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Lt. Governer at recent Marines Funeral...Disgraceful (1 Viewer)


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Jul 21, 2005
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Washington, DC
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Lt. gov. crashed Marine's funeral, kin say

Saturday, July 23, 2005
By Tom Barnes, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau

The family of a Marine who was killed in Iraq is furious with Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll for showing up uninvited at his funeral this week, handing out her business card and then saying "our government" is against the war.

Catherine Baker Knoll
Rhonda Goodrich of Indiana, Pa., said yesterday that a funeral was held Tuesday at a church in Carnegie for her brother-in-law, Staff Sgt. Joseph Goodrich, 32.

She said he "died bravely and courageously in Iraq on July 10, serving his country."

In a phone interview, Goodrich said the funeral service was packed with people "who wanted to tell his family how Joe had impacted their lives."

Then, suddenly, "one uninvited guest made an appearance, Catherine Baker Knoll."

She sat down next to a Goodrich family member and, during the distribution of communion, said, "Who are you?" Then she handed the family member one of her business cards, which Goodrich said she still has.

"Knoll felt this was an appropriate time to campaign and impose her will on us," Goodrich said. "I am amazed and disgusted Knoll finds a Marine funeral a prime place to campaign."

Goodrich said she is positive that Knoll was not invited to the funeral, which was jammed with Marines in dress uniform and police officers, because the fallen Marine had been a policeman in McKeesport and Indiana County.

"Our family deserves an apology," Rhonda Goodrich said. "Here you have a soldier who was killed -- dying for his country -- in a church full of grieving family members and she shows up uninvited. It made a mockery of Joey's death."

What really upset the family, Goodrich said, is that Knoll said, 'I want you to know our government is against this war,' " Goodrich said.

She said she is going to seek an answer from Gov. Ed Rendell's administration if it opposes the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Knoll was traveling yesterday, away from the Capitol, and couldn't be reached. But an aide said she "extends condolences to all families who have lost loved ones" serving in the military.

Without having talked to her, the aide, who asked not to be named, said, "The family members of fallen soldiers are in our hearts and prayers. Our prayers go out to their loved ones in their hour of grief."

Asked to comment on Goodrich's complaints about Knoll's conduct at the funeral, the aide said that "would be inappropriate."

No way to spin this. This is flat out disrespectful and inexcusable. I don't care if you're against the war or not, our "Government" isn't against the war, and even if thier "government" locally is against the war it still doesn't mean she should go preaching that to a bunch of marines and a family that just lost a comrade and son
Usually, I'd throw out some snide remark about her and take a well deserved cheap shot...I'm not going to waste my brain...She doesn't deserve it. Here's my official position...

That's f'in sad.
cnredd said:
Usually, I'd throw out some snide remark about her and take a well deserved cheap shot...I'm not going to waste my brain...She doesn't deserve it. Here's my official position...

That's f'in sad.

Wouldn't she have been able to express her condolences with a letter? Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
Please post any follow up you may find on this. I would like to know where it goes. I would also be interested in her explanation and response. :duel :cool:
Guess she figures theres no better time to bash and campaign then a marines funeral. Who elects numb buts like this?
Hope to find her office email address today to express my opinion

Marine Dad
I have found many times that one article from a news source doesn't give you a clear view of the entire story. I have a hard time believing that a person that can rise to the level of one step from the chief politician of a state can be so stupid. I still want to hear what she has to say. :duel :cool:
Very good point gordontravels. This was very slanted and may have been told in an exaggerated viewpoint due to their grief. I too would like to see a follow-up article to see her response because I want to know what the hell she was thinking showing up and campaigning. IF she had shown up to show her respects, fine, but seriously...campaign? That is low.
I agree, it wasn't proper, but I think we aren't getting the entire story and an entirely one-sided story. If she had gone to pay her respects, even uninvited, I would not have had a problem, but in the way she did, I do have a problem with it.
I've gone to lot of services over the past several months. Most, in fact all I think?, services here in Oregon are announced in the local media. I have yet to see one that didn't invited any and all to attend. Maybe some have been held that were completely private, I don't know??

I'm not a fan of the situation or the way this Admin. is handling things in Iraq. I was completely for our mission in Afghanistan, still am. I'd really like to see that bin Laden guy captured, shot. Dead or alive, whatever. But I have never said anything about my personal feelings to anyone at any service I've attended. Just isn't the place or the time. I've found that these events vary greatly and are emotionally charged. Some families make it known and clear that they support the Iraq war. Some just the opposite. I went to one where the entire family wore buttons stating "Bush is a war criminal." Other's still have entire families divided where some are for and some are against. If you do go to one of these services keep your mouth shut, listen to the family and friends. If you do say anything at all something to the effect of "I'm just so sorry for your loss" would be my advice.

If she did and said what the article states she did, well then she's not very bright. In fact I'm having trouble believing anyone's that dense. How do you get to be Lt. Gov. and be a complete moron?

I'd like to hear her version, which is most likely going to be twisted. But should hear her side before breaking out any tar and feathers.
She sat down next to a Goodrich family member and, during the distribution of communion, said, "Who are you?" Then she handed the family member one of her business cards, which Goodrich said she still has.

"Knoll felt this was an appropriate time to campaign and impose her will on us," Goodrich said. "I am amazed and disgusted Knoll finds a Marine funeral a prime place to campaign."

