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Liberals are Humorless (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I know, your asking if I ever have anything good to say about liberals. Well, the short answer is 'NO'.

The better comedians will tell you that the best and funniest material comes from those that have experienced life from it's basest roots. So with liberals having never experienced rough times (with the advent of their dependency on government programs; thus the cradle to grave bennies)--the jury is still out on whether you can get a liberal to smile or laugh. Of course, laughing at themselves (self deprecating humor) is a near impossibility.

So where does this pent up anger and rage with liberals leave us? Well, its my understanding that we conservatives should try to humor these poor souls; if not to get them to lighten up with the fact that they'll never ever have power again--then to smooth their trying times ahead with light hearted humor, like suggesting they buy Zell Miller's book on "How to change over to the Republican Party from a dismal Democrat Party". I think that's the title.
Maybe you're just too stupid to get any of our jokes. Just a thought. :2wave:
Kelzie said:
Maybe you're just too stupid to get any of our jokes. Just a thought. :2wave:


Now thats comedy. :rofl
Are you saying a liberal has never made you laugh? Quite a few have got me laughing!:rofl
talloulou said:
Are you saying a liberal has never made you laugh? Quite a few have got me laughing!:rofl

***Good point, tallylou: Yes, several have made me laugh, but the problem is that their intent wasn't to make people laugh. You see, a liberal's viewpoint on any and every issue is so bizare, that it can't help but make discerning people chuckle in amusement. Sorry, I'm too tired to come up with an example at this time. Trust me, there are plenty out there.
ptsdkid said:
***Good point, tallylou: Yes, several have made me laugh, but the problem is that their intent wasn't to make people laugh. You see, a liberal's viewpoint on any and every issue is so bizare, that it can't help but make discerning people chuckle in amusement. Sorry, I'm too tired to come up with an example at this time. Trust me, there are plenty out there.

Well I must say you've made me laugh! And you're a conservative.

And I vote conservative and here watch me make you laugh:

I don't believe Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. I kinda think it was a hoax.

That usually gets people laughing their assss off.
ptsdkid said:
***Good point, tallylou: Yes, several have made me laugh, but the problem is that their intent wasn't to make people laugh. You see, a liberal's viewpoint on any and every issue is so bizare, that it can't help but make discerning people chuckle in amusement. Sorry, I'm too tired to come up with an example at this time. Trust me, there are plenty out there.

Well, you make me laugh too, but it has nothing to do with your professed partisan affiliations...more to do with crackpot threads like this where you make some hilariously flawed assertions and then demonstrate the depth of your insanity by trying to justify it. Now thats comedy.
Why can't a 56 year-old have something nicer to say. All you do is bash liberals. You act like we don't work for a living and all of us are socialists. I am not a socialist and the only reason I'm unemployed is because I'm writing a book. The only reason I quit my job was because I was sick of working at BestBuy and I wanted to work on my life career.

How to Annoy ptsdkid: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY JUST LIKE HIM!
Sir_Alec said:
Why can't a 56 year-old have something nicer to say. All you do is bash liberals. You act like we don't work for a living and all of us are socialists. I am not a socialist and the only reason I'm unemployed is because I'm writing a book. The only reason I quit my job was because I was sick of working at BestBuy and I wanted to work on my life career.

How to Annoy ptsdkid: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY JUST LIKE HIM!

but he isnt happy...
jallman said:
but he isnt happy...

Apparently the only thing that makes him happy is acting like an ***. Seriously hes in his fifties. He should have learned by now that political stereotypes only work for extremists.
Sir_Alec said:
Why can't a 56 year-old have something nicer to say. All you do is bash liberals. You act like we don't work for a living and all of us are socialists. I am not a socialist and the only reason I'm unemployed is because I'm writing a book. The only reason I quit my job was because I was sick of working at BestBuy and I wanted to work on my life career.

How to Annoy ptsdkid: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY JUST LIKE HIM!

Best Buy, huh? What's the pay like? :lol:

Good luck with the book! I've tried off and on for years to write one, even if I never sent it in to a publisher, I always wanted to be able to say that I wrote one. But, I always get horrible writer's block after the first couple of chapters.
Stace said:
Best Buy, huh? What's the pay like? :lol:

Good luck with the book! I've tried off and on for years to write one, even if I never sent it in to a publisher, I always wanted to be able to say that I wrote one. But, I always get horrible writer's block after the first couple of chapters.

