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Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation (1 Viewer)


Feb 27, 2013
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Libertarian - Right
(Senatobia, MS) A jogger says three men attacked him in retaliation for the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.

The attack happened on Highway 51 in Senatobia, Miss., Sunday night.

The victim told News Channel 3 and investigators the men drove up to him, asked if he knew who Trayvon Martin was, then forced him into a car.

At some point, the man says the men told him, “This is for Trayvon.”

The man was badly beaten, then dropped off on Cut Off Road between Senatobia and Coldwater, Miss.

The man, who is white, told police the men who attacked him are black, but couldn’t give anymore information.

The victim has been released from the hospital.

The three men may have been in a white Chevrolet Malibu.

If you know anything about this case, please call CrimeStoppers at 662-301-1111 .

You can hear from the man tonight on News Channel 3 at 10.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation | WREG.com

do i need to say anything
Stupid people do stupid things.
I'm not sure what you're expecting from this post. It's not surprising . . . there are people everywhere just looking for an excuse to beat the crap out of someone. The Zimmerman verdict is just one of them.

so how many attacks where done by whites over the OJ verdict?
so how many attacks where done by whites over the OJ verdict?

I dunno.

I wouldn't doubt there were some....

Probably in the same state this was came from.
so how many attacks where done by whites over the OJ verdict?

I don't really think that's a fair argument. OJ's trial was turned into somewhat of a race issue, but white people never believed that if he got off it was denigration to their race, or that their lives weren't worth anything. That's how a lot of people, wrongly in my opinion, felt about the Martin verdict. White people have plenty of other justifications for their crimes.
Baltimore police say they are investigating a witness account that a group of black youths beat a Hispanic man near Patterson Park Sunday while saying, "This is for Trayvon."

A witness posted the account on a community Facebook page, and police confirmed they are looking into whether the suspects' reaction to the verdict in the Florida trial of George Zimmerman played a part in the incident. A police report on the beating does not mention the alleged comments.

Sgt. Eric Kowalczyk, a police spokesman, declined to go into further detail.

Read more: Witness claims youths yelled 'this is for Trayvon' in beating - baltimoresun.com

In a post that drew nearly 50 comments on Facebook, real estate agent Christina Dudley said she was walking to her car just before 9 p.m. when she saw several young black males and two black females chasing a 37-year-old Hispanic man west on North Linwood Avenue past East Fairmont Avenue.

"One of the boys had a handgun out and it was pointed at the back of him," Dudley said in an interview.

They caught up to the man at the corner of Fairmount and N. Streeper Street, and the male with the gun beat the victim with what appeared to be his gun while others kicked and stomped him, Dudley said.

"They were just yelling and calling him names as they ran after him, but once they were hitting him and after that they started yelling, "This is for Trayvon, [expletive]," said Dudley, who heard the chant repeated multiple times.

Dudley and a woman walking her dog across the street told the group to stop and warned that they were calling 911. The group scattered before police arrived. Police have no arrests or named suspects.

Using a translator, police spoke to the victim, who knows some English, according to the police report. The victim told officers that he was standing in the intersection of Fairmont and N. Potomac Street when a group of five black males first approached him.

He described all of the males as between 16 and 18 and told police a 6-foot suspect with a black "stretchy" shirt and mohawk told him, "What's up, [expletive]." When the victim raised his phone to call 911, the suspect raised his shirt and flashed a silver handgun in his waistband.

The victim turned and ran before he was caught in the 2800 block of Fairmont and was beaten, police said. He sustained abrasions to his elbows and forearms but refused medical attention.

Police listed all of the suspects involved as black males. Three were "skinny" while one was described as overweight

Witness claims youths yelled 'this is for Trayvon' in beating - baltimoresun.com

this makes two
Yes, idiot people do idiotic things for idiotic reasons. No matter how much you think an injustice has been done to Martin, this does not allow you to be violent or harm innocent people.

so if a white man attacks a black man it is because of him being a racist and a profiler but if a black man attacks a white man he is just being an idiot
so if a white man attacks a black man it is because of him being a racist and a profiler but if a black man attacks a white man he is just being an idiot

Let me try again, maybe you just misunderstood what I wrote or you are trying very hard to bring race into an answer that was devoid of racial under/overtones. My answer and opinion is that regularly (if not all of the time) idiot people (irrespective of color) attack people for idiotic reasons (even things that are not jury verdicts the idiot dislikes) and that I think this is completely not OK.

Also I write that (again, irrespective of the color of their skin) people who disagree with the Zimmerman verdict are not allowed to hurt anyone or become violent.

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