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Majority of republicans say colleges are bad for america (yes, really) (2 Viewers)

Have you seen interviews done with college students? Its not a question of whether or not education is good for America or whether College is a good thing. Of course it is a good thing. But is running up 100k in debt on a degree you cant use really a good thing? Is spending your college years engaging in forced indoctrination a good thing? Colleges should exist to prepare people for the workforce...not as institutions to create a bunch of mindless social justice warriors. College used to be an opportunity to learn to grow, maybe even become an adult. FFS...today e have graduate students at ****ing Harvard that are having met downs over Halloween costumes. We have people literally ****ing melting down because someone expressed a difference of opinion. In many ways and many locations, college has become an unhealthy environment that causes more harm than does good. If you are one of those people working a minimum wage job because you cant find work in your degree field...then yes..college was a bad thing.

More silly deflection... my wife took her GI Bill to our local college, got 4 year degree in IT, made a pretty penny for decades. She spent 20 years as a contract programmer/BA... always found a new contract.

Colleges don't 'create' anyone... the person decides for themselves what to be. How weak minded are Americans if they can't get a useful degree from the myriad to pick from??? Colleges are not creating a bunch of mindless social justice warriors, perhaps a generation is ready to see past much of the bigotry of an earlier generation.

Don't blame colleges for people making poor choices, every field of study has a degree but that doesn't mean it had to be more than a few credits of study for the vast majority of students. Grad students mowing lawns???? Sounds like a loser who thought he could work the system and was amazed the grant money would ever stop...

I don't know any of these grad students mowing lawns, have heard of privileged frat boys killing each other as part of the 'fun'... and not from community colleges, none I know of majoring in fish psychology... :peace
Something you staunch liberals with such passion for your ideology need to think about that shows that you truly do care and not give lip service to helping people


Part I:

In three generations, there will be no more Democrats.

Part II:

Einstein once said,

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats... yet they are still POOR.

Part III:


Abraham Lincoln

~Henry Ford


So now tell me liberals why such loyalty to your ideology? You think throwing money at the problem changes human behavior??

This say you’re wrong, as usual.:roll: Total vote for Clinton=65,844,610, versus total vote for trump-=62,979,636.
This say you’re wrong, as usual.:roll: Total vote for Clinton=65,844,610, versus total vote for trump-=62,979,636.
Clinton wins California by 4 million

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
73 million voted for any one but Trump, who got 62 million. Do a retry now and he would not get 55 million.
And 70 million for anyone but Clinton where is that admission about being wrong about predictions being right and better than actual facts

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
More silly deflection... my wife took her GI Bill to our local college, got 4 year degree in IT, made a pretty penny for decades. She spent 20 years as a contract programmer/BA... always found a new contract.

Colleges don't 'create' anyone... the person decides for themselves what to be. How weak minded are Americans if they can't get a useful degree from the myriad to pick from??? Colleges are not creating a bunch of mindless social justice warriors, perhaps a generation is ready to see past much of the bigotry of an earlier generation.

Don't blame colleges for people making poor choices, every field of study has a degree but that doesn't mean it had to be more than a few credits of study for the vast majority of students. Grad students mowing lawns???? Sounds like a loser who thought he could work the system and was amazed the grant money would ever stop...

I don't know any of these grad students mowing lawns, have heard of privileged frat boys killing each other as part of the 'fun'... and not from community colleges, none I know of majoring in fish psychology... :peace
Well hell...as long as you have anecdotal evidence...

10 Worst College Degrees to Earn in 2015 - The Simple Dollar
'My Degree Has Been Pretty Much Useless' | HuffPost
Don’t waste your time on these worthless degrees
Millennial College Graduates: Young, Educated, Jobless
And 70 million for anyone but Clinton where is that admission about being wrong about predictions being right and better than actual facts Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
She did win the prediction that she would win the election: she did. What she did not win was the states' vote, which is why eventually the electoral college will be amended.
Skip class often did you? :lamo
Do you think your smarter than me or at least that your position on this topic is better than mine? Statistically speaking I can bet I have a significantly higher education level than you. If you have a more rational, evidenced and nuanced position then me though - guess what, you win. In fact, you could in fact be smarter than me. Want to know why? Because today more than any other time in history there are other ways for smart people to learn, to develop and to get educated. Not to mention education doesn’t in fact teach universal critical thinking skills they claim as those are immeasurable. They hope to create those. Universities teach general knowledge and for most in obscure and/or over-specific subjects.

