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Looking at getting a starter credit card (1 Viewer)


Zapatista Libertarian
DP Veteran
Oct 20, 2014
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Political Leaning
I've never had a credit card and I'm looking at getting a starter credit card to float me financially to where I need to be and get done what I need to get done. Once in a lifetime opportunity, will not say more - don't want to jinx anything - but if I can get there and get it done I could be set for life. The planets are in alignment of everything except finances. Ironically enough a credit card could be my literal golden ticket if I can find the right one in time to get one within the margin of temporal error. Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine said Discover Card and Citi can be applied for online but I don't know how long it would take to get here if I applied today.

Much thanks much appreciation. :2wave:
Discover is all but useless as many merchants don't take it. Capital One offers some decent deals. Chase Sapphire is one of the better choices if you want to collect sky miles.
Discover is all but useless as many merchants don't take it. Capital One offers some decent deals. Chase Sapphire is one of the better choices if you want to collect sky miles.

Huh? Everyone takes Discover. Not sure what you are talking about. One grocery chain here locally ONLY takes Discover. :shrug:

As to the OP, I don't see how acquiring a credit card could equate to "set for life". :roll:
I don't see how acquiring a credit card could equate to "set for life". :roll:

I assume this "once in a lifetime opportunity" requires a few grand almost immediately, and the OP doesn't have that in cash lying around.

That, or the Prince over in Uganda needs that credit card account number so he can deposit millions into the OP's account. :mrgreen:
I assume this "once in a lifetime opportunity" requires a few grand almost immediately, and the OP doesn't have that in cash lying around.

That, or the Prince over in Uganda needs that credit card account number so he can deposit millions into the OP's account. :mrgreen:
Lol, that's exactly what I was thinking. :D
I've never had a credit card and I'm looking at getting a starter credit card to float me financially to where I need to be and get done what I need to get done. Once in a lifetime opportunity, will not say more - don't want to jinx anything - but if I can get there and get it done I could be set for life. The planets are in alignment of everything except finances. Ironically enough a credit card could be my literal golden ticket if I can find the right one in time to get one within the margin of temporal error. Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine said Discover Card and Citi can be applied for online but I don't know how long it would take to get here if I applied today.

Much thanks much appreciation. :2wave:

Yogi Berra once said "that was a once in a lifetime oppurtunity, I've had several of those"

Don't make rash decisions based on a rush. all of the best financial moves, from investing, to real estate, to business, take time to properly grow and manage.

as far as credit cards, you may not be approved if you have no credit, they use to issue them to dogs, no kidding Dave Ramsey in his financial peace university class read a credit card offer letter one of his listeners got in the 90s offering a 15K limit card to his dog, but those days are gone since Dodd Frank went into effect.

an easier route is this, set aside 300 bucks, go to your bank or credit union and ask for a signature loan for an absurdly low amount of money, like 200 bucks, pay it off in several weeks, repeat, repeat, repeat.


such as your car.
I assume this "once in a lifetime opportunity" requires a few grand almost immediately, and the OP doesn't have that in cash lying around.

That, or the Prince over in Uganda needs that credit card account number so he can deposit millions into the OP's account. :mrgreen:

No, the prince needs his bank account numbers and an advance fee of 1000 dollars to be paid via Western Union by close of business on friday, he is asking for OPs bank account because he can't send money directly to US banks due to import taxes, haven't you ever run this scam before? :mrgreen:

Select a card that offers you the best fraud protection. Read the fine print.
For what it's worth, never spend more than what you can pay off at the end of the month, no matter how tempting it is.
We have 2 cards for convenience. One for day to day purchases...groceries, dining out etc. The other one has a fairly low (per request) credit limit for online purchases.
We pay as soon as the bill is ready.
I assume this "once in a lifetime opportunity" requires a few grand almost immediately, and the OP doesn't have that in cash lying around.

