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MAGA Moses Changes Tack (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Why does Mike Johnson now intend to introduce an aid bill on the House floor. Reports state that the bill includes 60+ billion for Ukraine, 20+ billion for Israel and 8 billion for Pacific issues. Why the change of heart? He is reported to have refused to allow a similar bill to be allowed on the floor.

Why does Mike Johnson now intend to introduce an aid bill on the House floor. Reports state that the bill includes 60+ billion for Ukraine, 20+ billion for Israel and 8 billion for Pacific issues. Why the change of heart? He is reported to have refused to allow a similar bill to be allowed on the floor.

Simple answer...he is a Uniparty member.

The House Republicans are in a position where they don't dare oppose him. The Republican majority in the House is so razor thin that a move to oust him will likely result in the Democrats taking control of the House.

The first thing a Democratic House majority will do is declare Trump unable to run for President, based on the 14th Amendment. The Senate and Biden will go along with that.

So...Johnson doesn't have to pretend right now. He can safely support the Uniparty with regard to this aid package and with regard to border security.
Simple answer...he is a Uniparty member.

The House Republicans are in a position where they don't dare oppose him. The Republican majority in the House is so razor thin that a move to oust him will likely result in the Democrats taking control of the House.

The first thing a Democratic House majority will do is declare Trump unable to run for President, based on the 14th Amendment. The Senate and Biden will go along with that.

So...Johnson doesn't have to pretend right now. He can safely support the Uniparty with regard to this aid package and with regard to border security.
Everybody hasn’t gotten the memo.
Why does Mike Johnson now intend to introduce an aid bill on the House floor. Reports state that the bill includes 60+ billion for Ukraine, 20+ billion for Israel and 8 billion for Pacific issues. Why the change of heart? He is reported to have refused to allow a similar bill to be allowed on the floor.

They have a new "Moses" now...

Why does Mike Johnson now intend to introduce an aid bill on the House floor. Reports state that the bill includes 60+ billion for Ukraine, 20+ billion for Israel and 8 billion for Pacific issues. Why the change of heart? He is reported to have refused to allow a similar bill to be allowed on the floor.

I'm guessing he's already been told by fellow Republican House members that they're getting fed up with MAGA moron bullshit and that if he doesn't have the stones to put together at least some sort of aid package, they're heading for the exits and poof! There goes the GOP House majority.
Moses never entered the promised land...
My guess is that GOP moderates have done what a good party member should do, and kept their threats behind closed doors. They will oust the Speaker if he delays any longer on aid.

Idiots who make public threats discredit the party, and I guess the moderates don't think the GOP is a write off just yet.
Simple answer...he is a Uniparty member.

The House Republicans are in a position where they don't dare oppose him. The Republican majority in the House is so razor thin that a move to oust him will likely result in the Democrats taking control of the House.

The first thing a Democratic House majority will do is declare Trump unable to run for President, based on the 14th Amendment. The Senate and Biden will go along with that.

So...Johnson doesn't have to pretend right now. He can safely support the Uniparty with regard to this aid package and with regard to border security.
Pat Buchanan, is that you? You're not psychic, where do you get your visions from nostradamus? And, what ever happened to trump being assassinated?

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