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Majority of republicans say colleges are bad for america (yes, really) (1 Viewer)

You need to understand. An educated, well rounded individual who comprehends a complex world and can understand nuance, other cultures, and logical thinking is precisely the people that end up not voting Republican.

If that were the case, you and your ilk would lay off the general BS you continuously throw around every single day regarding republicans as all being ignorant trailer park red necks. And, if you all were truly critical thinkers, you would have laughed off any attempt at a Hillary presidency.

But no....

Me thinks a lot of you are all full of beans........... and full of self grandiose.

Your thread title is misleading and so is your comment. The poll by the pew research center wasn't about whether colleges are bad for America. It's about whether or not colleges and universities are having a negative effect or not. And considering all the crap that's been happening at colleges and universities of late can you really blame Republicans for thinking negatively on them? I mean come on, safe spaces? Playdoh? Days off of class just because a President that people don't like was elected so that they can mourn? College is not about any of those. College is about learning what the real world is like...not ways to hide from it.

I guess for your theory to be true, it would require and individual to be well rounded, capable of comprehending a complex world, have an ability to understand nuance, other cultures, and is able to apply logical thinking.

Sadly, students are graduating with capabilities far short of that ideal.


In 2010, the Noel-Levitz Employer Satisfaction Survey of over 900 employers identified “critical thinking [as] the academic skill with the second largest negative gap between performance satisfaction and expectation.” Four years later, a follow-up study conducted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities found little progress, concluding that “employers…give students very low grades on nearly all of the 17 learning outcomes explored in the study”—including critical thinking—and that students “judge themselves to be far better prepared for post-college success than do employers.”​

And as an employer who has hired 100's of fresh faces right out of college over the years, I would report these same results.

There's a reason you're hiring fresh faces out of college, and not fresh faces out of high school.
There's a reason you're hiring fresh faces out of college, and not fresh faces out of high school.

A fresh face is a fresh face, depending on the job. College graduates over the last 10 years are sadly some of the least prepared, yet most demanding, of any I've encountered over the last 35 years.
The dumbing down of America. By Donald Trump and Co.
yes do keep the herd stupid
Neither of these acknowledge the reality that college is GOOD for America, and that the republican party has lost it.
What if collages are dumbing kids? I know you don’t believe that but could you agree if that were the case it would be a great bad than good, right?

Do you know the Greek history of the sophist?
What if collages are dumbing kids? I know you don’t believe that but could you agree if that were the case it would be a great bad than good, right?

Do you know the Greek history of the sophist?

Are you glad your doctor went to college?
Are you glad your doctor went to college?
My argument against collages is saying they are starting to do more harm than good. Not they have not done good. For the majority of graduates and in this I will include doctors I beleive they would learn more in a different learning environments. I'd encourge any to do independant reaserch.

If your question is do I enjoy and support we certify doctors. Then yes.

And if my child wants to be a doctor, she will go to collage. Same goes for any profession requiring a degree to obtain certification. Otherwise though no she will get an independant tutor until the system is fixed.

I ask again, are you aware of any of the history of sophists?
My argument against collages is saying they are starting to do more harm than good. Not they have not done good. For the majority of graduates and in this I will include doctors I beleive they would learn more in a different learning environments. I'd encourge any to do independant reaserch.

If your question is do I enjoy and support we certify doctors. Then yes.

And if my child wants to be a doctor, she will go to collage. Same goes for any profession requiring a degree to obtain certification. Otherwise though no she will get an independant tutor until the system is fixed.

I ask again, are you aware of any of the history of sophists?

Yes. They don't train doctors
Yes. They don't train doctors

Again, even if it were found true the bad ideas don't apply to a doctors training. Proving a good does not disprove they cause more harm.
My argument against collages is saying they are starting to do more harm than good. Not they have not done good. For the majority of graduates and in this I will include doctors I beleive they would learn more in a different learning environments. I'd encourge any to do independant reaserch.

If your question is do I enjoy and support we certify doctors. Then yes.

And if my child wants to be a doctor, she will go to collage. Same goes for any profession requiring a degree to obtain certification. Otherwise though no she will get an independant tutor until the system is fixed.

I ask again, are you aware of any of the history of sophists?

my friend is a doctor..you want her to do independent research instead of going to med school because you believe they would learn more in a different environment?

yes let's just cancel all of the 1000 or more years of research and start again with each person...you know nothing of medicine do you? no

I don't want my GP spending time doing independent research, I want to be assured that she has the KNOWN knowledge to diagnose my disease and direct my healing, she already works 70 hours a week.
my friend is a doctor..you want her to do independent research instead of going to med school because you believe they would learn more in a different environment?
If you read my full comment I said in addition to medical school.

