

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