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Lets impeach liberals, & the ACLU! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Sure, & why the hell not? Everybody should KNOW & understand exactly WHO, & WHY the ACLU was formed anyway!

Most of the ill informed, & of course the ignorant masses have absolutely no clue about liberal ideology, & the history of the ACLU...& seem to believe the ACLU is all about defending the so called, "little guy".

Roger Baldwin a self admitted communist founded the organization in 1920 to defend communists in America.

Baldwin was an avowed atheist, & advocated Disarmament for America. He also stressed the utilization of the ACLU organization to undermine Judeo-Christian expression, & eliminate every vestige of Judeo-Christian expression in public places!

Naturally, ...the outlawing of the christian faith is essential in the first step of destroying the republic in America, & thereby slowly establishing a socialist/communist government that he advocated.

The ACLU's sole goal is to subvert, & destroy the American governmental system, & the traditional religious ideals, social customs, laws & values.

They love defending anybody that despises organized religion, but most preferably the Christian religion by way of the multi-culturalist lovers, & will disingenuinley use race, ethnicity, & economic class., & even help promote the acceptance of homosexuality as people being discriminated against.

As a matter of FACT, ..the ACLU is defending a "pedophile group"; N.A.M.B.L.A.; ...the "North American Man Boy Love Assoc." by protecting their "LITERATURE" which is an instructional pamphlet on "HOW TO" indoctrinate, & ply their trade on young boys!!

Why ...even the liberal politicians helped the ACLU get taxpayer funding as well cause' we ALL know the liberal's penchant, & love affair they have for socialism, internationalism, & multi-culturalism that they seem to find much more honorable, & more fair because THEY see America as the biggest obstacle to world peace!

I say; "Impeach the liberals & the ACLU",.. as THEY are the biggest threat to America from within!;)

Who are the purveyor's, & protector's of the ACLU? Why the modern democratic party of today of course, ...who have "bastardized" their own party, & their own party's ideology base that USED to serve the common man well!!
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Stu Ghatze said:
Sure, & why the hell not? Everybody should KNOW & understand exactly WHO, & WHY the ACLU was formed anyway!

Most of the ill informed, & of course the ignorant masses have absolutely no clue about liberal ideology, & the history of the ACLU...& seem to believe the ACLU is all about defending the so called, "little guy".

Roger Baldwin a self admitted communist founded the organization in 1920 to defend communists in America.

Baldwin was an avowed atheist, & advocated Disarmament for America. He also stressed the utilization of the ACLU organization to undermine Judeo-Christian expression, & eliminate every vestige of Judeo-Christian expression in public places!

Naturally, ...the outlawing of the christian faith is essential in the first step of destroying the republic in America, & thereby slowly establishing a socialist/communist government that he advocated.

The ACLU's sole goal is to subvert, & destroy the American governmental system, & the traditional religious ideals, social customs, laws & values.

They love defending anybody that despises organized religion, but most preferably the Christian religion by way of the multi-culturalist lovers, & will disingenuinley use race, ethnicity, & economic class., & even help promote the acceptance of homosexuality as people being discriminated against.

As a matter of FACT, ..the ACLU is defending a "pedophile group"; N.A.M.B.L.A.; ...the "North American Man Boy Love Assoc." by protecting their "LITERATURE" which is an instructional pamphlet on "HOW TO" indoctrinate, & ply their trade on young boys!!

Why ...even the liberal politicians helped the ACLU get taxpayer funding as well cause' we ALL know the liberal's penchant, & love affair they have for socialism, internationalism, & multi-culturalism that they seem to find much more honorable, & more fair because THEY see America as the biggest obstacle to world peace!

I say; "Impeach the liberals & the ACLU",.. as THEY are the biggest threat to America from within!;)

Who are the purveyor's, & protector's of the ACLU? Why the modern democratic party of today of course, ...who have "bastardized" their own party, & their own party's ideology base that USED to serve the common man well!!

