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Lauren Boebert pushes bill to stop airport security from implementing transgender-friendly screening procedures (1 Viewer)


"If you ain't first, you're last"
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Apr 25, 2010
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What does ignorance, Irony and bigotry look like? Lauren Boebert

Lauren Boebert pushes bill to stop airport security from implementing transgender-friendly screening procedures​

Republican legislators introduced a bill in recent weeks attempting to stymie the Department of Homeland Security's attempt to make air travel easier for transgender travelers.

The bill, which was introduced by Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert, is titled the "Securing Americans from Transportation Insanity Act." The bill was first introduced on April 21, about three weeks after the Department of Homeland Security announced its plans on "Transgender Day of Visibility" to revamp airport security screenings.

According to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the department's proposed changes are "part of a whole-of-government effort to promote equity and inclusion in all our programs and processes."

Could you be a more vile bigoted delusional moron LMAO 🤦‍♂️

Boebert's bill is a showpiece for the hate filled right that will go no where, but then again what the Department of Homeland Security is doing is political correctness run amok.

Going through airport security, with all their procedures and so forth, is a truck load of mess but carving out transgenders with some sort of 'lets make it more friendly for them' while the TSA still runs around fondling kids... err, "pat-down"... tells you all you need to about this administration.

Again, this is the worst hill for modern liberalism to die on.
Boebert's bill is a showpiece for the hate filled right that will go no where,
agreed and it shouldnt go anywhere or be supported by any normal rational person
but then again what the Department of Homeland Security is doing is political correctness run amok.
What is the TSA doing that is political correctness run amok?
Again, this is the worst hill for modern liberalism to die on.
I don't see this as liberalism at all
Gotta love the clownish name for the bill: "Securing Americans from Transportation Insanity Act".

There's not much meat to this bill, so what problem is it trying to solve exactly? Will these new measures make the TSA work more difficult, or Americans less safe?
What does ignorance, Irony and bigotry look like? Lauren Boebert

Could you be a more vile bigoted delusional moron LMAO 🤦‍♂️
I'll ask the question: Why would a transgender person need special screening that no one else gets? I mean it's.....put your bag on the conveyor, take you shoes off, go through the scan, or decline and get a free massage.

Either everyone gets that same treatment or no one does.
Where will transgendered folks hide the explosives?

Didn’t Mr. Boebert submit to a volunteer “show your junk” inspection?

yep always the same routine with racist, bigots and nutters

they try t blam it on well being of the children, or protections against evil

in this case this is "inviting terrorists to take advantage of our weak and woke security systems" LMAO
Being that stupid has to be an act right? one cant be that stupid and walk around at the same time can they?
I'll ask the question: Why would a transgender person need special screening that no one else gets?
Youll have to ask the TSA and other countries that also do this why they do it . . .
My guess the OP already points out part of the issue

"Transgender people and activists have frequently cited difficulties going through airport security. According to a 2015 report from the National Center for Transgender Equality, more than 40% of respondents reported experiencing issues or discrimination at airport security checkpoints."

I mean it's.....put your bag on the conveyor, take you shoes off, go through the scan, or decline and get a free massage.
I mean are the TSA and other countries not doing what you mentioned anymore just transgender s? There's nothing in the OP about that

Either everyone gets that same treatment or no one does.
Does everybody get the same treatment now?
agreed and it shouldnt go anywhere or be supported by any normal rational person

What is the TSA doing that is political correctness run amok?

I don't see this as liberalism at all

I said the Department of Homeland Security (apparently the source of the idea) is creating "transgender friendly" screening procedures for the Transportation Security Administration to follow. And it suggests political correctness over actual TSA screening procedures to deal with a group that feels screening is unfriendly (presumably) but does not address how unfriendly it is for everyone else is my point.

That is modern liberalism run amok, on this train of thought from the administration it should not be long before "special groups" get special procedures whereas the rest of us are treated very differently.
I said the Department of Homeland Security (apparently the source of the idea) is creating "transgender friendly" screening procedures for the Transportation Security Administration to follow. And it suggests political correctness over actual TSA screening procedures to deal with a group that feels screening is unfriendly (presumably) but does not address how unfriendly it is for everyone else is my point.

That is modern liberalism run amok, on this train of thought from the administration it should not be long before "special groups" get special procedures whereas the rest of us are treated very differently.

Its just being nice. But I hear hear you. If it isn't cruel and belligerent, it cant pass muster with the right-wing.
Its just being nice. But I hear hear you. If it isn't cruel and belligerent, it cant pass muster with the right-wing.

Not a day goes by without someone assuming anything opposing this subject ends up putting me in the "right-wing" camp.

