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Let's get out of Iraq altogether (1 Viewer)


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Sep 14, 2005
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Let's get out of Iraq altogether.

The Bush administration were the bad guys to send us into Iraq and now they think they are going to make everything right there, like they are the good guys now.

After all the mistakes the Bush administration made, the lives they killed, the not admitting they were wrong, do you think the Bush administration the good guys now?

Let's get out of Iraq altogether. Iraqis don't need the Bush administration around, just like we don't.
changintimes said:
Let's get out of Iraq altogether.

The Bush administration were the bad guys to send us into Iraq and now they think they are going to make everything right there, like they are the good guys now.

After all the mistakes the Bush administration made, the lives they killed, the not admitting they were wrong, do you think the Bush administration the good guys now?

Let's get out of Iraq altogether. Iraqis don't need the Bush administration around, just like we don't.

Brilliant strategy. I'm sure Al Queda will be much appreciative and the terror threat will dissappear overnight. You should run for office. You'd get Cindy Sheehan's vote for sure.
Afghanistan is still a mess...one of the news magazines has a big report this week on all the fighting. Yet, Presdent, Karzai, of Afghanistan no longer wants U.S. help, yet we still remain.

Afghanistan is holding elections soon...a former Taliban commander is on the ballot.

What if he wins the vote of the people? Isn't that democracy? Isn't that what we want for these people?

What if the Iraqi people elect a radical Islamic totalitarian regime?

Aren't we right back where we started?

What a mess Bush has gotten us into.
Yes, it is a mess. The better plan would simply be to run up the white flag of surrender and invite bin Laden into our lives. I've always felt we ought to stand on our own two hind legs and stand up to criminals like bin Laden. But I guess I'm wrong. We should just give up and declare that we have lost.
Missouri Mule said:
Brilliant strategy. I'm sure Al Queda will be much appreciative and the terror threat will dissappear overnight. You should run for office. You'd get Cindy Sheehan's vote for sure.

send in UN forces
american ,British forces have failed !

give the Candaian UN team a crack at it ! their record is flawless
and most of all tear those US military bases

in isreal and Iraq down
stop the imperialism

us base in Isreal

America doesnt need a war to track and execute bin laden a cruise missle could do that
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Canuck said:
send in UN forces
american ,British forces have failed !

give the Candaian UN team a crack at it ! their record is flawless
and most of all tear those US military bases

in isreal and Iraq down
stop the imperialism

us base in Isreal

America doesnt need a war to track and execute bin laden a cruise missle could do that

I don't suppose 'ol boy has ANY photographs that show anything other than a bunch of buildings.

Hell, I can go out, photograph buildings, and then claim its a "new vast American military base". That doesn't make it true. I don't see a single thing in ANY of those photos that supports the claim being made here.

Any clown can have a website. That doesn't make them credible.

I'd think this gem would be MUCH more interesting. From the same site:


Little Rock, Arkansas Amazing Black Triangle Sighting (Audio Interview)

MY GOD! There are Black Triangles in Arkansas!
Canuck said:
send in UN forces
american ,British forces have failed !

give the Candaian UN team a crack at it ! their record is flawless
and most of all tear those US military bases

in isreal and Iraq down
stop the imperialism

us base in Isreal

America doesnt need a war to track and execute bin laden a cruise missle could do that

UN Forces....LMAO isn't that na oxymoron. If they had any forces or any balls this problem would exsist in the forst place. And there back ups are going to be the Canadians?... why send in the 4th string.... I just don't get it. Has living under the US umbrela gotten canada beer muscles...LOL
Besides . . .

We've seen it on the ground . . .

The UN cut and ran from Iraq the instant it got its noses the slightest bit bloody, saying it's "too dangerous."

Why anyone would trust these wet paper bags with anything important is way beyond me.
Missourie u admit Iraq is in a mess,have u and Navy Pride who`s still greetin
(crying. scottish word)just now for the troups.U fellas with your commander
in chief, are u not a wee bit cavalier with other peoples lives.the freedom
fighters from Iraq, will never give up the oilfields, to much money involved. So
i think we will be there for a while yet, untill George-e-boy retires from office
and he will use anyone Tony Blair as well for his own ends.Mind u tony has
just bought a £4million house thanks to George-e-boy and U and Navy Pride
are getting nothing as the same as the rest of your kind. So go and tell Navy
to stop greetin and wipe his tears. there u go.

kind regards to u Missourie and our friend Navy.

Harshaw said:
Besides . . .
We've seen it on the ground . . .
The UN cut and ran from Iraq the instant it got its noses the slightest bit bloody, saying it's "too dangerous."
Why anyone would trust these wet paper bags with anything important is way beyond me.

Suffice it to say that the only time the UN manages to do anything militarily is when the US does it for them.

