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Lincoln Project: Accountable (1 Viewer)

What I have loved about Lincoln is they have been able to take the shitty gutter shots at Trump and the GOP, freeing up Dems/Joe to punch down when they gotta, but kinda keep their powder dry for the larger outrages. That they’ve actually been involved in down ballot races has been a bonus.

Still: once the election is over, they are scum and still guilty until proven innocent. I mean, if they Darth Vader the Emperor, for sure that’ll cut the line some.
What I have loved about Lincoln is they have been able to take the shitty gutter shots at Trump and the GOP, freeing up Dems/Joe to punch down when they gotta, but kinda keep their powder dry for the larger outrages. That they’ve actually been involved in down ballot races has been a bonus.

Still: once the election is over, they are scum and still guilty until proven innocent. I mean, if they Darth Vader the Emperor, for sure that’ll cut the line some.
Spoken like a true believer in the Dem motto: Our desired ends justify any means...no matter how immoral, illegal, unethical or odious.
Spoken like a true believer in the Dem motto: Our desired ends justify any means...no matter how immoral, illegal, unethical or odious.

Mottos shouldn’t have ellipses.
What I have loved about Lincoln is they have been able to take the shitty gutter shots at Trump and the GOP, freeing up Dems/Joe to punch down when they gotta, but kinda keep their powder dry for the larger outrages. That they’ve actually been involved in down ballot races has been a bonus.

Still: once the election is over, they are scum and still guilty until proven innocent. I mean, if they Darth Vader the Emperor, for sure that’ll cut the line some.

You're right. Just because we ally with bad people to fight an alien invasion, doesn't mean we treat them as full allies after that and let them have bad policies.

We're allied with the Lincoln project against trump. But they're still right-wing plutocrats who are political enemies after that.
You're right. Just because we ally with bad people to fight an alien invasion, doesn't mean we treat them as full allies after that and let them have bad policies.

We're allied with the Lincoln project against trump. But they're still right-wing plutocrats who are political enemies after that.

I won’t go enemies. But they don’t get a seat at the table. They’re Republicans. If they want to beat Trump, that’s the right thing to do. They helped create him.
It is a good clip, and it points out Lindsey's situational ethics and utter hypocrisy.

The issue is he is not alone in that, the issue of a President still being President and able to nominate a Justice for a complicit Senate to confirm is nothing new for either side of the fence. The issue comes up most times a President is from one party and the Senate is ran by the other, then all of a sudden it becomes a voter issue (or at least an excuse to use.)

But the harsh reality is President OrangeGlow is still President, elections have consequences, and it means the Senate will rubber stamp anyone he nominates.

The Supreme Court just moved further to the right, probably away from any sense of Constitutionality, and will be that way for a very long time.
I won’t go enemies. But they don’t get a seat at the table. They’re Republicans. If they want to beat Trump, that’s the right thing to do. They helped create him.

Not sure why political enemies isn't accurate, when these are the people that support putting Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan in the vice presidency, defeating Obama for Republicans, the tax cuts and record inequality and right-wing judges and a lot more. trump is worse, but he's a one-off, these people are the long-term real threat.
Not sure why political enemies isn't accurate, when these are the people that support putting Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan in the vice presidency, defeating Obama for Republicans, the tax cuts and record inequality and right-wing judges and a lot more. trump is worse, but he's a one-off, these people are the long-term real threat.

Cause everyone deserves a shot at redemption.
Cause everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

How does recognizing they are political enemies prevent a chance of redemption (albeit, a small chance)? How many Republican politicians can you point to who have had redemption challenging their support for plutocracy? The main name that could be discussed is Lincoln Chaffee; that's a short list.

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