Yeah Im writing about my Grandpa. He was a in the army during world war 2 and studied tropical diseases. His youngest brother was in the 2nd marines and died at Tarawa. His oldest brother was in the 29th Division and landed at omaha beach, wave 1, Dog Green sector on D-day. He was later killed near the French city of St. Lo.
I'm trying to figure out how someone so mired in stereotypes could make such a unsterotypical thread.

I think Kelzie hit the nail on the head with her reply.
dogger807 said:
I'm trying to figure out how someone so mired in stereotypes could make such a unsterotypical thread.

I think Kelzie hit the nail on the head with her reply.

'S right I did. It's cause I'm a genius. :2wave:
Sir_Alec said:
Why can't a 56 year-old have something nicer to say. All you do is bash liberals. You act like we don't work for a living and all of us are socialists. I am not a socialist and the only reason I'm unemployed is because I'm writing a book. The only reason I quit my job was because I was sick of working at BestBuy and I wanted to work on my life career.

How to Annoy ptsdkid: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY JUST LIKE HIM!

***You don't sound like a socialist. You don't expect the government to cater to your every need. In fact, you sound more like an enterprising conservative. Working on one's life career isn't considered to be a socialist trait....now is it?
Sir_Alec said:
Apparently the only thing that makes him happy is acting like an ***. Seriously hes in his fifties. He should have learned by now that political stereotypes only work for extremists.

***Political stereotypes? Perhaps you could show me some of those outstanding traits of a socialist. You know, some of those traits that I must have forgotten to list here.
OK ptskid-marks: I consider myself to be a socialist, and I work extremely hard, and I have a wicked sense of humour.

But Kelzie is the genius. She said it so eloquently I need say no more.
ptsdkid. I was just thinking there slappy. You're calling liberals humorless, you're a self professed conservative, yet I've never seen one funny post by you. Who you calling humorless? Your lack of logic, your self contradicting posts, your pitiful attempts at trolling, that stench that somehow is transmitted electronically, all make you the perfect example of what I call "self-smacking."

You suck.
teacher said:
ptsdkid. I was just thinking there slappy. You're calling liberals humorless, you're a self professed conservative, yet I've never seen one funny post by you. Who you calling humorless? Your lack of logic, your self contradicting posts, your pitiful attempts at trolling, that stench that somehow is transmitted electronically, all make you the perfect example of what I call "self-smacking."

***Slappy?...Kind of like that one. Like slap happy. You have a humorless life, Teacher. I wouldn't consider you to be any more of a Conservative than I would of these moderator charlatans here that use the elephants as their avatars. I truly believe that only conservative people have the ability to show or possess humor. There is a touch of humor in most all of my postings. A true conservative would have the gift to detect my humor, as it is usually on the dry side...very dry, bordering on sarcastic leading to sardonic.

My preference here on Debate Politics is to debate politics. I just happen to have that rare gift to present my debatable posts with a touch of humor, for that all important added bounus. I understand that liberals would not readily see my humor, as it is always in reference to a liberal or socialist policy/issue. This is why you are humorless, and why you are not a true conservative. Other conservatives here reading my posts will not respond because they are too busy laughing at the mock-up job I'm doing to the liberal contingent. Besides, if they think that I'm not getting my humorous point across--then they'll be glad to chime in when the time seems fit.

Have you noticed under my postings that there is a slogan saying..."I neutered my cat, now he's a liberal"? Well I have a jersey that says the same thing. I wear that jersey once or twice a month when I travel into Harvard Square in Cambridge. I love flashing that humorous slogan in front of all the pin-headed--brains full of liberal mush Harvard students there in the People's Republic of Liberalsim. I even get a young Socialist or Marxist to square off with while I educate the lost soul on the dangers of being anti-American.

