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Looking @ Hannity's Role in Trussia Collusion (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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A little sleazebag talk show host nobody wants to acknowledge had a big deal in this Russian Mess

In the process of wanting to get an exclusive from either Roger Stone or Julian Assange about the "breaking news," that would doom the Clinton Campaign (as said by Corsi), Hannity did everything and anything to be the first MSM talking head to get the scoop. Including completely reversing his hatred of one particular man: Julian Assange himself.

Hannity said in 2010:
Why can't Obama do something about the WikiLeaks? Why can't he? We got this four months ago. We can stop pirating of music and Hollywood movies but we can't stop this guy from stealing highly-classified documents that put peoples lives at risk?

The Right Word: the WikiLeaks treason

Hannity frequently teased releases from Assange throughout the past three years, interviewed him as recently as 2018, and worked exclusively with Wikileaks and probably Jr, to leak the emails to the MSM. Assange meanwhile teased on Hannitys show that he had emails but couldn't release them. It ended up being farce, but that depends on how much involvement Hannity had. I also think this was around the time of the Jr tweet. So I am now left wondering if Trump hired Manafort b/c of his connection to Assange. Trump hired Shine because of his connection to Hannity. So we can safely say that Hannity was intimately involved in all of this.

Even darker than that, Hannity seemed to have amplified the Seth Rich affair to give himself cover or to use as a distraction while he was searching high and low for the the Emails. What did he say of Seth Rich? Well... Seth Rich was apparently a deep state operative, expert computer hacker, and disgruntled campaign staffer silenced for turning on his party. Leading him to leak said emails to the public. Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and Julian Assange were all involved in amplifying the conspiracy theory which Hannity refused to stop talking about to this day. This led to him getting into trouble at Fox News, and Fox News having to release a statement that even though Hannity was making up crazy stories he will still stay on the network.

About a year later, after Shine was ousted from the network, Hannity was named as Michael Cohen's third client. What could be interesting is if you could figure out just when and how Hannity hired Cohen.... We know Hannity's stated reason for hiring Cohen. Hannity hired Cohen to consult on his mini-Trump like real estate empire. Yeah there's nothing shady going on there. :roll: We don't know much about Cohen's relationship with Hannity, but what was interesting was that now Trump has distanced himself from Cohen and said he only hired Cohen as a favor a long time ago. Why then did Hannity hire Cohen? Was it a favor to Trump in 2016?? Is Hannity having sordid affairs behind his "American Values" persona?

I would bet money that Mueller can build a case that Hannity was intent on releasing the emails and would do anything to get them, including breaking the law. It wouldn't be any less difficult for Mueller to take out Hannity than any other celebrity or mobster, which he has been doing all his career. I am left wondering if the Rich family are going out for their ultimate revenge.

Documents Reveal Trump Allies Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone Knew Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Was False Before Promoting It
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A little sleazebag talk show host nobody wants to acknowledge had a big deal in this Russian Mess

In the process of wanting to get an exclusive from either Roger Stone or Julian Assange about the "breaking news," that would doom the Clinton Campaign (as said by Corsi), Hannity did everything and anything to be the first MSM talking head to get the scoop. Including completely reversing his hatred of one particular man: Julian Assange himself.

Hannity said in 2010:

The Right Word: the WikiLeaks treason

Hannity frequently teased releases from Assange throughout the past three years, interviewed him as recently as 2018, and worked exclusively with Wikileaks and probably Jr, to leak the emails to the MSM. Assange meanwhile teased on Hannitys show that he had emails but couldn't release them. It ended up being farce, but that depends on how much involvement Hannity had. I also think this was around the time of the Jr tweet. So I am now left wondering if Trump hired Manafort b/c of his connection to Assange. Trump hired Shine because of his connection to Hannity. So we can safely say that Hannity was intimately involved in all of this.

Even darker than that, Hannity seemed to have amplified the Seth Rich affair to give himself cover or to use as a distraction while he was searching high and low for the the Emails. What did he say of Seth Rich? Well... Seth Rich was apparently a deep state operative, expert computer hacker, and disgruntled campaign staffer silenced for turning on his party. Leading him to leak said emails to the public. Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and Julian Assange were all involved in amplifying the conspiracy theory which Hannity refused to stop talking about to this day. This led to him getting into trouble at Fox News, and Fox News having to release a statement that even though Hannity was making up crazy stories he will still stay on the network.

About a year later, after Shine was ousted from the network, Hannity was named as Michael Cohen's third client. What could be interesting is if you could figure out just when and how Hannity hired Cohen.... We know Hannity's stated reason for hiring Cohen. Hannity hired Cohen to consult on his mini-Trump like real estate empire. Yeah there's nothing shady going on there. :roll: We don't know much about Cohen's relationship with Hannity, but what was interesting was that now Trump has distanced himself from Cohen and said he only hired Cohen as a favor a long time ago. Why then did Hannity hire Cohen? Was it a favor to Trump in 2016?? Is Hannity having sordid affairs behind his "American Values" persona?