What does that have to do with my argument?

The study says something you find outrageous, and your first reaction was to assume the absurd. You really believe people want others to be dumb? That they must hate intelligence?

Instead of investigating, you assumed you understood this subject, took no time to take a step back and try to understand. You just laughed at these fools and took it to confirm your beliefs.

Then I came in your thread and claimed maybe it has to do with “harm” developing in such institutions has happen at other times when knowledge was guard by walls of pay and privilege instead of competing “free market of ideas” and instead of saying anything of merit, you mock my ability to do well in post-secondary?

Universities traditionally were for people in the highest brackets of intelligence or with parents who thought you should be. You had no need to go to them unless you were interested in finding your ilk. In modern times, many if not most feel they must leading to the greater and greater increases in numbers. And maybe, the idealists are right and all those average performers didn’t affect anything…but you assume you can teach the process of intelligence by paying for it and that is indeed what is happening. Two very large assumptions.

Anyway. Your clearly not interested in discussion but you may want to take a step back a some point. Not that you'll listen to me.

Of course college isn't for everyone. BUT, good schools teach critical thinking skills. At the very least that makes people far more employable and generally more successful.
That's a marketing claim, but if you can prove that? Feel free to walk us through the theory.

Correlation does not equal causation. The distribution curves and breakdowns on those might tell you some important details.

:: Do smart successful people prefer university or does university create smart successful people?

The fact is college grads earn roughly double on average. That means they likely pay more taxes and are far less likely to be on welfare.

But apparently republicans think those are bad things. You cant make this **** up.
Again with the modifying someones argument to the absurd. Is it that hard to try and look for what might be a rational reason one might say that?

You need to understand. An educated, well rounded individual who comprehends a complex world and can understand nuance, other cultures, and logical thinking is precisely the people that end up not voting Republican.
So if there were lots of those shown to be Republican, does that disprove that?

In your mind, are those things required to be democrats or whatever? Or is it just, yeah we have our emotional voters but their the exceptions to the rule.

Yes. Collages are generally really bad.

Of course, they shouldn't have to teach spelling, since that's a skill most of us pick up in grammar school.
So if your better at spelling and grammar your more intelligent? No reasons there might have varity in those things on a forum.

And by the way, “collages are generally really bad” does not equal “starting to do more harm than good”. But they don’t teach logic in grammar school let alone more and more collages.
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Over specific majors are not many, but a few are rather silly unless you are set on a specific culture that you want to serve.

Take an American Civilization for your first degree with competencies in French and Spanish or the language in the culture you want to specialize.
Do you think your smarter than me or at least that your position on this topic is better than mine? .

Oh let's play who's smarter than whom shall we? Yours is a fruitless exercise.

I am still laughing about collage though. Carry on professor.
Do you think your smarter than me or at least that your position on this topic is better than mine? Statistically speaking I can bet I have a significantly higher education level than you. If you have a more rational, evidenced and nuanced position then me though - guess what, you win. In fact, you could in fact be smarter than me. Want to know why? Because today more than any other time in history there are other ways for smart people to learn, to develop and to get educated. Not to mention education doesn’t in fact teach universal critical thinking skills they claim as those are immeasurable. They hope to create those. Universities teach general knowledge and for most in obscure and/or over-specific subjects.

What does that have to do with my argument?

The study says something you find outrageous, and your first reaction was to assume the absurd. You really believe people want others to be dumb? That they must hate intelligence?

Instead of investigating, you assumed you understood this subject, took no time to take a step back and try to understand. You just laughed at these fools and took it to confirm your beliefs.

Then I came in your thread and claimed maybe it has to do with “harm” developing in such institutions has happen at other times when knowledge was guard by walls of pay and privilege instead of competing “free market of ideas” and instead of saying anything of merit, you mock my ability to do well in post-secondary?

Universities traditionally were for people in the highest brackets of intelligence or with parents who thought you should be. You had no need to go to them unless you were interested in finding your ilk. In modern times, many if not most feel they must leading to the greater and greater increases in numbers. And maybe, the idealists are right and all those average performers didn’t affect anything…but you assume you can teach the process of intelligence by paying for it and that is indeed what is happening. Two very large assumptions.