How, then, does the "America has failed in Iraq" crowd expect the UN to succeed?
Missouri Mule said:
Yes, it is a mess. The better plan would simply be to run up the white flag of surrender and invite bin Laden into our lives. I've always felt we ought to stand on our own two hind legs and stand up to criminals like bin Laden. But I guess I'm wrong. We should just give up and declare that we have lost.

Maybe we should invade another country that had nothing to do with 9/11 ... how about India? That will show bin Laden and those terrorists we mean business!!!
the elite soldiers in the Canadian un regimental brigade are flawless
they will make the natl gaurd look like thegangster kids that they are
it would defuse the situation and bring harmony
the Canadian un team have not failed yet
when brought in to keep the peace when war is over
the disgrace of having kids in a position of policeing a country that does not want to be under their control
bring the boys home send in the men of the UN elite forces to do a mans job not a boys job
iran ans syria are next get use to it
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Canuck said:
the elite soldiers in the Canadian un regimental brigade are flawless
they will make the natl gaurd look like thegangster kids that they are
it would defuse the situation and bring harmony
the Canadian un team have not failed yet
when brought in to keep the peace when war is over
the disgrace of having kids in a position of policeing a country that does not want to be under their control
bring the boys home send in the men of the UN elite forces to do a mans job not a boys job
iran ans syria are next get use to it

If you want to replace US forces in Iraq with Canadian forces, I say be my guest!
its the only way out american natl gaurd are not real soldiers
they are weekend warrior paint ball boys
trying to do a man's job
the iraq people will come to their senses only when all american bases are gone and a un task force is in place in both iraq and palestine
it is the only way to defuse the situation

if america wants to escape 3 decades of wmd terror strikes against them they better come to their senses
and get the hell out of there ASAP
otherwise they better start to exterminate all arabs
as it will take this to prevent what is coming like a thief in the night
terrorists demand that all american basses leave the middle east
to persist will bring the terrorists to your door
the zionist- christians see rapture through imperialistic eyes
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mikeey said:
Missourie u admit Iraq is in a mess,have u and Navy Pride who`s still greetin
(crying. scottish word)just now for the troups.U fellas with your commander
in chief, are u not a wee bit cavalier with other peoples lives.the freedom
fighters from Iraq
, will never give up the oilfields, to much money involved. So
i think we will be there for a while yet, untill George-e-boy retires from office
and he will use anyone Tony Blair as well for his own ends.Mind u tony has
just bought a £4million house thanks to George-e-boy and U and Navy Pride
are getting nothing as the same as the rest of your kind. So go and tell Navy
to stop greetin and wipe his tears. there u go.

kind regards to u Missourie and our friend Navy.


You need to lay off the Kool-aid.

"Freedom Fighters" my foot.
changintimes said:
Let's get out of Iraq altogether.

The Bush administration were the bad guys to send us into Iraq and now they think they are going to make everything right there, like they are the good guys now.

After all the mistakes the Bush administration made, the lives they killed, the not admitting they were wrong, do you think the Bush administration the good guys now?

Let's get out of Iraq altogether. Iraqis don't need the Bush administration around, just like we don't.

Me personally, I didn't agree with the Iraq invasion, but now that we've started some crap, we need to go ahead and finish the job.
Harshaw said:
Besides . . .

We've seen it on the ground . . .

The UN cut and ran from Iraq the instant it got its noses the slightest bit bloody, saying it's "too dangerous."

Why anyone would trust these wet paper bags with anything important is way beyond me.

Man, let me tell you dude. The UN was all dicked up in Bosnia. They failed miserably.
bosnia was a war un should not have been involved untill the war was defeated
you cant keep the peace if there is a war
the iraq war was over 32 minutes after the us rolled into that sorry place
the 82nd airborne isn't the natl gaurd

its time for the professional grade Canadian elite UN troops
to take over
The UN refused to help in any way with the stabilization of Iraq, even after the military campaign was over. If they wont assist US/UK forces while we are in Iraq, what makes you think they would go in if we pulled out. Even with your "uber elite" Canadian forces... it's not going to happen. Any help in the rebuilding and stabilization of Iraq by additional countries would be great. However, they all seem (like many americans) too bitter about the way the conflict was started to be willing to assist in the stabilization. As if refusing aid and assistance to the people of Iraq now will prove a point. All its doing is leading to more death and chaos.
america must go to the un
and plead their case of handing over responsibility to the un forces
it is the only way to defuse the situation

having UK special forces dressed like rag heads and killing iraq police isnt going to work anymore
Canuck said:
america must go to the un
and plead their case of handing over responsibility to the un forces
it is the only way to defuse the situation

So I suppose we should let the UN take part and rape and murder civilians like they do in the Sudan? You're really something Canuck :lol:
um well you have me on that account
but by and large the un is the wisest choice
IRAQ rather be raped by canadians then americans
that I do know
they dont want to bomb us
Canuck said:
um well you have me on that account
but by and large the un is the wisest choice
IRAQ rather be raped by canadians then americans
that I do know
they dont want to bomb us

Do they even know Canada exists? :lol: Sometimes I forget that myself.

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