Goodrich said she is positive that Knoll was not invited to the funeral, which was jammed with Marines in dress uniform and police officers, because the fallen Marine had been a policeman in McKeesport and Indiana County.

"Our family deserves an apology," Rhonda Goodrich said. "Here you have a soldier who was killed -- dying for his country -- in a church full of grieving family members and she shows up uninvited. It made a mockery of Joey's death."

What really upset the family, Goodrich said, is that Knoll said, 'I want you to know our government is against this war,' " Goodrich said.

In reference to the bold statements above, I don't CARE what her response will be...Any twisting and spin is BS..."I want you to know our government is against this war" is a political statement at an f'in funeral.

She will, no doubt, say it was a "misunderstanding"...But a Lt. Gov. should never put themselves into a situation where a "minunderstanding" could take place.
Cnn.com said:
Rendell, during an appearance in Pittsburgh on Sunday, said written apologies will be sent to the Goodrich family, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported. Rendell said he hadn't spoken to Knoll about what happened.
So, it seems they now see the folly of it?
ShamMol said:
Very good point gordontravels. This was very slanted and may have been told in an exaggerated viewpoint due to their grief. I too would like to see a follow-up article to see her response because I want to know what the hell she was thinking showing up and campaigning. IF she had shown up to show her respects, fine, but seriously...campaign? That is low.

POSTED: 11:44 am EDT July 25, 2005
UPDATED: 4:34 pm EDT July 25, 2005
PITTSBURGH -- After being criticized for attending a Marine's funeral, Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll sent a public, written apology to the man's widow on Monday.
gordontravels said:
Please post any follow up you may find on this. I would like to know where it goes. I would also be interested in her explanation and response. :duel :cool:

Monday, July 25, 2005
Lt. Governor Baker Knoll Crashes Soldier's Funeral, Says Government is Anti-War; Rendell Apoligizes
Posted Monday, July 25, 2005
(Harrisburg - AP) Governor Ed Rendell says written apologies will be sent to the family of a dead marine who was upset about the Lieutenant Governor's appearance at his funeral last week.

Family members say Catherine Baker Knoll came to last Tuesday's funeral uninvited, passed out her business cards and made a remark about the government being against the war.

The funeral was for 32-year-old Marine Staff Sergeant Joseph Goodrich of Westwood who died July 10th in Iraq.


the above link is for today's headlines. On the way home from work, I heard she issued a letter of apology to the family. I am in progress of finding it, and will post it as soon as I can.
Stinger said:
POSTED: 11:44 am EDT July 25, 2005
UPDATED: 4:34 pm EDT July 25, 2005
PITTSBURGH -- After being criticized for attending a Marine's funeral, Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll sent a public, written apology to the man's widow on Monday.
I posted that eight minutes before you, jeez. :2wave:
Campaigning or paying respects. It is still one article and I know how the media or someone with an agenda works. Maybe she had an agenda. Maybe she is the victim of exageration. Maybe she is a fool. I think we should have more information that's all. If you believe everything the media says you are the fool. I don't want to be a bigger one than I already am. :duel :cool:
cnredd said:
She sat down next to a Goodrich family member and, during the distribution of communion, said, "Who are you?" Then she handed the family member one of her business cards, which Goodrich said she still has.

"Knoll felt this was an appropriate time to campaign and impose her will on us," Goodrich said. "I am amazed and disgusted Knoll finds a Marine funeral a prime place to campaign."

Goodrich said she is positive that Knoll was not invited to the funeral, which was jammed with Marines in dress uniform and police officers, because the fallen Marine had been a policeman in McKeesport and Indiana County.

"Our family deserves an apology," Rhonda Goodrich said. "Here you have a soldier who was killed -- dying for his country -- in a church full of grieving family members and she shows up uninvited. It made a mockery of Joey's death."

What really upset the family, Goodrich said, is that Knoll said, 'I want you to know our government is against this war,' " Goodrich said.

In reference to the bold statements above, I don't CARE what her response will be...Any twisting and spin is BS..."I want you to know our government is against this war" is a political statement at an f'in funeral.

She will, no doubt, say it was a "misunderstanding"...But a Lt. Gov. should never put themselves into a situation where a "minunderstanding" could take place.

I think I pretty much agree with you here. I would still like to hear her side of it. Though I can't for the life of me think of anything she or any one else could say that would make me not think ill of her at this point.

Unless of course she didn't actual say what they claim she said... But honestly wouldn't she and the Governor have came out right away and said that? Just thinking out loud.
gordontravels said:
Campaigning or paying respects. It is still one article and I know how the media or someone with an agenda works. Maybe she had an agenda. Maybe she is the victim of exageration. Maybe she is a fool. I think we should have more information that's all. If you believe everything the media says you are the fool. I don't want to be a bigger one than I already am. :duel :cool:

My vote is a fool.. but then again I live here and don't like her LOL
whether it was exaggerated or not, showing up unannounced at a Marine's funeral and handing out business cards is completely out of line.
Pacridge said:
I think I pretty much agree with you here. I would still like to hear her side of it. Though I can't for the life of me think of anything she or any one else could say that would make me not think ill of her at this point.

Unless of course she didn't actual say what they claim she said... But honestly wouldn't she and the Governor have came out right away and said that? Just thinking out loud.

Governor of PA is Ed Rendell... you tell me if he would just say that? :)

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