Anyway. Your clearly not interested in discussion but you may want to take a step back a some point. Not that you'll listen to me.

That's a marketing claim, but if you can prove that? Feel free to walk us through the theory.

Correlation does not equal causation. The distribution curves and breakdowns on those might tell you some important details.

:: Do smart successful people prefer university or does university create smart successful people?

Again with the modifying someones argument to the absurd. Is it that hard to try and look for what might be a rational reason one might say that?

So if there were lots of those shown to be Republican, does that disprove that?

In your mind, are those things required to be democrats or whatever? Or is it just, yeah we have our emotional voters but their the exceptions to the rule.

So if your better at spelling and grammar your more intelligent? No reasons there might have varity in those things on a forum.

And by the way, “collages are generally really bad” does not equal “starting to do more harm than good”. But they don’t teach logic in grammar school let alone more and more collages.


Enlighten us more with you deep thoughts about collages.

Well hell... as long as you prove my point...

NO ONE held a weapon to any college student's head and forced them to take advanced flower arranging.... :roll:

I do know this, many in retail management don't have business degrees- in fact most big box stores prefer them to have general degrees. Few military officers or NCO's have military majors. They need a degree to hold that job... so for many a college degree is the ticket into the upper tiers.

That some can't find work in the field they majored in is tough, some degrees from some schools can't compete with more established/traditional schools. Some don't work too hard to find a job in the field of study and many find good paying jobs that didn't care what degree the employee earned.

27% not working in their field of study is a rather useless stat, like I said many who hold jobs requiring a degree are not required to hold a particular degree... :peace
Well hell... as long as you prove my point...

NO ONE held a weapon to any college student's head and forced them to take advanced flower arranging.... :roll:

I do know this, many in retail management don't have business degrees- in fact most big box stores prefer them to have general degrees. Few military officers or NCO's have military majors. They need a degree to hold that job... so for many a college degree is the ticket into the upper tiers.

That some can't find work in the field they majored in is tough, some degrees from some schools can't compete with more established/traditional schools. Some don't work too hard to find a job in the field of study and many find good paying jobs that didn't care what degree the employee earned.

27% not working in their field of study is a rather useless stat, like I said many who hold jobs requiring a degree are not required to hold a particular degree... :peace
:lamo "prove your point"....

The point...one in many...is that just attending college is not necessarily a good thing. A fact YOU make clear with your '**** em...it was their choice' comments. And that doesnt even begin to touch the social justice bull**** and the institutions contribution to creating a bunch of crippled and dependent pets that melt down over hurt feelings.
:lamo "prove your point"....

The point...one in many...is that just attending college is not necessarily a good thing. A fact YOU make clear with your '**** em...it was their choice' comments. And that doesnt even begin to touch the social justice bull**** and the institutions contribution to creating a bunch of crippled and dependent pets that melt down over hurt feelings.
It beats having a nation full of ignorant, uneducated adults who can't think outside of a hate-filled xenophobic box.
Do you think your smarter than me or at least that your position on this topic is better than mine? Statistically speaking I can bet I have a significantly higher education level than you. If you have a more rational, evidenced and nuanced position then me though - guess what, you win. In fact, you could in fact be smarter than me. Want to know why? Because today more than any other time in history there are other ways for smart people to learn, to develop and to get educated. Not to mention education doesn’t in fact teach universal critical thinking skills they claim as those are immeasurable. They hope to create those. Universities teach general knowledge and for most in obscure and/or over-specific subjects.

What does that have to do with my argument?

The study says something you find outrageous, and your first reaction was to assume the absurd. You really believe people want others to be dumb? That they must hate intelligence?

Instead of investigating, you assumed you understood this subject, took no time to take a step back and try to understand. You just laughed at these fools and took it to confirm your beliefs.

Then I came in your thread and claimed maybe it has to do with “harm” developing in such institutions has happen at other times when knowledge was guard by walls of pay and privilege instead of competing “free market of ideas” and instead of saying anything of merit, you mock my ability to do well in post-secondary?

Universities traditionally were for people in the highest brackets of intelligence or with parents who thought you should be. You had no need to go to them unless you were interested in finding your ilk. In modern times, many if not most feel they must leading to the greater and greater increases in numbers. And maybe, the idealists are right and all those average performers didn’t affect anything…but you assume you can teach the process of intelligence by paying for it and that is indeed what is happening. Two very large assumptions.

