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lowering health care costs (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Political Leaning
With the deficit skyrocketing and health care costs the greatest expense to the government(I think somewhere in the neighborhood of 550 billlion annually), is it time for drastic measures by the government? I think New York has been analyzing whether to ban unhealthy cooking oils in restaurants. In this spirit should the f.government ban all unhealthy products such as cigarrettes, the bad cooking oils, snack foods, soft drinks, etc. (Maybe not realistic politically, but certainly the government(the majority) has the right to legislate against negative behavior(as it does with illicit drugs) if it benefits society over all. In this case lowering health care costs and saving lives.) At the very least I believe the government should not allow any advertising from unhealthy products, ban false nutritional information of any kind(fad diets, etc.), and massive advertising campaign for healthy lifestyle (maybe a slogan such as running away from health problems by walking/running 20 miles a week. Teach the benefits of a diet of variety and moderation rich in whole wheat, fruits, vegetables, and meat sparingly.
laska said:
With the deficit skyrocketing and health care costs the greatest expense to the government(I think somewhere in the neighborhood of 550 billlion annually), is it time for drastic measures by the government? I think New York has been analyzing whether to ban unhealthy cooking oils in restaurants. In this spirit should the f.government ban all unhealthy products such as cigarrettes, the bad cooking oils, snack foods, soft drinks, etc. (Maybe not realistic politically, but certainly the government(the majority) has the right to legislate against negative behavior(as it does with illicit drugs) if it benefits society over all. In this case lowering health care costs and saving lives.) At the very least I believe the government should not allow any advertising from unhealthy products, ban false nutritional information of any kind(fad diets, etc.), and massive advertising campaign for healthy lifestyle (maybe a slogan such as running away from health problems by walking/running 20 miles a week. Teach the benefits of a diet of variety and moderation rich in whole wheat, fruits, vegetables, and meat sparingly.

Their is alot of frivolous lawsuits that are filed and won. This causes health care costs to go up, so in the end, the patient ends up paying for these lawsuits.

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