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London on Fire (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 12, 2005
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Very Conservative
The attacks on the mass transit system in London threaten to unleash explosions much greater than the ones that killed more than 50 innocent people. London police have accidentally put seven bullets into the brainpan of a seemingly innocent rider of the Tube. Immediately following the attacks, Tony Blair and other British politicians were quick to condemn the terrorists and inoculate the vast majority of British people of Middle Eastern descent. No immediate actions for a change in British immigration policy were supported by any of the three major parties. I believe that the British populace may eventually demand stricter controls. But, I am also aware that this is a country that has completely invested itself in multiculturalism and is quite proud of the fact that London and other major cities look less “British” than Tehran. A change may be in the wind, but I am not sure whether Brits will revolt against a British government that has done nothing to stem the tide of non-Western immigration or a British government that is killing innocent non-white men in an effort to repair the aforementioned mistake.
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cobb said:
London police have accidentally put seven bullets into the brainpan of a seemingly innocent rider of the Tube.
It wasn't accidental, and the person was not seemingly innocent at the time. The incident merely emphasizes how foolish it is to dress and behave like a suspicious person when everyone is nervous. IMO, the police officers did the right thing.
Diogenes said:
It wasn't accidental, and the person was not seemingly innocent at the time. The incident merely emphasizes how foolish it is to dress and behave like a suspicious person when everyone is nervous. IMO, the police officers did the right thing.
Sorry, but IMHO there's no way to rationalize the killing of an innocent man. Not only did they kill him they riddled his body with bullets.

It was unintentional, no doubt, BUT the mob mentality that led to the killing is what's scary. It's also the result of terrorism, as one effect is to scare the populace AND the people protecting us.

Sadly, it reminded me of several South Park episodes where the police overreact and blow away people. The difference, of course, is that South Park is a cartoon and what happened in London is all too real.

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