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Liberal Operative Put In Charge Of ABC News (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
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George Stephanopolous, one of the most powerful Democrats in the world at one point (when he was Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton), has been promoted to Chief Washington Correspondent of ABC news.

Liberal activists and operatives often get in-hesitantly placed into high, behind-the-scenes positions controlling coverage, content, "equal" time for debating guests, etc. The list of outrageously inappropriate conflicts of interest like this run a mile long.

Mary Mapes had one of these roles, now George Stephanopolous has the most powerful of these kinds of media positions. How long will it take for a blatantly slanted story like Mapes' National Guard lie gets the network in trouble, prompting them to act surprised? Or will they just lie and call repeated infractions "honest mistakes?"

On a side note, former Clinton aide, Bibi Clark (spelling?) was also placed in an important media position by Roger Ailes a while back. Roger Ailes would be the guy liberal propagandists tell us are using Fox news to only show the conservative side of the issues. As they demonstrated SO thoroughly in that piece of crap smear campaign, Outfoxed, they are bogus as Hell.
And you complained as well when Ken Tomlinson (now resigned) was named board chairman of Corporation for Public Broadcasting. ;)
There you guys go AGAIN - he is NOT an "OPERATIVE"! He's an 'ANALYST'!:mrgreen:
easyt65 said:
There you guys go AGAIN - he is NOT an "OPERATIVE"! He's an 'ANALYST'!:mrgreen:
no no.. he is a operative, like a secret agent with all kinds of high tech liberal bias brainwashing gadgets. First thing he will do is fill all of ABC's water coolers with liberal kool aid!! the bastard.
BWG said:
And you complained as well when Ken Tomlinson (now resigned) was named board chairman of Corporation for Public Broadcasting. ;)

Tomlinson resigned after getting busted using his political pressure on CPB. The right wants to control the last fair and balanced medium we have left in this country - PBS and NPR. I was overjoyed when this creep was forced to resign.

I'm sure the right will be keeping an eye on Stenanopolous. Fine. I watch his Sunday show on occasion and I think he does his best to keep an even keel. I'm sure Disney won't let him tell too much truth.
In Stephanopolous' first major move as "Liberal Operative for ABC/Disney"

He will do an exclusive interview with John McCain on "This Week"

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will be in studio Sunday for an exclusive interview on torture, Iraq and a possible run for the White House.

Quick - somebody call Byron York! :roll:
hipsterdufus said:
Tomlinson resigned after getting busted using his political pressure on CPB. The right wants to control the last fair and balanced medium we have left in this country - PBS and NPR. I was overjoyed when this creep was forced to resign.

I'm sure the right will be keeping an eye on Stenanopolous. Fine. I watch his Sunday show on occasion and I think he does his best to keep an even keel. I'm sure Disney won't let him tell too much truth.

I have a friend whose favorite news outlet is The Nation. He considers NPR to be the most liberal news network. They even admit it on NPR. The Dems agree too.
George Stephanopoulos has always shown fariness and, in my opinion, a jarring lack of political bias in his capacity as a journalist. He is very good at what he does. Sometimes people still get promoted that way. :roll:

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