The ACLU takes the rather unique position of defending that document that might as well be toilet paper to the radical right called the “constitution”. See in the “constitution”, you have a lot of rights. You have the right to be a liberal, to be a conservative, to be a Nazi, and to be a communist. So in order to truly be a defender of that “constitution” you have to defend the rights of desirable groups and undesirable groups. The ACLU did not defend Limbaugh, it defended his constitutional rights. The ACLU did not defend NAMBLA, it defended their constitutional rights. The ACLU does not defend terrorists held on American soil, it defends the constitutional rights of terrorists because they are being held on American soil. The ACLU does not attack religion, it merely protects all of our rights by insuring that the fundies do not use the government as a vehicle to promote their fundie beliefs and turn this nation into some Fundamentalist Christian version of Iran. And you know what, if you have your constitutional rights violated, you can probably get the ACLU to defend you.
galenrox said:
Well, once again, you've proven that you're a ****ing retard, and should wear a helmet at all times.
So the guy was a communist, so what? I'm a hardcore capitalist and a member of the ACLU, so thus it's obviously not a communist organization, so what's your ****ing point?
Considering the lapse in constitutionality in America's response to communists during the cold war, isn't it reasonable to say "**** that, I hold these views, and I have the right the hold these views, and I will fight to defend my right to hold these views!"?
Of course not, cause you're a ****ing facist who believes that it should be illegal to hold different opinions than you. Once again, move to Iran, you'd fit in there.
In one case the ACLU supported NAMBLA because their constitutional rights were being breached. Some people think "Oh, well they're a terrible organization, thus they have no consitutional rights", but let's not forget that "terrible" is a relative term, and although you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't **** kids and didn't think that NAMBLA is terrible, saying that just cause a group advocates sick and disgusting things they surrender their constitutional rights is equally sick and disgusting, so yes, in my eyes, you are just as bad as a guy who ****s little kids.
Plus, some more proof that you're a ****ing monkey whose master left the house and you're just ignorantly banging away at the keyboard while throwing your own **** at the screen is that you can't impeach the ACLU you ****ing retard! They don't hold public office, and if your brain hadn't been a victim of atrophy due to lack of use you'd ****ing know that!
Don't be so dumb.

Oh....so now I'm a fascist because I posted the TRUTH about the founder, & history of the ACLU! :2razz:

Thats all good; & ya know what? It seems that liberals just cannot stand it when something very unflattering that they are beholding to become exposed for all to see.

I did NOT recall "personnally" insulting you; ..I guess thats all you so called "caretakers" of the poor, disinfranchised, & the little people seem to be good at.

You people love silencing others, ..& prefer to keep the uninformed, & ignorant in the dumb.

Everything I posted about the ACLU IS correct, & anybody who pretends that equating a sick, & disgusting lifestyle such as "pedophilia" as having any g-damn rights that is deserving while THEY break the law has little IF any moral equivalency.

THat IS the problem, & exactly one of the benefits that liberalism has given society, & that is being tollerant when tollerance for such a group as NAMBLA should be shown none!

YOU are worried about THEIR g-damn rights; those who subvert our young boys into homosexual acts, perversity & sexual abuse??

Perverts have constitutional rights; ...are you advocating that THEY should have more?

I'm quite aware of the fact that one cannot impeach an organization; I was just trying to reach the same level as some of the rest of the uninformed reprobates that do not understand right from wrong by using some glib humor.

Your logic is folly, as how in the hell could anybody equate my disdain for pedophiles as being as "BAD"..as a pedophile's behavior.

I do not want to see their rights taken from them, ...I prefer seeing them PROSECUTED,.. you imbecile!

Thats the g-damn problem with liberal ideology, & you have helped me prove my point, & do not even realize it!

YOU are MORE concerned about THEIR (pedophile's) rights than the greater physical, & emotional HARM that THEY are doing to our children, & society!

