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Liberty University police issue arrest warrants for NYT, ProPublica reporters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Liberty University police issue arrest warrants for NYT, ProPublica reporters | TheHill

"Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. on Wednesday said that arrest warrants had been issued for reporters from The New York Times and ProPublica after both publications wrote stories criticizing his decision last month to partially reopen his Virginia-based college.

Photos of the arrest warrants for New York Times freelance photographer Julia Rendleman and ProPublica reporter Alec MacGillis were published on the website of conservative radio host Todd Starnes. The warrant alleges each committed misdemeanor trespassing on campus while gathering information for their respective stories."

Smart move by Christianity's biggest Trump (adulterer, porn worker payer, scam artist, swindler) supporter. The base will love it.

Hating the freedom of the press is more important to them than saving human lives, so yes, they will.
Hating the freedom of the press is more important to them than saving human lives, so yes, they will.

it's almost like some Christians value human life only when it's good for their politics.
How does a fake university have actual arrest authority?
How does a fake university have actual arrest authority?

we're in another American bizarro era. like it was right before the Civil War and during Jim Crow.

Y'all aren't all about ignoring the Constitution, now?
How does a fake university have actual arrest authority?

University PD's have the same law enforcement authority, on campus, as the state they're in. Every university has that authority.

Falwell is a fake Christian. He hides behind the Bible to enrich himself, his family, and friends. Fake, fake, fake!!

Fake arrest warrants from fake cops at a fake college! Ohhhh! Scary!
Falwell is a fake Christian. He hides behind the Bible to enrich himself, his family, and friends. Fake, fake, fake!!

yeah, it's obvious.

but, you can't be a con man unless there are marks.
How does a fake university have actual arrest authority?

It's not a fake university and many universities have their own police departments.
Isn't he the "pool guy" guy?

Ah ha lol

As a gay man, ya the Falwell and pool boy story may have some truth. Falwell is so deep in the closet he can see Narnia.

Its always the ones who shreak the loudest about homosexuality you find on Grindr at 2am after the wife is out for the night, ah haaa.
It's not a fake university and many universities have their own police departments.

Police departments don’t issue warrants, courts do...

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Whatever happened to forgiving our trespassers?
How does a fake university have actual arrest authority?

That was my thought. Liberty University Police=rent a cop
Whatever happened to forgiving our trespassers?

That only applies if the candidate sleeps with a porn actress, pays her off, and commits adultry.

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