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Larry King Live psychics (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2005
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Vincennes IN
Political Leaning

I watched Larry King live last night with Sylvia Brown and two other so called psychics. I just don't buy into it. People called in with questions and one psychic said I will take your name and number and call you back. I think it is a big scam. I don't believe people can talk to the dead or read other peoples future. Although, I do believe in intuition, but I think that is based on a lot of different factors including environment. I just can't believe so many people believe that stuff.
alphieb said:

I watched Larry King live last night with Sylvia Brown and two other so called psychics. I just don't buy into it. People called in with questions and one psychic said I will take your name and number and call you back. I think it is a big scam. I don't believe people can talk to the dead or read other peoples future. Although, I do believe in intuition, but I think that is based on a lot of different factors including environment. I just can't believe so many people believe that stuff.

alphie, there are so many things that people people in that I cannot fathom. Remember that African American woman who claimed to be a psychic? She had an accent, I think from Trinidad. Anyway, she made millions because so many people were calling her for her psychic powers.
aps said:
alphie, there are so many things that people people in that I cannot fathom. Remember that African American woman who claimed to be a psychic? She had an accent, I think from Trinidad. Anyway, she made millions because so many people were calling her for her psychic powers.

Miss Cleo!!

I do believe that some people possess low level psychic powers, but nothing to the level that people like Sylvia Browne and the like profess to claim. But some people want to believe in that stuff so badly, they'll believe anything they hear. I saw the thing on Larry King as well, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the people calling in.....
Stace said:
Miss Cleo!!

I do believe that some people possess low level psychic powers, but nothing to the level that people like Sylvia Browne and the like profess to claim. But some people want to believe in that stuff so badly, they'll believe anything they hear. I saw the thing on Larry King as well, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the people calling in.....

Stacy, admit it--you called Miss Cleo, didn't you? :lol:
aps said:
Stacy, admit it--you called Miss Cleo, didn't you? :lol:

Nah...but I did go to a palm reader once. Because it was my birthday and my friend dragged me in there and she paid for it. Hey, you can't pass stuff up if it's free, right? My friend took it totally seriously, too, but everything she told me, I could have told you beforehand. :doh

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