And in typical liberal fashion YOU defend a pedophile's rights by PRETENDING that THEY do not have any rights, & seem to want pedophiles look like the victim!

Its so transparent, ...always the liberal inventing phoney rights issues for some whacko focus group. In this case, "Pedophiles"!

Are you advocating political empowerment for pedophiles now?

The ACLU is morally reprobate to the core, &..anti-american & anti-christian in its very substance; but I suppose you cannot see that because YOU have absolutely no discernment whatsoever between good & evil.

Be careful, ..for one day YOUR own tollerance for such illegal, morally bankrupt & reprehensible behavior that YOU believe needs defending by the ACLU may one day bite you square in your own as.s.

Perhaps the tooth marks may well awaken you from your self imposed slumber because you prefer to keep your eyes closed by playing the part of the good little liberal whos only desire is to see justice for all in a non commital, & non judgemental way!

There aint nothing like liberal "tollerance" irrespective of how many young boy's lives are wrecked, savaged, & destroyed in the process of trying to appear "fair" cause' afteral,...Pedophiles need ACLU assistance in THEIR pursuit of happiness! :shock:
Dude, how the ****are you gonna impeach Liberals and the ACLU, when they don't hold any office? If you are impeachment-happy, I suggest you look for that imbecile in the Oval Office.
kal-el said:
Dude, how the ****are you gonna impeach Liberals and the ACLU, when they don't hold any office? If you are impeachment-happy, I suggest you look for that imbecile in the Oval Office.

I was being sarcastic, ..of course I know that one cannot impeach an organization. I simply wanted to reach the same idiotic level of the whacko liberals who seem to think Bush should be impeached over every g-damn thing.

Me...impeachment happy? I think not, ..it has not been me advocating impeachment every time Bush breaths, ..its been the lunatic liberals advocating that horsedump.

Of course we ALL know why that is, .."THe democrats, & liberals just cannot win elections anymore", & the thought of a successful Bush impeachment helps ease their pain of being irrelevant, ..& besides a little payback for a morally bankrupt modern democratic party makes its members feel good about themselves! :smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
I was being sarcastic, ..of course I know that one cannot impeach an organization. I simply wanted to reach the same idiotic level of the whacko liberals who seem to think Bush should be impeached over every g-damn thing.

Me...impeachment happy? I think not, ..it has not been me advocating impeachment every time Bush breaths, ..its been the lunatic liberals advocating that horsedump.

Of course we ALL know why that is, .."THe democrats, & liberals just cannot win elections anymore", & the thought of a successful Bush impeachment helps ease their pain of being irrelevant, ..& besides a little payback for a morally bankrupt modern democratic party makes its members feel good about themselves! :smile:

Lets just burn em out. I can't seem to find a whole lot of good the ACLU has done this country. Other then cost a lot of people money defending or fighting them in court.
galenrox said:
Plus, some more proof that you're a ****ing monkey whose master left the house and you're just ignorantly banging away at the keyboard while throwing your own **** at the screen is that you can't impeach the ACLU you ****ing retard!

