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Left's Grade Of Kavanaugh (1 Viewer)

Lefties, How Would You Grade SC Justice Kavanaugh's Performance?

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But there is no proof that he DID do it. An accusation doesn't mean that it happened. It's merely an accusation. The left assume that all accusations are true, that a person is guilty until proven innocent.

No, the "left" believes that someone that has that kind of cloud over him, a serious allegation of assault, should be disqualified from a nomination to the SCOTUS until the matter is settled. There were plenty of qualified individuals, it was not necessary to settle for someone with a taint on his record; damaged goods.

Until recently, the American people required that our POTUS and members of the SCOTUS be of the highest moral character.
Translation-scummy lying assholes slandered the man, and then got mad when he fought back.

You've already broadcast your opinion on sexual assault survivors many times over. You don't need an encore.
You've already broadcast your opinion on sexual assault survivors many times over. You don't need an encore.

That is the silly leftwing dishonest take--I am speaking about Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh and the specious and unsupported claims several women made against him. Trying to extrapolate that to all women-including the many who truly were victims of sexual assault is both incredibly dishonest, but common. We saw tons of women, who claimed that if "we" believed Kavanaugh, we denying their claims of being victims. That is complete and utter BS
No, the "left" believes that someone that has that kind of cloud over him, a serious allegation of assault, should be disqualified from a nomination to the SCOTUS until the matter is settled. There were plenty of qualified individuals, it was not necessary to settle for someone with a taint on his record; damaged goods.

Until recently, the American people required that our POTUS and members of the SCOTUS be of the highest moral character.

The matter was settled. Ford's charges were never properly established.
That is the silly leftwing dishonest take--I am speaking about Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh and the specious and unsupported claims several women made against him. Trying to extrapolate that to all women-including the many who truly were victims of sexual assault is both incredibly dishonest, but common. We saw tons of women, who claimed that if "we" believed Kavanaugh, we denying their claims of being victims. That is complete and utter BS

Oh what a poor little victim Kavanaugh is! His life was ruined so badly that he got a position on the Supreme Court! :violin
A person who rapes someone is a rapist whether convicted in court or not. A lack of a conviction doesn't mean a crime didn't happen. Getting away with a crime doesn't mean a person didn't do it.

I see, guilty until proven innocent.
Oh what a poor little victim Kavanaugh is! His life was ruined so badly that he got a position on the Supreme Court! :violin

When your stupid arguments against Kavanaugh fail-you start this sort of psychobabbling nonsense. He won and people like you lost. You all didn't care how dishonest the attacks were-anything to try to soothe the butt aching that Trump's election imposed on you all.
But there is no proof that he DID do it. An accusation doesn't mean that it happened. It's merely an accusation. The left assume that all accusations are true, that a person is guilty until proven innocent.

They only believe accusations if the accusations are against conservatives.
When your stupid arguments against Kavanaugh fail-you start this sort of psychobabbling nonsense. He won and people like you lost. You all didn't care how dishonest the attacks were-anything to try to soothe the butt aching that Trump's election imposed on you all.

And here come the juvenile insults from you. Like clockwork.

For shame--I was hoping you actually had a decent reply in your bag of tricks. Oh well. :shrug:
And here come the juvenile insults from you. Like clockwork.

For shame--I was hoping you actually had a decent reply in your bag of tricks. Oh well. :shrug:

Yes, your comments were designed to illicit something else?

Oh what a poor little victim Kavanaugh is! His life was ruined so badly that he got a position on the Supreme Court! :violin

The fact is-Democrats-upset over Trump winning-engaged in all sorts of slander and defamation: last minute "witnesses" collected by the creepy porn lawyer combined with all sorts of irregular machinations orchestrated by Feinstein. And those tactics failed.
Yes, your comments were designed to illicit something else?

The fact is-Democrats-upset over Trump winning-engaged in all sorts of slander and defamation: last minute "witnesses" collected by the creepy porn lawyer combined with all sorts of irregular machinations orchestrated by Feinstein. And those tactics failed.

Whatever, dude. :roll:
No it wasn't. It was whitewashed.

