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Local Governments Reeling Under Obamacare Costs (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Regal Entertainments and Darden Restaurants are two examples of private companies who faced backlash because of their plan to cut workers to part time to avoid ACA expenses.

Yet while private companies are getting all this unwelcome and hostile attention, local governments across the country have been quietly doing exactly the same thing — cutting part-time hours specifically so they can skirt ObamaCare's costly employer mandate, while complaining about the law in some of the harshest terms anyone has uttered in public.

Local Governments Cut Part-Time Hours To Avoid ObamaCare Mandate - Investors.com

"The biggest problem is everyone said that ObamaCare is only going to help cut costs. Nothing could be further from the truth," said Mike Kennedy, who serves on the board of Millard Public Schools.

A large proportion of government workers, mostly with low incomes, will be affected by these changes. Everyone from bus drivers to cafeteria ladies will see a cut in their income and a loss of benefits as a result of the ACA.

Republicans in Congress are likely to insist that the only way to fix the ACA is to abolish it entirely, perhaps only retaining certain things people like such as portability.
I posted here awhile back that our local government and community college have started doing it. As for the Cafeteria ladies, most of them are part-time and get paid a lot better than most people realize once they get a few years on the job.
more lies posted by shills paid by GOP.


the ACA is based on INCOME not hours of work. So NO MATTER your income, you will STILL GET REAL HC.

The real reason they are doing it, is to avoid the $3000 fine they have to pay. And that is the ONLY reason.

All the busdrivers and al other workers will still get Medicaid for nothing or for 2% of thier pay full real HC.

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