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Lynch to Remove Herself From Decision Over Clinton Emails, Official Says [W:225] (4 Viewers)

Really, Frank, it's quite simple. In my view, if you don't hold the appearance of conflict and corruption to be serious enough to cause the resignation of the offending official, then you will never hold actual conflict and corruption seriously because you'll never know. If you demand accountability only when the conflict/corruption is blatant and public, then you don't demand accountability.

It's not hyperbole - it's what I expect of ethical government and I demand ethical government to the extent I possibly can.

And sorry, I'll never get over that and it's sad that you have.
Okay...so now they are stupid.

Hope you feel better!

yes and that is why there must be a logic intellect test for voters so that crooks will not govern

It is sad, John, that you are buying into some of the crap being thrown on this issue.

But...it doesn't make you a bad person.

Lynch removing herself from this decision is a proper move in my opinion. And that is the topic!

yes you NAILED it !!!!!
yes and that is why there must be a logic intellect test for voters so that crooks will not govern

Considering the quality of your responses, Way...if that happens, you will not be able to vote.

I'd hate to see that happen.
Considering the quality of your responses, Way...if that happens, you will not be able to vote.

I'd hate to see that happen.

wrong.. logic part of the IQ is the true wisdom and NOT memory part of the IQ.... memory like a parrot copies.. logic UNDERSTANDS a big difference here and in time logical thinking ability tests will be made worldwide to be able to vote
I have stated what I want to state.

If you want to go further...go further.

I have done no deflecting.

Well, have a good day - it's a waste of time discussing an issue with someone who doesn't even know when they're deflecting or purposely refuse to acknowledge they obviously are because they need to in order to maintain a position.

Enjoy your blind acceptance of the unacceptable.
wrong.. logic part of the IQ is the true wisdom and NOT memory part of the IQ.... memory like a parrot copies.. logic UNDERSTANDS a big difference here and in time logical thinking ability tests will be made worldwide to be able to vote

I sure hope for your sake your wish does not come true...because nearly as I can tell you might be prevented from voting.
Beats me.

Yes, I expected as much.

Here is an idea for you. The next time you get the bright idea of lying to me about your knowledge of topic decide against it.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. That door has always been trouble, John.
Yes, I expected as much.

Here is an idea for you. The next time you get the bright idea of lying to me about your knowledge of topic decide against it.

I do not lie during Internet discussions.

You are way off base here...but I doubt you will be able to see that.

In any case, if you get your jollies by calling me a liar...go for it. It costs me nothing...and you get a bit of happiness.
I do not lie during Internet discussions.

You are way off base here...but I doubt you will be able to see that.

In any case, if you get your jollies by calling me a liar...go for it. It costs me nothing...and you get a bit of happiness.

You're not a terribly good liar. I caught you red handed piggybacking off your opponents arguments and instead of admitting your own ignorance of the story you decided instead to lie to me about the situation.


Well said. I agree totally.

Government needs to be conducted in an above reproach manner at all times, I don't care from which part of the political spectrum.
It is sad, John, that you are buying into some of the crap being thrown on this issue.

But...it doesn't make you a bad person.

Lynch removing herself from this decision is a proper move in my opinion. And that is the topic!

The topic is Lynch's conduct and I'm only speaking to the issues raised by Lynch's conduct, not anyone else's opinion on the matter. The only crap I'm experiencing is that being tossed up by those who see nothing here. You're satisfied with her determining the consequences of her conduct and I'm not. Lynch, if she had any integrity would resign and if not, if the President had any integrity, he'd demand her resignation and failing that he'd fire her.
You're not a terribly good liar. I caught you red handed piggybacking off your opponents arguments and instead of admitting your own ignorance of the story you decided instead to lie to me about the situation.

You did not do so.

I have been on top of the story from the beginning.

If you want to think I "piggy backed" off of someone else for whatever reason...do so. Get your pleasure where you can.

I borrowed nothing from anyone.

From what I have seen former federal prosecutors say, the FBI that would not be responsible for indicting Mrs. Clinton, but rather Justice Department prosecutors. The FBI shows them its evidence and consults with them about how strong it is, and if the prosecutors agree it is strong enough, they proceed on it.

It's possible that Lynch, acting for Obama, has already told Justice Dept. prosecutors not to proceed against Mrs. Clinton. This meeting with Bill Clinton might have been arranged to give her a pretext for appearing to stand aside and let the prosecution start, when things had already been arranged to make sure it never would start. Now it looks to the public like Lynch (and by implication, Obama too) has properly stood aside to avoid any appearance that they are protecting Mrs. Clinton from prosecution. So if there is no prosecution, voters are likely to think it means the evidence against her was trumped up, the real reason is that the whole thing has been secretly rigged. That's how she could commit federal felonies and get away with it--even be elected president.

I suppose it's possible Mr. Comey and maybe others in the FBI might resign and expose the skulduggery, but I wouldn't bet on that happening.
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You did not do so.

I have been on top of the story from the beginning.

If you want to think I "piggy backed" off of someone else for whatever reason...do so. Get your pleasure where you can.

I borrowed nothing from anyone.

And nothing you posted defends your statements here. I already went over exactly what you did, and everyone can go back and look for themselves, so this idea you have in your head that you can lie about it is quite stupid.

You certainly are free to think that.

Why you seem to be insisting that I must also feel that way...is beyond me, John.

I see no reason for Lynch to resign...and I see no reason for the President to fire her.

Your are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

But, I realize that well-intentioned people can come to polar opposite views on issues of this sort.

Fair enough.
And nothing you posted defends your statements here. I already went over exactly what you did, and everyone can go back and look for themselves, so this idea you have in your head that you can lie about it is quite stupid.

Do whatever you want...and the others can also.

I have not borrowed anything from anyone. I have been on top of the story from the beginning...and nothing I have said has to be borrowed (or stolen) from anyone else.

You seem to want to call me ignorant, a liar, and stupid.

If doing that gets you off...go for it.

It costs me absolutely nothing...and you get a bit of happiness.

It is cool with me.

And to top it all off here is what we get from our Attorney General; she will not recuse herself but, she will leave the decision-making about potential charges to non-political subordinates! Oh, right Loretta. So Loretta looks at her staff, the people who report to her, her subordinates and loudly declares, "Do what you wanna." Voila! Impartial justice. Just like that. :2rofll: Not bloody likely.

I am somewhat amazed that there are people who blindly accept this blatant, less than artful dodging. Lynch isn't recusing herself. She is deflecting the acrimony that will soon follow Hillary's hand slapping. Loretta Lynch is "offering the sleeves out of her vest." Such a deal! And yet both ruling parties are unable to understand why the nation is fed the hell up with them.

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