I would bet money that Mueller can build a case that Hannity was intent on releasing the emails and would do anything to get them, including breaking the law. It wouldn't be any less difficult for Mueller to take out Hannity than any other celebrity or mobster, which he has been doing all his career. I am left wondering if the Rich family are going out for their ultimate revenge.

Documents Reveal Trump Allies Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone Knew Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Was False Before Promoting It

So. Moving on to Hannity, eh? The other stuff didn't work out for you?
A little sleazebag talk show host nobody wants to acknowledge had a big deal in this Russian Mess

In the process of wanting to get an exclusive from either Roger Stone or Julian Assange about the "breaking news," that would doom the Clinton Campaign (as said by Corsi), Hannity did everything and anything to be the first MSM talking head to get the scoop. Including completely reversing his hatred of one particular man: Julian Assange himself.

Hannity said in 2010:

The Right Word: the WikiLeaks treason

Hannity frequently teased releases from Assange throughout the past three years, interviewed him as recently as 2018, and worked exclusively with Wikileaks and probably Jr, to leak the emails to the MSM. Assange meanwhile teased on Hannitys show that he had emails but couldn't release them. It ended up being farce, but that depends on how much involvement Hannity had. I also think this was around the time of the Jr tweet. So I am now left wondering if Trump hired Manafort b/c of his connection to Assange. Trump hired Shine because of his connection to Hannity. So we can safely say that Hannity was intimately involved in all of this.

Even darker than that, Hannity seemed to have amplified the Seth Rich affair to give himself cover or to use as a distraction while he was searching high and low for the the Emails. What did he say of Seth Rich? Well... Seth Rich was apparently a deep state operative, expert computer hacker, and disgruntled campaign staffer silenced for turning on his party. Leading him to leak said emails to the public. Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and Julian Assange were all involved in amplifying the conspiracy theory which Hannity refused to stop talking about to this day. This led to him getting into trouble at Fox News, and Fox News having to release a statement that even though Hannity was making up crazy stories he will still stay on the network.

About a year later, after Shine was ousted from the network, Hannity was named as Michael Cohen's third client. What could be interesting is if you could figure out just when and how Hannity hired Cohen.... We know Hannity's stated reason for hiring Cohen. Hannity hired Cohen to consult on his mini-Trump like real estate empire. Yeah there's nothing shady going on there. :roll: We don't know much about Cohen's relationship with Hannity, but what was interesting was that now Trump has distanced himself from Cohen and said he only hired Cohen as a favor a long time ago. Why then did Hannity hire Cohen? Was it a favor to Trump in 2016?? Is Hannity having sordid affairs behind his "American Values" persona?

I would bet money that Mueller can build a case that Hannity was intent on releasing the emails and would do anything to get them, including breaking the law. It wouldn't be any less difficult for Mueller to take out Hannity than any other celebrity or mobster, which he has been doing all his career. I am left wondering if the Rich family are going out for their ultimate revenge.

Documents Reveal Trump Allies Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone Knew Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Was False Before Promoting It

I can hear the loud and righteous chant now at the 2020 Democratic Convention.... LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP!!!!!
UH...There's lots of other stuff in here, did you even read it?

You ask far too much of the Trumpkin true believers. You should be more understanding.
I can hear the loud and righteous chant now at the 2020 Democratic Convention.... LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

.....while trump leaves the WH in cuffs.
UH...There's lots of other stuff in here, did you even read it?

I read it but you forgot about the fake Russian dossier, or that the DNC wouldn’t turn over said computer to be investigated, and all the stories on MSM at the time saying Wikileaks was gonna drop information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I read it but you forgot about the fake Russian dossier, or that the DNC wouldn’t turn over said computer to be investigated, and all the stories on MSM at the time saying Wikileaks was gonna drop information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You mean the real dossier where the last piece of that puzzle is about to drop/be confirmed by Mr. Cohen and Mueller's evidence??? That dossier?
Now that would be a Christmas present for the nation!

Democrats need him around until Nov 2020. Would hurt turnout if Trump is not running.
A little sleazebag talk show host nobody wants to acknowledge had a big deal in this Russian Mess

In the process of wanting to get an exclusive from either Roger Stone or Julian Assange about the "breaking news," that would doom the Clinton Campaign (as said by Corsi), Hannity did everything and anything to be the first MSM talking head to get the scoop. Including completely reversing his hatred of one particular man: Julian Assange himself.

Hannity said in 2010:

The Right Word: the WikiLeaks treason

Hannity frequently teased releases from Assange throughout the past three years, interviewed him as recently as 2018, and worked exclusively with Wikileaks and probably Jr, to leak the emails to the MSM. Assange meanwhile teased on Hannitys show that he had emails but couldn't release them. It ended up being farce, but that depends on how much involvement Hannity had. I also think this was around the time of the Jr tweet. So I am now left wondering if Trump hired Manafort b/c of his connection to Assange. Trump hired Shine because of his connection to Hannity. So we can safely say that Hannity was intimately involved in all of this.