Way to insult fuc*king monkeys loser. What the hell did they ever do to you? How many times did Cheetah pull Tarzan's butt from the fire? You didn't cry when Kong died? Wizard of Oz would just be a gay movie without the flying monkeys. Don't try to tell me your favorite place at the zoo is not the monkey cage. What the hell did monkeys ever do to you do deserve such a comparason? I'm beginning to wonder. You (post #508 in the Top Ten thread). Stupid fuc*king wanker, you deserve what ever horrible fate awaits you now that you have such bad karma. Atonement is still within reach, but not for long.
galenrox said:
So defending the constitution is unAmerican. Really interesting, I was always curious what labotomy patients thought after the operation.
The actual FACTS you posted, I don't doubt, and the actual FACTS you posted aren't what makes you a ****ing retard, it's your ANALYSIS that makes you a retard. The fact that you lack the logical abilities to understand that just because something is formed by a communist doesn't neccisarily mean that it's a communist organization is proof that you're a ****ing retard. The fact that you interpret a pro-seperation of church and state group as being anti christian is proof you're a ****ing retard. The fact that you don't understand that I AM a member of the ACLU and I am both a capitalist and a christian, thus showing your analysis is completely ****ing worthless is proof that you're ****ing retarded.
So to your question, does telling the truth make you a facist? no. Many people tell the truth everyday who are not facists, and either this didn't connect in that little puddle of gravy you call a brain is more proof that you're ****ing retarded. I explained to you exactly why you're a ****ing facist, it's because you believe that anyone who holds different opinions than you should be removed from society.
We aren't ****ing tolerant of NAMBLA, and the fact that you fail to realize this is more proof that you're ****ing retarded. We ALL hate NAMBLA, I'm quite certain that everyone in the ACLU ALSO hates NAMBLA, but you for some reason associate protecting their constitutional rights as tolerance? If I met anyone in NAMBLA, I'd probably spit on them, I wouldn't listen to a word they said, since everything they believe is bullshit. So if that's tolerance, than I pretty much tolerate everything. I think they're a terrible organization, and that they will all burn in hell once they die. That doesn't change the fact that they are in America, and thus are entitled to constitutional rights. The point of the constitution is that it ****ing applies to everyone in America, and the fact that you don't understand that is more proof that you're ****ing retarded.
So are you advocating the abolishment of the constitution?

So let's review:
You are not a facist for telling the truth. You are a facist for believing that other people's opinions should be abolished, and you don't believe that constitutional rights should be protected.

You are a ****ing retard because you lack the ability to understand even the simplest of concepts.

I don't defend pedophelia, neither does anyone else in the ACLU.

Get it? Got it? Good.
Now I think it's high time you do the world a favor and go chug some Draino.

Your FIRST sentence is incorrect. You, like MOST liberals are ASSUMING that NAMBLA is an "innocent" honorable organization; ...so typical of radical liberals who REFUSE to see anything wrong with dangerous, illegal & immoral behavior that has serious consequences with the rape of our youths minds, body & souls!

When YOU advocate NAMBLA rights, ..you are "unintentionally" giving them aid & support to CONTINUE in their promotional sexual lust for young boys, as typical with liberalism, you lust to appear with good intentions. Unfortunatley NOTHING good can ever come of an organization whos "sole" proprietorship is to sexually exploit young boys.

Why don't YOU go back to the unamerican, & amoral website, "The Liberal Forum"...which is exellent at silencing, & banning others who do not deepthroat liberal ideology, .& have the hootspa to expose the ills that modern liberalism has wrecked on society.

I suspect that YOU are already a member in good standing there, & probably part of the liberal mutual admiration society as well!

You are also wrong again as usual, ...as I have NO wish to see anybody's civil rights abolished; but extending rights to molesters who are NOT victims, ...but seek out "victims" is the most pathetic form of modern liberal bellicose!

Seek some moral truths, & get to know that "absolutes" DO EXIST, & try cleaning up your mouth a little. (your name calling actually does not offend me, rather it only exudes the undisciplined & helpless nature of liberals caught in the morass of their own convoluted ideology that is often in conflict with itself)!

Stu Ghatze said:
Your FIRST sentence is incorrect. You, like MOST liberals are ASSUMING that NAMBLA is an "innocent" honorable organization; ...so typical of radical liberals who REFUSE to see anything wrong with dangerous, illegal & immoral behavior that has serious consequences with the rape of our youths minds, body & souls!

When YOU advocate NAMBLA rights, ..you are "unintentionally" giving them aid & support to CONTINUE in their promotional sexual lust for young boys, as typical with liberalism, you lust to appear with good intentions. Unfortunatley NOTHING good can ever come of an organization whos "sole" proprietorship is to sexually exploit young boys.