That, or the Prince over in Uganda needs that credit card account number so he can deposit millions into the OP's account. :mrgreen:

You know him too? Darn.
I used to work for a loan company but that was a long time ago. When people asked me how to build up their credit history I always suggested that they get a store card first, like Amazon, Sears, Target or Gap, charge a small amount and then pay it diligently on time for a year. Once the year was done they could apply for a credit card and they would most certainly be accepted.
Huh? Everyone takes Discover. Not sure what you are talking about. One grocery chain here locally ONLY takes Discover. :shrug:

As to the OP, I don't see how acquiring a credit card could equate to "set for life". :roll:

I honestly can't even think of one vendor that takes Discover.
I've never had a credit card and I'm looking at getting a starter credit card to float me financially to where I need to be and get done what I need to get done. Once in a lifetime opportunity, will not say more - don't want to jinx anything - but if I can get there and get it done I could be set for life. The planets are in alignment of everything except finances. Ironically enough a credit card could be my literal golden ticket if I can find the right one in time to get one within the margin of temporal error. Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine said Discover Card and Citi can be applied for online but I don't know how long it would take to get here if I applied today.

Much thanks much appreciation. :2wave:

You don't need one. You just don't. The lies that if you have a credit card you will build credit are lies. Your credit score is based on rent/mortgage, bills paid, income to debt...you don't need a credit card. If you use cash your whole life, you will have awesome credit for cars and homes.
You don't need one. You just don't.


Unless you carry around large amounts of cash, which is very dangerous for obvious reasons, having a credit card is at the very least an emergency "must have".

Personal checks these days are not always accepted.

Having immediate access to funding, without having to carry lots of cash money, can be a hugely important depending on the situation.

Unless you carry around large amounts of cash, which is very dangerous for obvious reasons, having a credit card is at the very least an emergency "must have".

Personal checks these days are not always accepted.

Having immediate access to funding, without having to carry lots of cash money, can be a hugely important depending on the situation.

You can have a debit card, and it's not the same thing.

You don't need a credit card. I have one from long ago that I haven't used in almost a decade.
You don't need one. You just don't. The lies that if you have a credit card you will build credit are lies. Your credit score is based on rent/mortgage, bills paid, income to debt...you don't need a credit card. If you use cash your whole life, you will have awesome credit for cars and homes.

You don't necessarily need a credit card to build a credit history, but you do need some sort of debt at some point to get a credit score which makes life much easier when applying for that first mortgage. Rent/bills paid only go so far. My son had zero credit history (never had any loans/credit cards/student loans etc) when he applied for a mortgage. Holy ****, he almost didn't get his loan approved and it took months despite having saved the 20% down payment and having a debt to income ratio of 13% if he got the loan.
You can have a debit card, and it's not the same thing.

You don't need a credit card. I have one from long ago that I haven't used in almost a decade.

To borrow from the gun-rights crowd - having one and never using it is far better than not having one and needing it.

Debit is fine if you have the cash in a bank account.
Credit might be needed if you don't have the cash.

Also, many credit cards are safer than debit cards.

To borrow from the gun-rights crowd - having one and never using it is far better than not having one and needing it.

Debit is fine if you have the cash in a bank account.
Credit might be needed if you don't have the cash.

Also, many credit cards are safer than debit cards.


I never use a debit card, ever. Everything goes on the credit card and then I pay the credit card. I have all kinds of alerts on my CC for charges and when it gets hacked (because it will) I get a hold of the CC company, they reverse the charges, cancel the card and get me a new one. I do not want my bank account hacked.
I never use a debit card, ever. Everything goes on the credit card and then I pay the credit card. I have all kinds of alerts on my CC for charges and when it gets hacked (because it will) I get a hold of the CC company, they reverse the charges, cancel the card and get me a new one. I do not want my bank account hacked.



We've had that exact same experience.

Chase was so easy to deal with regarding a hacked card situation. They have also caught two separate occasions when somebody has tried to hack the card but failed. Alerted me through text message and I confirmed I did not make any such transactions seeing as how I was in a completely different state at that time.

My local bank would have never had that kind of lightning quick response.

I buy everything on credit card and pay it off within two weeks of purchase.
I've never paid any interest ever on any credit card transaction.
Well, I tried to apply for a Discover card, got declined because of my damn school debts. Found a few cards I can get with bad credit, need to pay about $40 to get one though.
I've never had a credit card and I'm looking at getting a starter credit card to float me financially to where I need to be and get done what I need to get done. Once in a lifetime opportunity, will not say more - don't want to jinx anything - but if I can get there and get it done I could be set for life. The planets are in alignment of everything except finances. Ironically enough a credit card could be my literal golden ticket if I can find the right one in time to get one within the margin of temporal error. Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine said Discover Card and Citi can be applied for online but I don't know how long it would take to get here if I applied today.

Much thanks much appreciation. :2wave:

2016?s Best Starter Credit Cards

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