Lets recount what happened

She made a claim-couldn't tell us where it happened, when it happened, how she got there, how she got home.

She mentioned a few people-not one of them backed her up

She made other claims-two doors-fear of flying-that were established as clear lies

She was a witness with NO credibility and her charges were completely unsubstantiated.
Of course that wasn't the case when all those women accused Bill Clinton of sexual attacks etc.

Right, and Clinton tried to deprive one of them of justice by committing perjury, for which he was eventually impeached, and the loony left said "Oh, he only lied about sex" as if it was consensual. No, he committed perjury, which is a crime even in Arkansas. This is not to mention the workplace harassment of Monica Lewinsky, who was a mere 22 years old when Clinton accosted her. And the same people who defended him back then are the losers who are now talking about Kavanaugh. Sickening.
Right, and Clinton tried to deprive one of them of justice by committing perjury, for which he was eventually impeached, and the loony left said "Oh, he only lied about sex" as if it was consensual. No, he committed perjury, which is a crime even in Arkansas. This is not to mention the workplace harassment of Monica Lewinsky, who was a mere 22 years old when Clinton accosted her. And the same people who defended him back then are the losers who are now talking about Kavanaugh. Sickening.

Many on the left don't care about individuals or their rights-as long as the deprivation of rights is for "the greater good". It is why radical poster child Bill Kunstler chided Joan Baez when Baez spoke out against human rights violations in leftwing nations in SE Asia-Kunstler noted that "public criticism of progressive regimes for human rights violations is not productive". So when left-wingers ignore sexual assaults or the demonization of the victims of leftwing operatives-it is because many of them are arguing that those victims rights are subordinate to the "greater good" of electing leftwingers to positions of power.

In other words, the end justifies the means-which has always been the standard playbook of the left in the USA
Many on the left don't care about individuals or their rights-as long as the deprivation of rights is for "the greater good". It is why radical poster child Bill Kunstler chided Joan Baez when Baez spoke out against human rights violations in leftwing nations in SE Asia-Kunstler noted that "public criticism of progressive regimes for human rights violations is not productive". So when left-wingers ignore sexual assaults or the demonization of the victims of leftwing operatives-it is because many of them are arguing that those victims rights are subordinate to the "greater good" of electing leftwingers to positions of power.

In other words, the end justifies the means-which has always been the standard playbook of the left in the USA

They don't care about anything but power, so these days when they start crying about justice I know damn well it has nothing to do with justice, there must be something in it for them. The worst of it is that there are people here on ground level who are too stupid to see through it and they support this insanity as if their paycheck depends on it.
I’m sure every criminal wishes their FBI “investigation” was limited to one week. :roll:

When we know the accuser AND the accused and there is scant little to investigate, yes.

Do you approve of such a limit on anyone else being investigated or only those who are on your political side?

When we know the accuser AND the accused and there is scant little to investigate, yes.
When your stupid arguments against Kavanaugh fail-you start this sort of psychobabbling nonsense. He won and people like you lost. You all didn't care how dishonest the attacks were-anything to try to soothe the butt aching that Trump's election imposed on you all.

We weep for the poor fratbroflake!
When we know the accuser AND the accused and there is scant little to investigate, yes.

When we know the accuser AND the accused and there is scant little to investigate, yes.

The hell does that mean? You know the accused and the accuser are present in the courtroom plenty of times and there are several things to investigate in a rape case. Jebus you know nothing about crime investigation.
The hell does that mean? You know the accused and the accuser are present in the courtroom plenty of times and there are several things to investigate in a rape case. Jebus you know nothing about crime investigation.

How many times does the FBI investigate inside a courtroom.

Think about that before calling others knowledge into question.
No. You weep because the Ford Gambit failed miserably.

You asked for an investigation then cry foul when an investigation is done.

One week does not define an "investigation." :roll: As if you didn't know it.
How many times does the FBI investigate inside a courtroom.

Think about that before calling others knowledge into question.

The fbi was brought in because of the situation in question. You dont know anything about this do you? Your original assertion is baseless.

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