Why don't YOU go back to the unamerican, & amoral website, "The Liberal Forum"...which is exellent at silencing, & banning others who do not deepthroat liberal ideology, .& have the hootspa to expose the ills that modern liberalism has wrecked on society.

I suspect that YOU are already a member in good standing there, & probably part of the liberal mutual admiration society as well!

You are also wrong again as usual, ...as I have NO wish to see anybody's civil rights abolished; but extending rights to molesters who are NOT victims, ...but seek out "victims" is the most pathetic form of modern liberal bellicose!

Seek some moral truths, & get to know that "absolutes" DO EXIST, & try cleaning up your mouth a little. (your name calling actually does not offend me, rather it only exudes the undisciplined & helpless nature of liberals caught in the morass of their own convoluted ideology that is often in conflict with itself)!


:applaud :applaud :applaud WOW ... BEAUTIFUL
galenrox said:
yeah, if you lack the actual ability to use reason, yes, it's a beautiful statement.

OOO you mean think like a screaming liberal.. NA thats ok.
galenrox said:
did I say that? When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.
I said those who lack the ability to use reason. If you think that conservatives lack the ability to use reason, that's your opinion, not mine.

You brought me back to 5th grade with that one...LOL
galenrox said:
you have to go to 5th grade in the first place to go BACK to it. I think what you meant to say is I brought you TO fifth grade.

Explain to me, then, where did I say, where have I ever said that you have to be a liberal to use reason. Please, find an example that shows that what you assumed was a reasonable thing to assume. Please, I beg of you, find somewhere where I said that!

I'll save you the time, you won't, cause I don't think that. There are a few individuals, on both sides, yourself included, who lack the ability to use reason.

That was funny.... Your ability for humor is as sharp as your political wit..... Go try cutting some butter with that dull ass blade...:lol:

Not sure you ever did say you had to be a liberal to use reason.

Since you don't know me, you ability to judge me is both wrong and off base. OO and you can kiss my big white hairy (not really hairy) azz by the way. I went to 5th grade, and I graduated high school, went to school for programming and then joined the military.... I was talking about the "assume" saying is all. Nice grasp of the obvious.

I have no doubt you use reason. The reasoning you use, I sometimes find lacking at best but its reason none the less. I have noticed your utter and complete disdain for anyone that doesn't think like you. If they differ in opinion, you seem to think they are not smart enough or have no ability to reason or have nothing to say.... I may not agree with everybody, but I don't think there idiots because of it. :shock: Well.....theres a few :wink3:
galenrox said:
To be perfectly frank, to a large degree you're right, I don't know much about you. All of my opinions are based off of comparisons to people I know you agree with that I do know a fair amount about.
Stu Ghatze is a ****ing moron with absolutely no ability to use logic and reason, nor argue using logic and reason, he simply changes what you said so it's easy enough for him to argue against, i.e. I say "Everyone's constitutional rights must be protected, no matter how horrible of a person they are", which is a statement that is reasonably difficult to argue against, so he changes it to me saying "I have sympathy for kiddie ****ers", which is extremely easy to argue against.
Stinger is another one like that.
But you're right, I don't know you other than by association with ****ing radical right wing morons. And to be perfectly frank, I don't know whether or not you're stupid, and you got me with the assumptions thing, since I assumed that since you found value in a literary steaming pile of **** written by a man who I'm amazed hasn't been a feature in the Darwin Awards yet, that you must also be stupid, but it is quite possible that you just don't hold things that agree with your stance to the same standard that you hold things that disagree with you, which would make you weak minded, as opposed to stupid.
But also, it needs to be said that you also don't know me. I am actually very open to hearing other people's ideas, and considering them, and admitting when I've been proven wrong. And I don't think Stu ghatze is an idiot because he disagrees with me, if he was using similar "logic" arguing that the ACLU was great, he'd still be a ****ing idiot.

