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Liberally a Liberal's Liberal. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
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You could hear Wolf Blitzer's jaw hit the table. A cameraman ran for the bathroom and one of the engineers forgot to go to commercial. Why did Wolfie's show shudder?

Wolf was interviewing CNN Founder Ted Turner and the talk had turned to North Korea where Ted had recently visited. Here's some of the Q and A:

When he was asked for his impression of Kim Jong Il Ted said, "he didn't look too much different than most other people".

When he was asked if Jong was brutal to his people, Ted said, the people "were thin," but "they were riding bicycles."

He then declared that, "North Korea is not a threat to the U.S.". When Wolf pointed out that North Korea has missiles that could reach the U.S. Ted the environmentalist said, "Well, what, the Aleutian Islands? There's nothing up there but a few sea lions."

I believe Wolf got out of the hospital today. Respiratory problems right? OMG Ted? Nothing up in the Aleutians but a few sea lions. LOL Ted and send another check to MoveOn.org would you? They need you.
:duel :cool:
So whats your point? that reporters shouldn't have opinions? As long as his biases don't show up in the reports, I don't see what the problem is.

And btw where is the source for this?
FinnMacCool said:
So whats your point? that reporters shouldn't have opinions? As long as his biases don't show up in the reports, I don't see what the problem is.

And btw where is the source for this?

You want a source? Ok I guess you need help so I'll help. CNN? WOLF BLITZER? CNN.COM? WOLF BLITZER? Just let me know if you can't find it.

I see you don't care for the Aleutians either. Oh but maybe you would see the problem if they nuked our sea lions. No? Still don't see the problem with Ted the Environmentalist turning his back on American sea lions? Isn't he worried that oil platforms will hurt the caribou? Nuclear bombs will kill lemmings too. You follow?
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
You want a source? Ok I guess you need help so I'll help. CNN? WOLF BLITZER? CNN.COM? WOLF BLITZER? Just let me know if you can't find it.

I see you don't care for the Aleutians either. Oh but maybe you would see the problem if they nuked our sea lions. No? Still don't see the problem with Ted the Environmentalist turning his back on American sea lions? Isn't he worried that oil platforms will hurt the caribou? Nuclear bombs will kill lemmings too. You follow?
:duel :cool:

So just because he has some whacky opinions, the mainstream environmentalists/conservationist movement is bad.
oooooooooo I see. yeah I don't agree with him but its still his opinion. as long as it doesn't get in the way of his reporting then I don't see the big deal.
SouthernDemocrat said:
So just because he has some whacky opinions, the mainstream environmentalists/conservationist movement is bad.

Will no one step forward on behalf of the pinnipeds? Does no one on this God's green earth (maybe white in the Aleutians) even.... wait (the Aleutians might be redish black or let's say... smoke?) Does no one care for the sea lions? Have you heard their plantiff (not in court) cries???

Remember Flipper??? Oh sorry that was a dolphin.

Remember uh (hey can someone tell me why the heck a mainstream environmentalist/conservationist like Ted hates sea lions so much that he would give up his Aleutian begotten rights and let North Korea microwave them by the herd or as Ted says, "a few"?). I am ashamed of you guys.

Sea lions shouldn't have to worry about North Korea? Sea lions have enough trouble with Shamu for Posideon's sake. Heck Earnest Borgnine could tell you that if he's not dead. I think he's alive. Ok my researcher tells me that Earnie is still alive.

In the name of pinnipeds everywhere, we as a people should take umberage on their souls (well, if they have em) and put up nets over the north sea to protect them from Ted and the North Koreans nukes. Oh wait... our fishermen that get us the artificial crab would get mad. Oh well, I still think we should do something. Wonder how Earnie Borgnine would handle this. I already know how Ted would. FRY THEM SEA LIONS and pass the red wine.
:duel :cool:
This thread makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Is it a statement about Ted, CNN or the Sea Lions? Or is it a pinhead thread? I'm confused.

What I'm not confused on is it doesn't matter if Korea has nukes or not. It's sheer suicide to shoot one of those things off in our direction. No matter who is President Hillary's Secretary of Defense.
gordontravels said:
You could hear Wolf Blitzer's jaw hit the table. A cameraman ran for the bathroom and one of the engineers forgot to go to commercial. Why did Wolfie's show shudder?

Wolf was interviewing CNN Founder Ted Turner and the talk had turned to North Korea where Ted had recently visited. Here's some of the Q and A:

When he was asked for his impression of Kim Jong Il Ted said, "he didn't look too much different than most other people".

When he was asked if Jong was brutal to his people, Ted said, the people "were thin," but "they were riding bicycles."

He then declared that, "North Korea is not a threat to the U.S.". When Wolf pointed out that North Korea has missiles that could reach the U.S. Ted the environmentalist said, "Well, what, the Aleutian Islands? There's nothing up there but a few sea lions."

I believe Wolf got out of the hospital today. Respiratory problems right? OMG Ted? Nothing up in the Aleutians but a few sea lions. LOL Ted and send another check to MoveOn.org would you? They need you.
:duel :cool:

1. Kim Jong-il doesn't look that different from most people, aside from the spiky hair. What does Ted Turner's answer to this question prove?

2. Ted Turner is mistaken if he thinks Kim Jong-il isn't brutal, but what does this have to do with his reporting?

3. North Korea, despite all the huffing and puffing on both sides of the Pacific, poses very little threat to the United States.

