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Leftise mindset and game plan. (1 Viewer)

Da Mole

DP Veteran
Dec 26, 2019
Reaction score
Sunny red state Florida
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
REBUBLICANS---Protect the border against illegal entry. DEMONRATS---- Can't do that, we don't like the way he parts his hair.
REPUBLIiANS---Believe in law and order DEMONRATS---- We don't know about that because Trump says some bad words.
REPUBLICANS---Cut taxes for all DEMONRATS---- How can we agree to that when Trump tweets too much.
REPUBLICANS---Renegotiate bad trade deals. DEMONRATS---- Great idea but Trump lied about his weight once so we can't go there.
REPUBLICANS---Cut business regulations. DEMONRATS---- Another good idea but if we agree it would give him a virtory. Nope, Nope, Nope.

There of course are many more examples of mindless, leftist insanity but it just goes over their heads. Regardless of how much good he has done and how much more
could be accomplised the DEMONRATS would rather wreck this country than do the right thing.
The OP is what you would get if the amygdala could scream.
REBUBLICANS---Protect the border against illegal entry. DEMONRATS---- Can't do that, we don't like the way he parts his hair.
REPUBLIiANS---Believe in law and order DEMONRATS---- We don't know about that because Trump says some bad words.
REPUBLICANS---Cut taxes for all DEMONRATS---- How can we agree to that when Trump tweets too much.
REPUBLICANS---Renegotiate bad trade deals. DEMONRATS---- Great idea but Trump lied about his weight once so we can't go there.
REPUBLICANS---Cut business regulations. DEMONRATS---- Another good idea but if we agree it would give him a virtory. Nope, Nope, Nope.

There of course are many more examples of mindless, leftist insanity but it just goes over their heads. Regardless of how much good he has done and how much more
could be accomplised the DEMONRATS would rather wreck this country than do the right thing.

I bet this sounded eloquent in your head.
My cat dragged in a dead mole. It was smarter than the OP.:screwy
REBUBLICANS---Protect the border against illegal entry. DEMONRATS---- Can't do that, we don't like the way he parts his hair.
REPUBLIiANS---Believe in law and order DEMONRATS---- We don't know about that because Trump says some bad words.
REPUBLICANS---Cut taxes for all DEMONRATS---- How can we agree to that when Trump tweets too much.
REPUBLICANS---Renegotiate bad trade deals. DEMONRATS---- Great idea but Trump lied about his weight once so we can't go there.
REPUBLICANS---Cut business regulations. DEMONRATS---- Another good idea but if we agree it would give him a virtory. Nope, Nope, Nope.

There of course are many more examples of mindless, leftist insanity but it just goes over their heads. Regardless of how much good he has done and how much more
could be accomplised the DEMONRATS would rather wreck this country than do the right thing.

I got the response that I expected. Now after the name calling and personal attack try and deny the accuracy. All you guys know is Trump hatred.

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