It is almost as if that matters more than the subject, about that duopoly fault I've been talking about.
What does ignorance, Irony and bigotry look like? Lauren Boebert

Could you be a more vile bigoted delusional moron LMAO 🤦‍♂️

The first thing that came to my mind, reading your OP, is a question: Why does DHS need to make changes? The article refers to a 2016 study in which 43% of respondents said they had issues when going through TSA checkpoints in airports. I wondered what those issue were, so I looked at the study. Here's what is shows...


So...the biggest issue is that the TSA employee used the wrong pronoun or title. Big deal. For this, DHS has to make major changes to their procedures?

btw, someone once got on board an plane by carrying explosives in their shoes. The result was everyone had to take their shoes off from then on. I wonder how easy it would be to carry explosives in a "packer"? Would it be too much of an inconvenience for transgenders to let TSA agents examine their packers for explosives? And wouldn't it be better to do that in a separate room? Oh...and if a woman who identifies as a man is having their packer examined for explosives, which gender of TSA agent is "the wrong gender"? I mean, do they want a male agent patting down the packer or a female agent patting down the packer?

Side note. I had to look up what a "packer" was. If you don't know, you should do the same. I had no idea they existed, but I can see why a female to male transgender person would use one.
I said the Department of Homeland Security (apparently the source of the idea) is creating "transgender friendly" screening procedures for the Transportation Security Administration to follow. And it suggests political correctness over actual TSA screening procedures to deal with a group that feels screening is unfriendly (presumably) but does not address how unfriendly it is for everyone else is my point.
That is modern liberalism run amok, on this train of thought from the administration it should not be long before "special groups" get special procedures whereas the rest of us are treated very differently.

You didnt really answer anything
Im asking what you are specifically claiming that political correctness run amok?
The first thing that came to my mind, reading your OP, is a question: Why does DHS need to make changes?
And the OP gives at least one reason

"Transgender people and activists have frequently cited difficulties going through airport security. According to a 2015 report from the National Center for Transgender Equality, more than 40% of respondents reported experiencing issues or discrimination at airport security checkpoints."

so if you need more youll have to ask the DHS and other countries why they are making the changes
like 13 or so countries have already made some of these changes the bill hilarious cries about.
has terrorism magically sky rocketed in those countries?
The article refers to a 2016 study in which 43% of respondents said they had issues when going through TSA checkpoints in airports. I wondered what those issue were, so I looked at the study. Here's what is shows...
SO again your question was answered
So...the biggest issue is that the TSA employee used the wrong pronoun or title. Big deal. For this, DHS has to make major changes to their procedures?
its funny that you think YOUR feelings (a person who is not trans) matter to this correction again when the DHS and other countries are making these changes for their reasons.

Let us know when you have something that actually matters and intellectually contributes to real discussion thanks!

. . . . .incoming meltdown and or dismissed post that addresses nothing in 3 . . . . . 2 . . .
Her bill is just another example of the GOP platform being based solely on culture wars...but it works with their base because it's easy stuff for them to get their heads around. Having said that the TSA thing sounds a tad much. Trans folk should never be discriminated against, nor should they be singled out for special treatment.
You didnt really answer anything
Im asking what you are specifically claiming that political correctness run amok?

Because only modern liberalism political correctness would aim to treat people differently claiming it is the right thing to do.
Because only modern liberalism political correctness would aim to treat people differently claiming it is the right thing to do.
so nothing specifically about what the US is doing or the other countries are doing it that is actually political correctness run amokon this issue? . . . . . got it
I was asking cause I might agree if you had something that I haven't seen anywhere but it seems you dont.
Heres the actual tinfoil hat bill that i also posted in the OP


No Federal funds may be obligated or expended by or for the Transportation Security Administration to modify Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to remove biologically determined sex-based screening procedures from security screening, including—
(1) updating the TSA PreCheck program to include an “X” gender marker option;
(2) replacing biologically determined sex-based screening Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) screening with gender-neutral AIT screening;
(3) promoting the use and acceptance of the “X” gender marker;
(4) updating airport security checkpoint SOP to remove biologically determined sex and sex-based considerations when validating a traveler’s identification at such checkpoints;
(5) requiring U.S. Customs and Border Protection to use gender-neutral language and an individual’s self-identified pronouns or name; or
(6) updating the Trusted Traveler Programs application form to add an “X” gender marker option.

Oh noes . . . not X gender marker options!!!!!!!!! lets block it, YEAH that will stick it to the terrorist!!!!!!!!
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What does ignorance, Irony and bigotry look like? Lauren Boebert

Could you be a more vile bigoted delusional moron LMAO 🤦‍♂️

Securing Americans from Transportation Insanity Act?

I am so ashamed of the Republican Party. How childish.
Question for men - would you prefer to be patted down by a woman or a man? Does it matter how they identify? Would your preference be based on sex or presentation/identification?

I would like to see an end to the draconian TSA policies in general.
This is no shock. The GOP is openly anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ+. She's just keeping it visible.
This is no shock. The GOP is openly anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ+. She's just keeping it visible.
And quietly all of those things…..

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