Anyway. Your clearly not interested in discussion but you may want to take a step back a some point. Not that you'll listen to me.

That's a marketing claim, but if you can prove that? Feel free to walk us through the theory.

Correlation does not equal causation. The distribution curves and breakdowns on those might tell you some important details.

:: Do smart successful people prefer university or does university create smart successful people?

Again with the modifying someones argument to the absurd. Is it that hard to try and look for what might be a rational reason one might say that?

So if there were lots of those shown to be Republican, does that disprove that?

In your mind, are those things required to be democrats or whatever? Or is it just, yeah we have our emotional voters but their the exceptions to the rule.

So if your better at spelling and grammar your more intelligent? No reasons there might have varity in those things on a forum.

And by the way, “collages are generally really bad” does not equal “starting to do more harm than good”. But they don’t teach logic in grammar school let alone more and more collages.

Please tell us, what degree do you have ?

Probably not an English degree. It's spelled "college". A "collage" is something you do in kindergarten arts class. No offense.
What other language do you speak, if you don't mind me asking ?
"prove your point"....The point...one in many...is that just attending college is not necessarily a good thing. A fact YOU make clear with your '**** em...it was their choice' comments. And that doesnt even begin to touch the social justice bull**** and the institutions contribution to creating a bunch of crippled and dependent pets that melt down over hurt feelings.

You move the goal posts...you do that a lot. I'd say the families have a lot more to do with any 'crippled and dependent' graduates melting down... :doh

just attending anything doesn't guarantee anything...what world do you think ever existed that made that a truth???? :confused:

You make your own bed and I doubt in our lifetime more than 50% of the graduates work in the field they earned their major in. These days most corporations just want a degree, type matters not. The Military for 99% of the officers and senior NCOs just want a degree- doesn't matter what in. Big Box retail just wants a degree... you get the idea???

If you are ignorant in how you PAY FOR IT, then you are most likely ignorant in credit, car/house/insurance purchases.

I know the rabid right loves to attack 'the elite' which now dribbles down to 4 year degrees, but fact is so few grad students mow lawns compared to the TOTAL which pay for their lawns mowed, in some rather nice neighborhoods.... :peace
She did win the prediction that she would win the election: she did. What she did not win was the states' vote, which is why eventually the electoral college will be amended.

Yep, just like a typical liberal who has no problem with the state of California, a state where Illegals are protected, are allowed to have a valid driver's license, to elect our President of the United States. The Electoral College will NOT be amended as the only states that would ever see a candidate would be the big ones. Our Founders got it right, did you take civics?
You move the goal posts...you do that a lot. I'd say the families have a lot more to do with any 'crippled and dependent' graduates melting down... :doh

just attending anything doesn't guarantee anything...what world do you think ever existed that made that a truth???? :confused:

You make your own bed and I doubt in our lifetime more than 50% of the graduates work in the field they earned their major in. These days most corporations just want a degree, type matters not. The Military for 99% of the officers and senior NCOs just want a degree- doesn't matter what in. Big Box retail just wants a degree... you get the idea???

If you are ignorant in how you PAY FOR IT, then you are most likely ignorant in credit, car/house/insurance purchases.

I know the rabid right loves to attack 'the elite' which now dribbles down to 4 year degrees, but fact is so few grad students mow lawns compared to the TOTAL which pay for their lawns mowed, in some rather nice neighborhoods.... :peace

Bull****. I didnt move goalposts.

"Its not a question of whether or not education is good for America or whether College is a good thing. Of course it is a good thing. But is running up 100k in debt on a degree you cant use really a good thing? Is spending your college years engaging in forced indoctrination a good thing? Colleges should exist to prepare people for the workforce...not as institutions to create a bunch of mindless social justice warriors. College used to be an opportunity to learn to grow, maybe even become an adult. FFS...today e have graduate students at ****ing Harvard that are having met downs over Halloween costumes. We have people literally ****ing melting down because someone expressed a difference of opinion.

In many ways and many locations, college has become an unhealthy environment that causes more harm than does good. If you are one of those people working a minimum wage job because you cant find work in your degree field...then yes..college was a bad thing."