What is the point of this thread? What do Ted Turner's personal opinions have to do with anything? What exactly is "liberal" about defending the world's worst human rights abuser?
Kandahar said:
1. Kim Jong-il doesn't look that different from most people, aside from the spiky hair. What does Ted Turner's answer to this question prove?

2. Ted Turner is mistaken if he thinks Kim Jong-il isn't brutal, but what does this have to do with his reporting?

3. North Korea, despite all the huffing and puffing on both sides of the Pacific, poses very little threat to the United States.

What is the point of this thread? What do Ted Turner's personal opinions have to do with anything? What exactly is "liberal" about defending the world's worst human rights abuser?

1. That he is observant?

2. Whose reporting. Ted was being interviewed and thought that since North Koreans were riding bicycles it didn't mean anything that they were so gaunt and thin. A German doctor that spent two years in North Korea made note that you never heard birds singing there. The people trapped them and ate them. Still, the people ride bicycles.

3. And nothing is "liberal" about a liberal's liberal defending the "world's worst human rights abuser". Very perceptive of you that you might see this as normal.

But you can't deny Ted's liberal and environmentalist credentials. His support of the United Nations - he wrote them a 1 billion dollar check a year or two ago. BUT:

Then he is willing to sacrifice our sea lions? Ours? Isn't this a form of racism? I do believe the sea lions are gray if not black. Don't you think a billionaire that created CNN would have more sympathy than to be willing to stand by while the possibility of microwaved sea lions sits just over the horizon? Don't you think if the sea lions were white the attitude might be different? Wouldn't you expect a man being interviewed (not reporting) on his own network would be more sensitive to pinniped rights?

I am really at a loss here that you all seem to want to abandon the pinniped community to a North Korean Despot's possible doom. They have no one to bark for them; no one to champion their plight; a plight now known through a major liberal environmentalist that would see them well done on the beach; pups huddling against once caring mothers. Just a long line of seal-ka-bob as far as the eye can see, up the beach anyway.

Is this the Ted Turner you want sitting in his penthouse in Atlanta when the North Korean missiles actually hit San Francisco (which they can)? Yes, I said San Francisco. And why not? When you go to Fisherman's Wharf in that City by the Bay it is teaming with sea lions. The North Koreans know this and are now emboldened to rush into seal-nuke mode. Ground zero for Kim Jong Il and his belief that Ted approves of his microwave techniques with seal meat.

You all should be ashamed.
:duel :cool:
For clarity's sake, I'll only respond to the parts of your post that I can sort of figure out what you're talking about.

gordontravels said:
Ted was being interviewed and thought that since North Koreans were riding bicycles it didn't mean anything that they were so gaunt and thin. A German doctor that spent two years in North Korea made note that you never heard birds singing there. The people trapped them and ate them. Still, the people ride bicycles.

I'm not defending his comments. I'm just completely bewildered by what you're trying to prove by them.

gordontravels said:
3. And nothing is "liberal" about a liberal's liberal defending the "world's worst human rights abuser". Very perceptive of you that you might see this as normal.

I didn't say it was normal, don't put words in my mouth. I asked what you think is "liberal" about defending a regime that consistently ranks dead last in almost every measure of human rights.

gordontravels said:
But you can't deny Ted's liberal and environmentalist credentials. His support of the United Nations - he wrote them a 1 billion dollar check a year or two ago.

He has some liberal views, though his attitudes toward North Korea are certainly not among them. I repeat: What's your point?

gordontravels said:
Is this the Ted Turner you want sitting in his penthouse in Atlanta when the North Korean missiles actually hit San Francisco (which they can)?

That doesn't mean North Korea poses much of a threat to the United States.
Ok. Ok. Maybe you finally realize how serious I am here. I was brought to my concerns when I remembered going to the San Diego Zoo some years back and looking into those big brown eyes. I grew up thinking that we couldn't possibly turn our backs on those who looked upon us with such trust and need. Of course I realize it was the fish that spurred this loyalty but I did think it should be returned.

Now comes Kim Jong Il and Ted. A man who would feed his people seal and a man who would seal seal's fate. One plans culinary arts with nuclear technology while the other decides to abandon an entire race/species to the whim of someone that i think we can agree is not too nice. I have to wonder. A man like Ted who has made billions informing you and me of what we think. What motivates him to turn his environmentalist back on those big brown eyes.

And how could anyone defend his comments and not help the pinnipeds who have no words but only barks of distain for their doom.

As for putting words into anyone's mouth you need to read my comments on the Clinton Condoms and know I am very careful how close I get to anyone's mouth.

I think I should be happy that you KNOW that Ted has no liberal views when it comes to North Korea but then I have to harken back to those trusting brown eyed sea lions. Just sitting there on a beach they thought Ted would give his life... oh sorry... his bucks for to protect them from Exxon and Dick Cheney. Now Ted thinks them "only a few". Isn't there some saying about the "meek" or like the "few and the many"? Are the sea lions represented in the U.N.? And, if not why not. Surely we can't leave them to Ted and the hungry North Koreans.

(Ted wears dead animals on his feet, did you know that?)

Remember. Pinnipeds, if you will, sea lions and their cousins (yep, they have cousins), have been around a lot longer than you, me or Ted. What bothers me is that if we aren't careful about our attitudes towards billionaire media mogul liberal left wing ultras like Ted we could get stuck with nothing but otters. Then it will be you otter do this or you otter do that and before you know it people will start taking you seriously.

So people. What do you think?

p.s. Therappy for Democrats will be at 5:30 pm on odd days and therappy for Republicans will be at the same time on even days. I hope it helps.
:duel :cool:

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