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Leiberman calls for bi partisan War Cabinet... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
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Very Conservative
Although I think this is a good Idea it will never happen because you will not be able to find enough bi partisan democrats to form the cabinet....

That is to bad........


Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2005 10:50 a.m. EST
Lieberman Calls for 'War Cabinet'

Senator Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) proposed a special bi-partisan war council Tuesday to provide advice and direction to the president.

Lieberman’s "Bipartisan Victory in Iraq Administrative Group” would help dull some of the bitter tension between Republicans and Democrats.

The council would resemble those created in the Vietnam War and World War II, but Lieberman said he had not thought through the details of how the panel would work. It would likely meet weekly to discuss conditions in Iraq and recommend policy.

In a speech at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment, Lieberman said the war debate is poisoned by partisanship.
Lieberman said the war debate is poisoned by partisanship.

Lieberman sounds more and more like he is on the right track.
oldreliable67 said:
Lieberman sounds more and more like he is on the right track.
So he should be kicked to curb by the heirarchy in no time...
And if Bush does not want to hear their advice? It seems like he has been given a lot of advice already and ignores most of it.
scottyz said:
And if Bush does not want to hear their advice?
Then, of course, he would create an Office of Special Advice to feed him what he wants to hear.
Binary_Digit said:
Then, of course, he would create an Office of Special Advice to feed him what he wants to hear.
lol That's funny. ;)
scottyz said:
And if Bush does not want to hear their advice? It seems like he has been given a lot of advice already and ignores most of it.

I doubt very seriously that President Bush wants to take advice from people that only hate him and want to destroy him...........
Navy Pride said:
I doubt very seriously that President Bush wants to take advice from people that only hate him and want to destroy him...........
So everyone that has ever given him advice hates him and wants to destroy him?
scottyz said:
So everyone that has ever given him advice hates him and wants to destroy him?

Who said that?:confused: Read the post...........
Leiberman calls for bi partisan War Cabinet...
That could only include Joe himself. All the other "moderate" Democrats have either retired or joined the other side as RINOs (Snowe, Collins, McCain, etc.)
Diogenes said:
That could only include Joe himself. All the other "moderate" Democrats have either retired or joined the other side as RINOs (Snowe, Collins, McCain, etc.)

There is one more my friend...Senator Nelson from Nebraska.......He puts this country above partisan politics too........
Okay, I'll give you that one. :smile:

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