I do like how you found a way through all that to still throw a backhanded insult at me.....LOL

To my defense or lack of, I didn't read the whole thread. I read the single post to a single reply. So I shot off a comment on only part of the story. But you definetly made sure to jump all over it like a young boy at a NAMBLA convention. I don't consider myself to be weak mind or stupid. I'm just not going to agree with someone for the sake of agreeing with them.
galenrox said:
did I say that? When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.

Ah ha, you called yourself an ass.

Now the way I, teacher, of the massive brain would have said it......

When you assume, you make an ass out of u and....nah just you.

I can't believe you called yourself an ass.
Stu Ghatze said:
Sure, & why the hell not? Everybody should KNOW & understand exactly WHO, & WHY the ACLU was formed anyway!

Most of the ill informed, & of course the ignorant masses have absolutely no clue about liberal ideology, & the history of the ACLU...& seem to believe the ACLU is all about defending the so called, "little guy".

Roger Baldwin a self admitted communist founded the organization in 1920 to defend communists in America.

Baldwin was an avowed atheist, & advocated Disarmament for America. He also stressed the utilization of the ACLU organization to undermine Judeo-Christian expression, & eliminate every vestige of Judeo-Christian expression in public places!

Naturally, ...the outlawing of the christian faith is essential in the first step of destroying the republic in America, & thereby slowly establishing a socialist/communist government that he advocated.

The ACLU's sole goal is to subvert, & destroy the American governmental system, & the traditional religious ideals, social customs, laws & values.

They love defending anybody that despises organized religion, but most preferably the Christian religion by way of the multi-culturalist lovers, & will disingenuinley use race, ethnicity, & economic class., & even help promote the acceptance of homosexuality as people being discriminated against.

As a matter of FACT, ..the ACLU is defending a "pedophile group"; N.A.M.B.L.A.; ...the "North American Man Boy Love Assoc." by protecting their "LITERATURE" which is an instructional pamphlet on "HOW TO" indoctrinate, & ply their trade on young boys!!

Why ...even the liberal politicians helped the ACLU get taxpayer funding as well cause' we ALL know the liberal's penchant, & love affair they have for socialism, internationalism, & multi-culturalism that they seem to find much more honorable, & more fair because THEY see America as the biggest obstacle to world peace!

I say; "Impeach the liberals & the ACLU",.. as THEY are the biggest threat to America from within!;)

Who are the purveyor's, & protector's of the ACLU? Why the modern democratic party of today of course, ...who have "bastardized" their own party, & their own party's ideology base that USED to serve the common man well!!

I really like this Baldwin character that you speak about. He seems like he's got some great ideas. NAMBLA is practically NON-existent and has been for a very long time, so you're talking out yer ass on that one. But if neo-nazi's and christians are allowed to exist, why not nambla members? I personally could care less about them as long as they don't commit a crime. Same with the neo-nazis. Why are you such a fukin' WHINER?
Stu Ghatze said:
Sure, & why the hell not? Everybody should KNOW & understand exactly WHO, & WHY the ACLU was formed anyway!

Most of the ill informed, & of course the ignorant masses have absolutely no clue about liberal ideology, & the history of the ACLU...& seem to believe the ACLU is all about defending the so called, "little guy".

Roger Baldwin a self admitted communist founded the organization in 1920 to defend communists in America.

Baldwin was an avowed atheist, & advocated Disarmament for America. He also stressed the utilization of the ACLU organization to undermine Judeo-Christian expression, & eliminate every vestige of Judeo-Christian expression in public places!

Naturally, ...the outlawing of the christian faith is essential in the first step of destroying the republic in America, & thereby slowly establishing a socialist/communist government that he advocated.

The ACLU's sole goal is to subvert, & destroy the American governmental system, & the traditional religious ideals, social customs, laws & values.

They love defending anybody that despises organized religion, but most preferably the Christian religion by way of the multi-culturalist lovers, & will disingenuinley use race, ethnicity, & economic class., & even help promote the acceptance of homosexuality as people being discriminated against.