Yes, I think she be a better doctor in a different learning environment.

yes let's just cancel all of the 1000 or more years of research and start again with each person...you know nothing of medicine do you? no
I know a fair amount. No I don’t think we should throw out our clinical research. I think collages have become infested with corruptive ideas like the sophists of ancient Greece. More harm than good! Not no good.

I don't want my GP spending time doing independent research, I want to be assured that she has the KNOWN knowledge to diagnose my disease and direct my healing, she already works 70 hours a week.
Umm, Okay…

If she could be a better doctor you don’t think she want to be? Of course.
My argument against collages is saying they are starting to do more harm than good. Not they have not done good. For the majority of graduates and in this I will include doctors I beleive they would learn more in a different learning environments. I'd encourge any to do independant reaserch.

If your question is do I enjoy and support we certify doctors. Then yes.

And if my child wants to be a doctor, she will go to collage. Same goes for any profession requiring a degree to obtain certification. Otherwise though no she will get an independant tutor until the system is fixed.

I ask again, are you aware of any of the history of sophists?

Yes. Collages are generally really bad.

Of course, they shouldn't have to teach spelling, since that's a skill most of us pick up in grammar school.
An idiot masquerading himself as an idealogue...fancy that.
I am the one posting bls.gov, bea.gov, and treasury data, you are posting headlines without reading the entire article. Name calling is all you have and the question is why such loyalty to this failed liberal ideology as the facts show

For ****'s sake. I posted a factual article supported by facts. Yes we know you think that's an opinion. That says it sll.
For ****'s sake. I posted a factual article supported by facts. Yes we know you think that's an opinion. That says it sll.

Really? Apparently you have no idea what a fact is.
For ****'s sake. I posted a factual article supported by facts. Yes we know you think that's an opinion. That says it sll.
Is it a fact that 24 million are going to lose their healthcare. Is it a fact that employment went from 42 million when Obama took office to 139 million 2 years after the stimulus? Is it a fact that GDP was 1.6% last year and U-6 9,4% when he left office?

The only fact you posted was a article that offered opinions

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College is not for everyone. Tech and trade skills is equally important. How many young adults earned a worthless degree in some field of study where the job market is very limited.

I also wonder why our high schools dropped some of the industrial art studies (auto shop, wood shop) and replaced them with fuzzy feel good classes. It was a mistake. We need to give high school age kids the opportunity to learn about trades as well as the sciences/engineering.

My brother got a degree in computers, Now he owns his own screen and aluminum business.
Some college programs are bad for students, but no one with an education in any discipline is bad for America.
I have a general Business degree, but found out I love the hospitality business.
Now I manage a very nice hotel in Houston.
Day in, and day out, I meet with people from all walks of life, but the ones that can afford to stay here are a bit more well off financially that most.
That being said, they are also of all political leanings.
As a senior hospitality manager, I have learned how to rub people the right way and make them happy with their stay.

Now if colleges would offer programs to help students get good jobs, I am for that.
However, most of this responsibility lies with the student.
it is up to them to pick the right program, get the good grades, and then land a good job.
You can't blame the college if a Medieval Literature grad can't get a job in a Chemical plant.
There are certain majors where the only jobs in that field are teaching it. How's that for a hamster wheel?
Bwahahahaha a Trumper suggesting someone doesn't know what a fact is! I almost wet myself laughing. Thanks!

Point us all to that so called fact you provided but noticed how you ignored mine. Care to try again?

Is it a fact that 24 million are going to lose their healthcare. Is it a fact that employment went from 42 million when Obama took office to 139 million 2 years after the stimulus? Is it a fact that GDP was 1.6% last year and U-6 9,4% when he left office?
Really? Apparently you have no idea what a fact is.
You are talking to the mirror. Do you understand what is the definition of fact? Thank heavens colleges are pretty good at identifying those who can't or won't learn how to critically think.
You are talking to the mirror. Do you understand what is the definition of fact? Thank heavens colleges are pretty good at identifying those who can't or won't learn how to critically think.

Yep, they sure are which is why it is called a liberal education, facts are whatever you want them to be but most of your so called facts are opinions supporting the perverted leftwing ideology.

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