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Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump’s Push For National Guard (1 Viewer)

Security for who from what perceived threat?

Did you find it curious that trump mentioned NG before J6, but refused to call for them during the riot? You have any idea why?

Security in the wake of thousands of protesters.
If you're trying to say you wait three hours before asking, "Where's my pizza," I have a bridge to sell you.

Trump sat on his ass. Case closed.

That he did
Perhaps the impeachment should have focused upon that narrow fact.
An insurrection by whom? After over three years of investigations, no connection exists between the rioters and Trump.

The better explanation is concern about how, in the wake of the response to BLM riots, to keep law enforcement low key.
De Nile isn't only a river in Egypt.

And you also missed your tackle of BLM btw.

Perhaps you should try another sport.
That is a stretch. If a person murders somebody and a Prosecutor does not assert that he can make a case, did the person not sill commit murder?

He was charged for the crime Smith asserts he can make before a Jury. Funny how extremist righties deny how the federal system works even when it benefits their boy.

Trump's actions were efforts to subvert the system to his benefit. Smith has Indicted for crimes he can prove before a jury. Trump should be thankful....but course he won't be.

1. If the prosecutor does not have the facts to support an allegation that so and do committed murder, then the murder still occurred, but the murderer is still out there.

2. Yes-- he can't prove there was an insurrection or that anyone was incited to riot.

3. That's the argument Smith makes. Trump of course has a different view of the events of Jan 6.
Absent an actual criminal act by Trump (such as incitement) the indictments are a serious stretch.
De Nile isn't only a river in Egypt.

And you also missed your tackle of BLM btw.

Perhaps you should try another sport.

The largest DOJ investigation in history, not including a special prosecutor and a separate Congressional inquiry, never established it.

At some point, denial belongs with others.
That troops were offered by Trump prior to Jan 6 was a story that was being kicked around at the time, and in the days after the riot.

It was often cited by progressives who were concerned that they could have been used by Trump to support the rioters and to prevent those who would try to stop the 'insurrection.'

It's why Miley basically said that he would not obey Trump.
^ Idiotic lie.

Miley never made any such comment regarding January 6th.

As Joint Chiefs Chairman, he had no operational control and no authority to activate National Guard units.
The largest DOJ investigation in history, not including a special prosecutor and a separate Congressional inquiry, never established it.

At some point, denial belongs with others.
MAGA posts are denial squared.

To the nth power actually.

Endless.....until they're ended.
So you post a link where Trump said Stand BACK and stand by as some sort of proof Trump asked them to be violent? Seriously? This is the problem in the world today when people hate someone. Everything he says is read in the worst possible light. NO ONE was armed with any guns. They are going to enact an insurrection unarmed??? really!?

I detest these lies that are repeated over and over until the people are browbeaten into accepting the lie just to appease the liars and get rid of their sorry asses.

You see that is the point,

Trump wanted the violence, encouraged it, but did not organize it he wanted others to do that. That is why Jan 6 failed. The violence thar Trump needed did not occur. He needed the government to shoot his supporters, rather than let them into the capital building.

Had his team put some snipers around the park to shoot his supporters, creating a violent chaotic scene with lots of deaths Trump would have gained a lot of public support. The Proud Boys then could have come in with their weapons.

Trump failed to plan to create the required violence.

The government knew violence on their end would be bad so they let Trump supporters into the capital building. Removing support from Trump.

The US is good at creating conditions for a couple, which means it knows what is required to stop it ,( public support)
1. If the prosecutor does not have the facts to support an allegation that so and do committed murder, then the murder still occurred, but the murderer is still out there.

And you of course are happy with "trump still being out there". So what is your beef?
2. Yes-- he can't prove there was an insurrection or that anyone was incited to riot.
But he can prove Seditious Conspiracy and he already has.
3. That's the argument Smith makes. Trump of course has a different view of the events of Jan 6.
Absent an actual criminal act by Trump (such as incitement) the indictments are a serious stretch.
Nope.....and the witnesses Smith has will make it hard for Donnie to wheedle out from under the charges which is of course why Donnie's main strategy is delay.

You don't really think Trump is running for your benefit do you? Please tell me you have been able to figure at least that much out.
If you wish to argue that Trump ought to have been more proactive in deploying security on J6, no objection.
If you wish to argue it was a CRIME for him not to have been, it isn't (and course Smith isn't charging him here).
If you wish to argue his impeachment should have focused on this area (rather than its grandiose claims Congress actually made), probably correct.

But if you wish to argue that his failure was due to some conspiracy about the riot, no.
No facts.
If Trump thought the NG was needed then he should have stopped the meaningless rally.
Fiz Cheney, the disgraced former Republican Senator, withheld information during her 1/6 Kangaroo Court type fAiL

The machine is doing its best to avoid having to do what the left is starting to make noise about.

Even with the myth called global warming, there are still grassy knolls in their wet dreams.

We are even seeing some (used to be) here at DP with sick fantasies of the unthinkable.

And day now.......... any day now..... they'll get Trump.

But they have to hide the truth to get any traction


Liz is quite special, isn't she?
When you get somebody like that who can use their own beliefs to justify such actions then you've got one very dangerous person.
There's a lot of that going around lately.
Tony Ornato ........not worth reading past that.

I'm going with Miley and Miller's sworn testimony

Fiz Cheney, the disgraced former Republican Senator, withheld information during her 1/6 Kangaroo Court type fAiL

The machine is doing its best to avoid having to do what the left is starting to make noise about.

Even with the myth called global warming, there are still grassy knolls in their wet dreams.

We are even seeing some (used to be) here at DP with sick fantasies of the unthinkable.

And day now.......... any day now..... they'll get Trump.

But they have to hide the truth to get any traction


Except this is very recent history that unfolded before us and some of us aren’t as easily fooled with rewrites on what we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears.

Truth: Trump stirred this crowd up of the raw material he accessed to do it. He brought it to one place. He pointed it in the direction he pointed it to. He set it loose.

There was a “Reasonable Man Standard” working. The known or should have known standard that implicates Trump in everything unfolding from his actions, and the responsibility for the results of it.

That is the truth of it. Rewrites be damned.

One message is clear here, never forget, they're telling us who they really are. Lock your shit up tight or they'll try and take it, and we all should have known maga would become violent if they weren't properly restrained.

Yea, they are the reason we can't have nice things.

Can't take your eye off em for a second. 🧐

Grump’s mother: “Stupid is what stupid does.”
He had no intention of stopping anything. He loved watching what was going on.
This is the point MAGA can't and will not face up to.

A Non psychotic lame duck POTUS, would never have called for this type of rally on certification day. A Non psychotic in this situation would have called it off if violence was suspected in order to protect Congress, the VP, Innocent bystanders and our Capitol law enforcement.

Pretty simple, logical and morale stuff
It still shocks me the lengths some people will go to hurt someone. It's hard to believe really. I hope they all pay dearly for what they have done to those folks. They have destroyed them, and their families, just because they could.
You must be referring to the committee investigating the Bidens. Using a man's recovering addict and emotionally vulnerable son to get at them is deplorable.

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