As a matter of FACT, ..the ACLU is defending a "pedophile group"; N.A.M.B.L.A.; ...the "North American Man Boy Love Assoc." by protecting their "LITERATURE" which is an instructional pamphlet on "HOW TO" indoctrinate, & ply their trade on young boys!!

Why ...even the liberal politicians helped the ACLU get taxpayer funding as well cause' we ALL know the liberal's penchant, & love affair they have for socialism, internationalism, & multi-culturalism that they seem to find much more honorable, & more fair because THEY see America as the biggest obstacle to world peace!

I say; "Impeach the liberals & the ACLU",.. as THEY are the biggest threat to America from within!;)

Who are the purveyor's, & protector's of the ACLU? Why the modern democratic party of today of course, ...who have "bastardized" their own party, & their own party's ideology base that USED to serve the common man well!!

HALELUJAH!!! Its about time my words and info is touching people across the the US. You my friend have reached a level of common sense that is profound in this society today. You may now enter my organization the CSTPofA. COMMON SENSE THINKING PEOPLE of AMERICA. Welcome.
sissy-boy said:

I really like this Baldwin character that you speak about. He seems like he's got some great ideas. NAMBLA is practically NON-existent and has been for a very long time, so you're talking out yer ass on that one. But if neo-nazi's and christians are allowed to exist, why not nambla members? I personally could care less about them as long as they don't commit a crime. Same with the neo-nazis. Why are you such a fukin' WHINER?

Well of course you like Baldwin casue you are a nazi.
Calm2Chaos said:
I do like how you found a way through all that to still throw a backhanded insult at me.....LOL

To my defense or lack of, I didn't read the whole thread. I read the single post to a single reply. So I shot off a comment on only part of the story. But you definetly made sure to jump all over it like a young boy at a NAMBLA convention. I don't consider myself to be weak mind or stupid. I'm just not going to agree with someone for the sake of agreeing with them.

BELIEVE US, you ARE weak minded AND stupid! Face it, DEAL with it, get OVER it!

And, I'm anxious to know what your 'NAMBLA Convention' was like. Since you seem to know so much about them you must go to them a lot.

But the really TRUTHFUL evidence of REAL pedophiles tells us that the majority of pedophiles are REPUBLICAN!
sissy-boy said:

I really like this Baldwin character that you speak about. He seems like he's got some great ideas. NAMBLA is practically NON-existent and has been for a very long time, so you're talking out yer ass on that one. But if neo-nazi's and christians are allowed to exist, why not nambla members? I personally could care less about them as long as they don't commit a crime. Same with the neo-nazis. Why are you such a fukin' WHINER?

Christianity is now a threat to America's existence?? Huh huh,..:smile: Young man I see that INDEED the cloak of modern liberalism has warped your very thinking!

So now neo-nazis, & christianity are as evil as each other, ..Son I'm no whiner whatsoever,.. but came just in time on this ''house call"!

If you actually believe THAT, ...you need some real help!;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Christianity is now a threat to America's existence?? Huh huh,..:smile: Young man I see that INDEED the cloak of modern liberalism has warped your very thinking!

So now neo-nazis, & christianity are as evil as each other, ..Son I'm no whiner whatsoever,.. but came just in time on this ''house call"!

If you actually believe THAT, ...you need some real help!;)

Christianity IS a much bigger threat to the US than the 'terrorists' who Bush paid to orchestrate his 9/11 plot.
sissy-boy said:

Christianity IS a much bigger threat to the US than the 'terrorists' who Bush paid to orchestrate his 9/11 plot.

I can understand why you would WANT to believe that, ...& all the rest of the reprobates who probably already have singed their own consciences, or committed the final act of blasphemy against the holy ghost.

Good luck,..the highway to hell is broad, & very easy to traverse, ..& quite popular these days.

Be assured I have no doubt that even the ACLU will be there thinking it can intercede for the next self appointed arrival; ..perhaps even accusing God Himself of Heavenly "discrimination"! :roll:

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