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Left spews deadly venom over Tony Snow's cancer (1 Viewer)

Feel good liberals for ya
Liberals generally being the more compassionate party it was a sarcastic comment about the article.

If you say so...........Guess you did not read what their blogs are saying about Snow......
If you say so...........Guess you did not read what their blogs are saying about Snow......

Yes, I was being sarcastic NP, meaning I was making a comment on how liberals are supposed to be the compassionate party and then post something like this on a blog. I'm trying to point out the irony using humor. Sorry if that didn't come across the way I wanted it to.

Anyone else have trouble getting the joke?

I think the vast majority of us got it.....yes....its called sarcasm.
Since I don't see many libs condemning the remarks made by their brothers in the blog one can only assume they agree with them and that is so sad.........
Since I don't see many libs condemning the remarks made by their brothers in the blog one can only assume they agree with them and that is so sad.........

Yes it is sad.....everyone should condemn these remarks. Its sad that anyone would comment on another person's personal health concerns and try to exploit it for political purposes. Do you agree Navy?
Navy Pride said:
Since I don't see many libs condemning the remarks made by their brothers in the blog one can only assume they agree with them and that is so sad.........
Well then, since you have not condemned the atrocities in Darfur one can only assume that you support genocide. Tyrant!! :rofl
Well then, since you have not condemned the atrocities in Darfur one can only assume that you support genocide. Tyrant!! :rofl

I condemn the atrocities in Darfur.....I wish your useless buddies in the UN would do something about it instead of raping the women there.....:roll:
Yes it is sad.....everyone should condemn these remarks. Its sad that anyone would comment on another person's personal health concerns and try to exploit it for political purposes. Do you agree Navy?

Yes I do and I have heard no conservative wishing Mrs Edwards ill health unlike your left wing buddies in the blogs who wish Tony Snow dies........:roll:
Yes I do and I have heard no conservative wishing Mrs Edwards ill health unlike your left wing buddies in the blogs who wish Tony Snow dies........:roll:

If you are sincere....then apologize for your actions.
:rofl :rofl
If you are sincere....then apologize for your actions.

Nothing to apologize for I have not wished Mrs Edwards any ill health in fact she is in my prayers....Now either condemn you buddies outrageous comments hoping that Tony Snow dies.....

Damn I would hate for you to be my ambulance chaser........:rofl

If you looked at the post you responded to....you would see it said nothing about wishing Mrs. Edwards any ill health...it said do you agree that it is wrong for someone to use someones personal health problems for political smear....and rightfully you said yes.....

That is what you should apologize for....because it is clear to everyone on these boards....including yourself (unless you cannot be honest with yourself)..that your post was merely to smear Edwards....c'mon Navy....you posted it right after your mentor Limppaw made his rant about it....you're too easy to figure out here.

And BTW.....if you noticed....and I assume you did because you responded to it.....I condemned their statements way back at the beginning of this thread (See post #4)[/B](you even commented on it (see post #11).....it was only a couple of hours ago....have you already forgotten).....I condemned their actions as I condemn yours. Both actions are nothing but despicable attempts to politicize a person's personal health problems.....Save me your empathy and prayers for her...if they were sincere you would apologize. Otherwise....its just meaningless rhetoric.
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I believe you liberals are trying to compare what I am saying to what your friends said about Tony Snow and their is no comparison becasue I have said nothing bad about Mrs Edwards..............
They are exactly the same.

You are exploiting her illness (echoing your idol - Limppaw)...to smear her husband...and feigning empathy and concern.

They are exploiting snow's illness to smear the Bush Administration.

Both are cowardly despicable acts of using a person's personal tragedies to promote an agenda.

Your actions are no better than theirs.
I believe you liberals are trying to compare what I am saying to what your friends said about Tony Snow and their is no comparison becasue I have said nothing bad about Mrs Edwards..............

You disrespect Ms. Edwards when you disregard her words. You disrespect both the Edwards' when you say John Edwards should ignore his wife's wishes and drop out of the race, after she has stated- publicly, multiple times- that it is her wish, whether she dies tomorrow or a few years from now, that her husband run for president, and that he win.

Are her preferences and dreams worth nothing?
Are her words just so much hot air to you?
Once again, the hypocrisy of the left is bared for all to see.

The hypocrisy is pretending that the right never exhibits this kind of behavior. A 15-year-old Alabama girl has received death threats because of the anti-war videos she has created. See them for yourself (WARNING--explicit language):

The 32%

Shame on you for defending what those scumbags said about Tony Snow.....Christ he might die.........Doesn't your partianships have no boundaries.............

I would not wish that on John Kerry......
The hypocrisy is pretending that the right never exhibits this kind of behavior. A 15-year-old Alabama girl has received death threats because of the anti-war videos she has created. See them for yourself (WARNING--explicit language):

The 32%

I condemn that and I hope they catch the guy that did it and prosecute him to the full extent of the law..........Will you condemn what the scumbags said about Tony Snow?

I hear very little condemnation about that by the left.......

I pray for Mrs Edwards every night.....She is a fine and courageous woman..........That said that is not what this thread is about......Do you condemn what your left wing friends said about Tony Snow?

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