I have a bumper sticker that says, 'Oppose a Liberal'...Love our troops...Love America...Love Yourself...Love God.
You may not think that is funny or true, but by the smiles, beeps, and thumbs up in conservative New Hampshire--keeps the crowd going wild with uncontrollable laughter. To keep it fair and balanced--there was one young bitch that flashed me the finger after reading the bumper sticker; obviously an undergraduate communist student at Harvard.
ptsdkid said:
***Slappy?...Kind of like that one. Like slap happy. You have a humorless life, Teacher.
Some around here migh disagree with that. What's it like to be so entirely alone?
I wouldn't consider you to be any more of a Conservative than I would of these moderator charlatans here that use the elephants as their avatars.
You fuc*king wanker, you're not a conservative, you're a sexist, racist Nazi.
I truly believe that only conservative people have the ability to show or possess humor.
That's why we love you so much here ptsdkid. Only a true idiot could say that.
There is a touch of humor in most all of my postings. A true conservative would have the gift to detect my humor, as it is usually on the dry side...very dry, bordering on sarcastic leading to sardonic.
Yea, whatever laughing boy.
My preference here on Debate Politics is to debate politics.
So when you gonna start? You troll and are ignored except to be abused.
I just happen to have that rare gift to present my debatable posts with a touch of humor, for that all important added bounus.
You have a rare gift allright. Paranoia with the bonus of being an asshole.
I understand that liberals would not readily see my humor, as it is always in reference to a liberal or socialist policy/issue.
By golly skippy, you must be the only conservative here then.
This is why you are humorless, and why you are not a true conservative.
Keep telling yourself that. Pay no attention to the men in white coats with big nets behind you.
Other conservatives here reading my posts will not respond because they are too busy laughing at the mock-up job I'm doing to the liberal contingent.
Self reinforcing delusions. Can't be proved wrong. You really are a basket case.
Besides, if they think that I'm not getting my humorous point across--then they'll be glad to chime in when the time seems fit.
Well, they're not chiming in so you must be bringing the house down sport.
Have you noticed under my postings that there is a slogan saying..."I neutered my cat, now he's a liberal"? Well I have a jersey that says the same thing.
Yea I noticed that. I know somethng about humor jerk. That ain't funy.
I wear that jersey once or twice a month when I travel into Harvard Square in Cambridge. I love flashing that humorous slogan in front of all the pin-headed--brains full of liberal mush Harvard students there in the People's Republic of Liberalsim. I even get a young Socialist or Marxist to square off with while I educate the lost soul on the dangers of being anti-American.
You may not think that is funny or true, but by the smiles, beeps, and thumbs up in conservative New Hampshire--
I lived in Amherst and Hudson fuc*kwad. You ain't fooling me about New Hampshire. They are much too reserved up there to be honking at your stupid shi*t.
keeps the crowd going wild with uncontrollable laughter. To keep it fair and balanced--there was one young bitch that flashed me the finger after reading the bumper sticker; obviously an undergraduate communist student at Harvard.
If you are a troll, you certainly are entertaining. If not, boy, you have some serious issues.
ptsdkid said:
I know, your asking if I ever have anything good to say about liberals. Well, the short answer is 'NO'.

The better comedians will tell you that the best and funniest material comes from those that have experienced life from it's basest roots. So with liberals having never experienced rough times (with the advent of their dependency on government programs; thus the cradle to grave bennies)--the jury is still out on whether you can get a liberal to smile or laugh. Of course, laughing at themselves (self deprecating humor) is a near impossibility.

So where does this pent up anger and rage with liberals leave us? Well, its my understanding that we conservatives should try to humor these poor souls; if not to get them to lighten up with the fact that they'll never ever have power again--then to smooth their trying times ahead with light hearted humor, like suggesting they buy Zell Miller's book on "How to change over to the Republican Party from a dismal Democrat Party". I think that's the title.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...........

Laugh a Minute, starring Dick Cheney.
danarhea said:
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming............
Very original. Did you write that?
KCConservative said:
Very original. Did you write that?


One can get by with stuff like that if they surround it with something original, then find a way to segway to that old saying with a fresh look. Uh...just you didn't danarhea.

Listen up danarhea, nothing personal, but this is the basement. I understand you are by no means as stupid as ptsdkid, which gives him an out for his stupid posts down here. Your stupid anti-Bush posts don't make you stupid. Just myopically anti-Bush. Just so you know d-man, come down here with weak azz shi*t like that and you will be called. As did KCConservative. All hail KC!

Get the fuc*k better, or stay out of the basement!
ptsdkid said:
***Good point, tallylou: Yes, several have made me laugh, but the problem is that their intent wasn't to make people laugh. You see, a liberal's viewpoint on any and every issue is so bizare, that it can't help but make discerning people chuckle in amusement. Sorry, I'm too tired to come up with an example at this time. Trust me, there are plenty out there.

Haha. You're pathetic. I can't believe I'm wasting words on you. I haven't read many of your posts, but you sound exactly like Navy Pride, but alot more immature.
I laugh at some, I snicker at others, But most of them make me sick.

Hey, I recognize that photo, Thats a liberal burning...
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