Even darker than that, Hannity seemed to have amplified the Seth Rich affair to give himself cover or to use as a distraction while he was searching high and low for the the Emails. What did he say of Seth Rich? Well... Seth Rich was apparently a deep state operative, expert computer hacker, and disgruntled campaign staffer silenced for turning on his party. Leading him to leak said emails to the public. Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and Julian Assange were all involved in amplifying the conspiracy theory which Hannity refused to stop talking about to this day. This led to him getting into trouble at Fox News, and Fox News having to release a statement that even though Hannity was making up crazy stories he will still stay on the network.

About a year later, after Shine was ousted from the network, Hannity was named as Michael Cohen's third client. What could be interesting is if you could figure out just when and how Hannity hired Cohen.... We know Hannity's stated reason for hiring Cohen. Hannity hired Cohen to consult on his mini-Trump like real estate empire. Yeah there's nothing shady going on there. :roll: We don't know much about Cohen's relationship with Hannity, but what was interesting was that now Trump has distanced himself from Cohen and said he only hired Cohen as a favor a long time ago. Why then did Hannity hire Cohen? Was it a favor to Trump in 2016?? Is Hannity having sordid affairs behind his "American Values" persona?

I would bet money that Mueller can build a case that Hannity was intent on releasing the emails and would do anything to get them, including breaking the law. It wouldn't be any less difficult for Mueller to take out Hannity than any other celebrity or mobster, which he has been doing all his career. I am left wondering if the Rich family are going out for their ultimate revenge.

Documents Reveal Trump Allies Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone Knew Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Was False Before Promoting It

Isn't this all more than a bit CT at this point?
I’m really confused about everything. Did trump buy a dossier?
You mean the real dossier where the last piece of that puzzle is about to drop/be confirmed by Mr. Cohen and Mueller's evidence??? That dossier?

Oh Yes!!!

Please call for them to release that documentation AND all the FISA applications and documentation!
PLEASE! Do It!!! Completely un-redacted!
A little sleazebag talk show host nobody wants to acknowledge had a big deal in this Russian Mess

In the process of wanting to get an exclusive from either Roger Stone or Julian Assange about the "breaking news," that would doom the Clinton Campaign (as said by Corsi), Hannity did everything and anything to be the first MSM talking head to get the scoop. Including completely reversing his hatred of one particular man: Julian Assange himself.

Hannity said in 2010:

The Right Word: the WikiLeaks treason

Hannity frequently teased releases from Assange throughout the past three years, interviewed him as recently as 2018, and worked exclusively with Wikileaks and probably Jr, to leak the emails to the MSM. Assange meanwhile teased on Hannitys show that he had emails but couldn't release them. It ended up being farce, but that depends on how much involvement Hannity had. I also think this was around the time of the Jr tweet. So I am now left wondering if Trump hired Manafort b/c of his connection to Assange. Trump hired Shine because of his connection to Hannity. So we can safely say that Hannity was intimately involved in all of this.

Even darker than that, Hannity seemed to have amplified the Seth Rich affair to give himself cover or to use as a distraction while he was searching high and low for the the Emails. What did he say of Seth Rich? Well... Seth Rich was apparently a deep state operative, expert computer hacker, and disgruntled campaign staffer silenced for turning on his party. Leading him to leak said emails to the public. Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and Julian Assange were all involved in amplifying the conspiracy theory which Hannity refused to stop talking about to this day. This led to him getting into trouble at Fox News, and Fox News having to release a statement that even though Hannity was making up crazy stories he will still stay on the network.

About a year later, after Shine was ousted from the network, Hannity was named as Michael Cohen's third client. What could be interesting is if you could figure out just when and how Hannity hired Cohen.... We know Hannity's stated reason for hiring Cohen. Hannity hired Cohen to consult on his mini-Trump like real estate empire. Yeah there's nothing shady going on there. :roll: We don't know much about Cohen's relationship with Hannity, but what was interesting was that now Trump has distanced himself from Cohen and said he only hired Cohen as a favor a long time ago. Why then did Hannity hire Cohen? Was it a favor to Trump in 2016?? Is Hannity having sordid affairs behind his "American Values" persona?

I would bet money that Mueller can build a case that Hannity was intent on releasing the emails and would do anything to get them, including breaking the law. It wouldn't be any less difficult for Mueller to take out Hannity than any other celebrity or mobster, which he has been doing all his career. I am left wondering if the Rich family are going out for their ultimate revenge.

Documents Reveal Trump Allies Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone Knew Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Was False Before Promoting It


What ever sticks..........................right?

What ever sticks..........................right?

Amazing the audacity of right wingers who spread all types of unconnected and nonsensical conspiracy theories, which is what Hannity does for a living, but when the left attempts to put together actual criminal conspiracies they could care less.

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