My original comments. Is education bad? No...and you would be hard pressed to find anywhere that I stated it was. Are all colleges bad? Agan...not only would you be hard pressed to find me saying they were, in fact you would see that is the opposite of what I said. Are there major problems with college in the US? Hell yes. Are colleges often exploitative and do they do more harm than good? You bet.
Yep, just like a typical liberal who has no problem with the state of California, a state where Illegals are protected, are allowed to have a valid driver's license, to elect our President of the United States. The Electoral College will NOT be amended as the only states that would ever see a candidate would be the big ones. Our Founders got it right, did you take civics?
I am no more a liberal than you are a Republican. No evidence of significant voter fraud has occurred in thirty years. Peddle the nonsense elsewhere. Once the electoral college is amended, the citizens of the alt right will no longer have their power.
But is running up 100k in debt on a degree you cant use really a good thing?

Yes. An educated mind is invaluable. The particular field is not as important as the mental training, discipline, and clear-headedness that is the result. Knowledge in all fields is under constant flux. The content is not as important as the mental discipline and critical thinking skills acquired in rigorously and formally trying to master a field. That is the real value of a college education.

Is spending your college years engaging in forced indoctrination a good thing?

Basic evolutionary biology, learning the the founding fathers of this country were not Bible thumping evangelicals, or learning the basic physics and chemistry behind global warming are not "forced indoctrination". It's just learning the facts so you don't think people who believe the world is only 6000 years old have an equally legitimate viewpoint which needs equal air time and lots of time debating.

We have people literally ****ing melting down because someone expressed a difference of opinion.

It's worth having a meltdown when more Americans believe in Bigfoot, UFO abductions, and a 6000 year old Earth than they do in basic evolutionary biology and climate science. It's outrageous. They need better education.

"A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. "
-James Madison
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I am no more a liberal than you are a Republican. No evidence of significant voter fraud has occurred in thirty years. Peddle the nonsense elsewhere. Once the electoral college is amended, the citizens of the alt right will no longer have their power.

You are so right, the state that allows for illegals to get a driver's licenses, supports and funds immigration law violations and manages their own elections certainly is going to report voter fraud to the American people? Do you think before you post?

You talk about the alt facts and alt right. What is it about liberalism that creates this kind of passion and loyalty? You think BLS.gov, BEA.gov, and Treasury.org creates alt facts? you think the alt Right that believes in smaller central govt. is wrong? What does alt. Facts and alt. right mean?
You are so right, the state that allows for illegals to get a driver's licenses, supports and funds immigration law violations and manages their own elections certainly is going to report voter fraud to the American people? Do you think before you post?

You talk about the alt facts and alt right. What is it about liberalism that creates this kind of passion and loyalty? You think BLS.gov, BEA.gov, and Treasury.org creates alt facts? you think the alt Right that believes in smaller central govt. is wrong? What does alt. Facts and alt. right mean?
You can be as rude as you want, and that makes you no less wrong. :) You have no evidence.

Deflection will not save Trumpism or his agenda. The Alt Right wants a "smaller govt" because it is easier to control and thus take away citizens' freedoms.
Yes. An educated mind is invaluable. The particular field is not as important as the mental training, discipline, and clear-headedness that is the result. Knowledge in all fields is under constant flux. The content is not as important as the mental discipline and critical thinking skills acquired in rigorously and formally trying to master a field. That is the real value of a college education.

Basic evolutionary biology, learning the the founding fathers of this country were not Bible thumping evangelicals, or learning the basic physics and chemistry behind global warming are not "forced indoctrination". It's just learning the facts so you don't think people who believe the world is only 6000 years old have an equally legitimate viewpoint which needs equal air time and lots of time debating.

It's worth having a meltdown when more Americans believe in Bigfoot, UFO abductions, and a 6000 year old Earth than they do in basic evolutionary biology and climate science. It's outrageous. They need better education.
They love you.

They love you.

That's why they are in college. At least they are doing something about it. Better than these guys who think they already know it all so they don't need no frickin' schooling anymore, right?

You can be as rude as you want, and that makes you no less wrong. :) You have no evidence.

Deflection will not save Trumpism or his agenda. The Alt Right wants a "smaller govt" because it is easier to control and thus take away citizens' freedoms.

So it is rude to provide actual facts that counter your opinions and predictions? Deflection? That is what you are doing from the actual facts

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